martes, el 21 de octubre de 2014

Buenos tardes!! And after those two fotos were taken, Max proclaimed that he was done allowing me to take fotos, because "you take fotos upstairs". Yessir!!

Currently, where did this day go?

We had some rain last night but with some mix of sol y nube this morning, it dried up enough for the bici tour. Phew. Currently the nubes obscura have rolled in and the familia might experience some lluvia during their adventura to playa Entrega. Max really wants to swim!!

The health of the familia? Max is in the best shape of all of us and Bex y Poppa are fighting some tos y gripe. Argh. The meds are helping us get through this, but thank goodness there are two of us to keep watch over the ball of energy we call Max. Oh my, he is spirited!!

The noche? A good bed time and a fairly uneventful night. The usual requests for manos and for a hand on his back...I might replace the hand on the back with a bag of uncooked frijoles...he would never know the difference!!

But what up with Max yelling out "Momma" at 630am?

Bex had the night watch as I tried to mend myself via a good sleep, and thus I took over max watch at 7am and onto the rutinas we went.

Bex was back to sleep and at 9am when she wanted to be awake, I went in to check on her and she was fast asleep with the iPad on her chest. She is ill...more sleep is not a bad thing!!

The Boys did their morning rutinas and watched some videos together. Today we saw some pumpkins and in one tractor video there was a windmill in the background and of course Max asked me "what is that?".

So onto YouTube and we found THIS little video from The Netherlands. Hola hola to the Kinderdijk.

I enjoy sitting down with Max and picking his brain on what he sees and knows in the videos. There was one with a robot that we had met yesterday in a different video and Max was able to recall the robot as well as what the storyline had been...the robot does not know his colors.

Post videos and post big desayunos (yahoo), we geared up and had a nice bici tour before returning to the camioneta verde, loading up the bici and heading off to Fonatur y Che.

No scores at Che but we did grab almost everything off our list...muy raro.

Home for leche y libros and then after 10 minutos con padre y 10 con madre...Max was lights out by 1205pm or so.

I climbed in next to Max and did some web browsing before deciding that a lil'nap with Max would be a good idea to help me recharge my batterias.

I was out at 1240pm and figured I would wake up at 130pm when Max did....ahhhhh no. Can you say 210pm for all three of us? Three of us? Bex came in at 140pm to wake up Max and when he did not stir after she nudged him, she made the right call and came in and joined us!! Familia nap....score!!

Up for comida and some Caillou and off they have gone.

And as they headed out the door I asked Max what musica they will listen to on the 10 minuto drive to playa Entrega. He replied "Bob Marley"...Bex's usual cruising tunes.

So, at 310pm, you are all caught up on the tranquilo día. I am about to have a tranquilo afternoon, hacking away with this stupid tos, but before then, here are the fotos.

Blogger note...a reminder that I am NOT an you can tell by my speling and gramer (lol). I managed to take a bunch of fotos on the 3rd floor landing and have included most of them.

¿Por que? Because I think each one is uniquely different and they help show the many different sides of the lil'hombre.


Post bici tour and someone was pooped out.

Ok, back at you post tina time.

Hasta pronto.

Buenos noches!! I better type fast as we might have a power outage soon. Lots of thunder, lightning and lluvia!!

Currently 730pm and leche y libros is under way. We had a good dinner and happy to report that Max's appetite is almost back to normal. Yahoo!! We ended up not needing the last set of meds for him and feel good that we waited.

Post cena we had a familia prowl in what was light lluvia. Having had such a long siesta, we felt we needed to get Max out for a little while or else it could be one very long bed time. Fingers crossed...buen suerte.

A super fun walk as he led us around and was carrying his lil'guy paraguas. Lots of peeps saying hola to him and Max being selective as to who he would say hola back to and who he would choque.

As for the afternoon....too cold at the playa. The water temp is great but if you get out to jump off the wall, as Max likes to do over and over, you catch a chill and a good case of the Max did.

So after a short time at the playa, Bex borrowed an idea from her co-partner and she took Max to Soriana!!

A little fun in the aisles and then Max wanted to know why he was not allowed to ride the grocery belt at the checkout...he does with his Poppa. Ojo ojo!!

Home to watch his Poppa cook up some very tender rib eyes from Poopie Loopie, and then onto la cena.

And that mis amigos, was our día.

Popping and drinking lots of meds and hoping this thing turns a corner and mañana both Bex and I are feeling better.

Have a great miercoles y hasta mañana.

Marco, Bexico y Max

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