jueves, el 9 de octubre de 2014

Hide the niño.

We were at INM...trip #9 or #10 I think...and Max's new game is to pile up all the pillows from all 3 couches. Today he disappeared under them and then laughed and laughed when his Poppa sat on them asking "where is Max?".

Buenos tardes!!

Currently 415pm and we are on a stretch of 8 mainly sunny días!! Less humido and some viento as well...maybe, oh maybe, we are done with stinking hot season!!

We switched things up last night and Bex had the sleep with a few interruptions...she had Max watch!! I had a pretty good catch up sleep, but I too had my own wake ups...I think my body is now programmed for wake ups. Yikes!!

The lil'man was awake at 6am but madre let me sleep in until 720am. Score!! Max walks into the otra bedroom and wakes his Poppa up in a kind way. Nice to see his smiling face first thing in the morning...a morning that is not 6am!! Ja ja ja

Bex headed off to get more sleep and The Boys started their morning!! Tranquilo time and desayunos in the Palacio and then once we were all done and cleaned up, into the camioneta verde we went.

Off to Santa Cruz as ayer we had received an email from INM saying that Bex's application has been approved!! Yahoo!!

We parked the truck, pulled out the bici and off we went. There was one hombre waiting at INM when we arrived, and a couple being taken care of. It turned out that the hombre waiting was a black man, as duly pointed out by Max as we arrived..."look Poppa, a black man".

Yes Max, he is another of our amigos and Max went over and shook his hand!!

We waited and waited, and Max ran around and ran around...that and a little pillow redecorating. Due to the wait, we almost left, but just as we were ready to casco up, the couple left and the hombre ahead of us only needed 5 minutos. Score!!

All we needed was the bill so we can go to the banco and pay up, and that only took 5 minutos as well.

We headed to the truck, parked in front of the banco, when we passed some amigos in the Santa Cruz zocalo.

We turned back and said hola hola to Sue, our maestra de español, her husband Robbie and a yoga teacher with the stretchiest skin I have ever seen, Susan.

I had not seen them in a long time and maybe even longer since they had seen Max. They were a little shocked at how big he has become and were very interested in his bici. Max did a little demo and then when I asked him to come over and show the bici to our amigos, he wheeled over, got off and picked up the bici and handed it to them.

I love that little rutina he has!!!

Running late as we needed to be at the estancia infantile at 11am...hola hola to play group!! We raced to banco, paid the bill and received our copy.

Mañana Bex will need to go back to INM with 2 copies and the original, get her fingerprints taken (oh oh...hee hee hee) and then wait and wait some more for her tarjeta to arrive.

Post banco we headed to the school to meet up with Bex. And then the wheels fell off the bus again. These peeps told us the niños play outside at 10am...the first visit they did not come out at all. Then they said 11am...but not mañana (miercoles) as there was a fiesta for a niño.

So we came back today and....there is another fiesta. Argh.

Max does not want to go into the school and we cannot accompany him. All he wants to do is play on the casas but with no other niños there, that does not fit in with the plan.

Having already been up 5 hours, we decided to take him home for leche, libros and siesta...and we will try again mañana. Argh.

Bex bici'd home, stopping off to buy some camarones for camarone viernes, and The Boys took the truck back home.

We met madre there and upstairs we went for the rutina and then Poppa came in at 1150am, scooped up the lil'man who did NOT want to go in for his siesta. But by noon he was asleep in my arms and I passed over the package to Bex who does a much better job of plopping him onto the bed.

A good siesta for The Boys!! I was pooped, so I joined in on some chill room action and Bex woke me up at 130pm. Score!!

Max woke up right after...and wowzers was he crusty and cranky. It took 20 minutos for him to resemble the happy niño we know and love, and Bex tells me that he must have been hungry again as he ate a huge lunch.

I was off to el gimnasio and then came home to say hola hola to the familia who were chilling in the CP alberca.

I headed upstairs for some clean up time and then helped corral Max as Bex got ready for a play date. It seems the owner of Tic Toc is closing that Palacio down, looking for a place with cheaper rent (she is charged rent by her in-laws!!), but will be open for 2 hours today.

So the familia is out and will be back at 530pm for pollo muslo jueves!!

All caught up...onto the fotos.

Yes, the landing poses!!

Sultry Max!!

Next to the banco Max has found his amigos have all returned.

Geared up and tired of waiting for his Poppa. Oh Max!!

Pointing to the taco truck.

Max wanted to ride his bici in this area...so the bici was tossed in.

But quickly realizing this was no area to bici in, Max will now work on extricating the bici.

And now to extricate himself.


Looks like a miau?

Oh no...that was one big hiss as Max wheeled up on his bici.

Ok, you know the rutina. Back at you post tina time.

Hasta pronto!!

Hola hola!! Just back from an awesome post cena bici tour!!! We missed having madre with us, she took some tranquilo time, but The Boys said hola hola to a dozen taxistas and we ended up at a panificadora where we reached into our past and bought a rollo canela to share.

As soon as it was on the tray, Max said we needed to go to the parque to eat it. I gave him the pesos to pay the caja and he said "gracias" to the señorita there and the one who wrapped it up for us.

He immediately sat on the step and wanted one piece, before we loaded up the bici and sat on a banco in the zocalo.

As I pulled out the rollo, Max turns to me and says "I love you Poppa"...almost like I need to hear that for him to get some rollo canela!! Hilarious.

I pick out all the pasas for him and he tells me he now likes the "white", the pastry part. Oh, mi hijo is growing up!! I used to score on all the pastry y goo...no mas!! Ja ja ja

Home for tina time, leche y libros and now bed time is upon us.

Bex y Max had fun at Tic Toc and Max ate a huge plateful of cena...phew!!

Ok, have a great viernes!! Wish us well with the estancia infantile y stay tuned!!

Hasta mañana.

Marco, Bexico y Max

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