viernes, el 3 de octubre de 2014

And from the lil'man...buenos tardes!!

That great smile was with us for  most of the day...except for the wackiest of wackiest moments post siesta.

Max wakes up and is a-ok and then madre takes over. All is going well until Max has a Max moment and then pinches his madre...very hard. It hurt and it made Bex sad because Max does this every now and then, and it made her cry because the pinch friggin hurt!!

Max says sorry but that is not enough and I step into the room and Bex leaves. Max and I chat it up and I can see he is upset, and then the tears flow and he asks for an abrazo.

We hug it out and all he can blubber is that he "likes to hit the pillows". Huh? Ok Max, but you cannot pinch or hit your madre.

He calms down enough and Bex takes over, but there are more tears and more requests for pillow hitting.

I am headed out to el gimnasio and Bex says she is a-ok, so off I go. Upon my return I read a note from Bex and she thinks we missed a cue from the lil'man...he was one hungry lil'dude. He polished off a huge lunch and seemed to be back to his normal fiesty, but no so emotional, self.


As for the rest of the día...a 825pm lights out...right on schedule!! And during the noche? One panale pit stop and other then that, a solid nights sleep!! Score for both of The Boys!!

And with cooler temps having returned over night, the a/c was off at 2am and we did not even have to open the window until 7am when we woke up.

Usual AM rutinas for us....videos and then tranquilo time with Poppa in the Palacio. We ate a large desayunos with most of it consumed in the Palacio. I enjoy the time there as we chat it up and I get to see how the lil'man thinks about things while he plays with his jugetes, toys.

As we were cleaning up the Palacio, I hear this scampering of little feet, followed by the words "sorry Rexy, sorry Rexy". I go investigate and find that Max has tossed his dinosaur figure under the bed. Why? He could not tell me and I still do not know. What an interesting character this Max Van.

Max is off huevos fritos...huh? But he ate a good breakfast and then after clean up, we were off for a bici tour.

First stop was a dulceria, a sweet store, that stocks all the good for fiestas, including piñatas. Max picked out the one he wants for his fiesta...and here it is.

Nice choice Max, the Minion piñata!!

We continued wheeling around centro and then headed back to the camioneta verde...hola hola to our Soriana trip!!

No scores, but we did load up on some great looking cerdo and some molida res for some Bubba chili!!

Max was well behaved but while I was loading groceries onto the cart, Max was playing on the toy helicoptero and managed to stick his finger into a hole on the skid. I am only 25 feet away and heard a yelp followed by a "Poppa Poppa".

I could see that he hadn't fallen, but what he did, I had no idea until I got there. I bolted over and found out that his finger had been stuck, but was now free.

His heart was racing a mile a minute...but after an abrazo and some time with his Poppa, he was a-ok again. Yikes.

We loaded up the groceries and headed home for leche y libros...and soem wacky attitude thrown in. Yikes.

A good siesta and then the other wackiness happened. Me? Thrilled to make it to el gimnasio and make it home in one piece!!

All caught up...onto the fotos.

To keep Max calm, I get him dressed in the living room, and then pre-tour or prowl, we wait on the landing for his madre, so we can say hasta pronto.

This is why you have been seeing all the landing poses.

Here is Señor Serio waiting for his madre.

And with this smile, you know who has come out the front door. Hola hola madre!!

No matter what, someone LOVES his madre!!

And then I get the Marky Mark Calvin Klein commercial?

I just liked the sun shining on him, so I took these 2 fotos.

We had ridden past this restaurante when someone inside yelled out "hola Max". I asked him to go back and peek in to see who it was and here he plays peek a boo with a señora that knows him.

Oh oh. Flat tire alert!! I am sure Max will want to take a good look at this situation.

From many angles too.

Ok...papas are boiling. Time to get the chuletas de cerdo y elote dorado ready to go.

Back at you post tina time.

Hasta pronto.

Buenos noches!!

And with leche y libros under way, it will be 30 minutos until Poppa goes in to close the show!!

Bex y Max had a fun afternoon at playa Santa Cruz, but had a little stress dealing with a señora in regards to the restaurante we want to use for Max's fiesta.

We need to occupy the niños, so either we spend a lot of pesos and use the hotel, or we spend waaaaay less and rent a bouncy castle, have it set up at the restaurante and go from there.

After lots of attitude and not listening to Bex, she dropped the "ok, we will just go somewhere else" and the bee-atch changed her tune.

Look, we don't want the sales pitch. We are bringing you $3000-$5000 pesos in business for 2 horas.

But after dealing with her, the familia had a good afternoon and then came home for la cena. Some videos, dessert and then The Boys went out for a post cena bici tour, giving madre some time to recharge the pilas, batteries.

Into tina time and ta da...that has been our día.


We have been invited to Marcos Jr's birthday party and mañana we will meet his padre, Marcos, at the gate and he will lead us deep in sector H3, where many of the trabajadores of Huatulco live.

It is an honor to be invited and I get the sense that Marcos might be a little nervous about having us see his humble abode.

He stopped by at 445pm and needed to borrow a little money until the end of the month. I have become a revolving bank for Marcos and Marciano as they borrow money and then pay it back after pay day which is the 15th and 30th of the month.

Silverio borrowed some pesos for some new shoes for the kids to return to school in and Hector borrowed some pesos a few months back and is the only one I have to go ask about repayment. Maybe, maybe next week.

The guys are so shy when they knock on the door, but I make it painless for them, just asking how much and when will I see it returned.

Today I had a chat with Marcos and told him I am trying to figure out why the CP trabajadores cannot make it to the next paycheck without coming to visit me in B10. He did not mind telling me that his take home pay is $3000 pesos on the 15th and another $3000 on the 30th. Marcos, his wife y niño are living off $513 CDN/month. Yikes.

Out of that he pays $1500 pesos in rent and also has all the other expenses of luz, agua, panales and of course comida, food.

We pay around $7200 pesos/month for the items we buy twice a week at Che and/or Soriana...more then Marcos makes in a month. No wonder we see so many peeps living off tortillas and Cola, which they think is healthy for them.

Any who, I am going to see if there is a way to at least let all the CP owners know how little the trabajadores earn, in the hopes that something can change at their next HOA meeting in diciembre.

I gave Marcos $1000 pesos, confirming he will pay it back at the end of the month, and then gave him another $500 and told him it was so he could feel a little less stress as he is paying for this fiesta mañana.

The look of appreciation made it all worth while.

Ok, off to take care of the lil'man.

Buen fin de semana y hasta mañana.

Marco, Bexico y Max

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