domingo, el 26 de octubre de 2014

¿Dos manos? Oh, someone is giving out a very passionate beso!!

Buenos tardes and welcome to lap 31 out of 500!! Yahoo....race domingo!!

Currently 222pm and with the casa cleaned up, a Gorilla cheese in my belly and the familia at a fiesta it is time to watch the race.

Great news...I am feeling the best that I have in 2 weeks!! It must be due to Bex taking the past 4 noche shifts with the lil'man, allowing me a better sleep. Muchos gracias mi amor!!

But great sleeps did not let me sleep in today and as the sun rose today, so did Bubba. The challenge is that yesterday the sun rose at 7am and today it was 6am...doph.

Misc tid know the humidity levels have really dropped when your piso, floor, is dry 5 minutos after mopping it vs the 15-20 it can take when the humido is at 85%.

Back to the day...Max was awake at 615am!! Yahoo....until you turn the clock back and that becomes 515am. I tucked madre in at 6am and The Boys started their morning...waaaay early.

Max wanted into the Palacio at 630am, a full hour earlier then normal, so off we went and out came all the Lego, wood blocks and large plastic blocks.

Lots of play time during desayunos, but having been up so early, the lil'man was getting antsy and we had not finished fruta yet...doph.

Out came the educational videos and that keeps him focused. I love hearing him talk about ll of the things he recognizes, sometimes shouting out words like "rhombus" and then "robot".

We finished a large breakfast, yahoo, and then got us set up for our bici tour and a swim when we returned.

Hola hola to madre and off into the sunny day we went. Not too hot due to a lil'viento, but still warm enough for Max to drink up almost all of his agua.

Our destination was an Oxxo near Che and we would go down the median and try and stay in the sombra as much as possible.

A good tour but I get the sense that Max wished I would walk faster...or get a bici!! But there are long stretches of sidewalk that allow Max to zoom zoom and then he ether comes back to me or impatiently waits for me to catch up.

We made it to Oxxo and I asked Max what I should buy and he said "Cola" and after swigging some Coca Light, we headed back. We made it 5 meters before Tony rolled up on his moto and we pit stopped for Max y Tony to chat it up.

Tony LOVES his daughter, but I get the sense he would have enjoyed having un hijo tambien. The amigos chatted up how old Max is..."casi tres" was the reply, and then talked about the fiesta coming up next week.

Adios to Tony and back to the median and as I saw someone approaching on a bici, I asked Max if it was his madre. The reply? No, that is just a guy from Fonatur. And as the "guy" rode by, he said "hola Max"...of course he did.

I expected to see madre out on her bici and ta da...there she was. Pit stop to say hola hola and exchange some sweaty besitos, and the plan was to meet her back at the CP alberca.

Only a few minutos later, someone said they had tired legs. Doph. We were a 10 minuto bici ride from home and maybe a 25 minuto prowl.

Max walked his bici for a while and then Poppa carried it for a while and then we did the exchange a few more times before we came home "stinking hot"!!

Pee break and a full bottle of leche before we changed into swim gear and found Bex waiting for us.

The familia swim did not last long as Max threw his gafas at his madre...not maliciously but we do not throw things at people and he know that.

Bex made the right call, one that would make Max truly realize the mistake he had made, and she said adios to us. Doph. Max LOVES his madre and his swim time with her, and he truly did miss her...for 5 minutos until we went scuba diving and did some jumps off his Poppa.

It was 11am'ish when we made it upstairs and that meant Max had been awake for almost 6 horas, and it was starting to show.

Off for leche y libros and some tranquilo time and I managed to scoop him up with out a fuss (nice!!) at 1130am. Bex came in early and Max was lights out 10 minutos later. Score!!

Even though I had been awake since 6am, it was really 7am and due to my improving health, I did not need a siesta. I did share the chill room with the lil'man and sorted through some 200 fotos to come up with the 41 you will see in today's blog.

Max had a great siesta and it might have been even longer if we did not reach the 130pm time limit!! He had the fiesta to go to and if we let him sleep longer...oh oh to tonight's bed time!!

He was in a pretty good mood when he was woke up, complaining about a sore sole of his foot though. Hmmmm?

Walking to the fiesta was out, might be sweaty if they take the bici...hola hola to the camioneta verde!! Max seemed a-ok with that and off the familia went.

Currently 3pm and we are on lap 189!! Our sunny day looks like it might soon become overcast as some nubes are coming in from over the montañas. Doph.

Onto the fotos.

Pre-tour poses.

I am not sure who he is scowling at here.

But whomever it is, they now get the "tough guy, eh?" look.

Waiting for Poppa to pull the bici out of the truck...time to take a load off the legs.

Doph...touched cloth on that one!!

Oh yes, el sol was shining today!!

Note the 2 señoritas waiting in anticipation.

And they were rewarded for their wait!!

There is a cross walk sign behind us, but almost NO drivers here stop for pedestrians.

Safely on the median, off we go.

Spot the niño?

Coming back to his Poppa. Max used to return in a hurry when he saw "peeps", but has lost that inhibition a while back.

On his bici and with the freedom to zoom zoom, Max is one muy contento y feliz niño!!

Checked in with Poppa, and off we go again.

More peeps checking out the lil'man as he wheels by them.

Note the position of Max's head. Wonder why we are often warning him about peeps he is about to run over?

Hot, stinking hot.

Checking out the ambulancia racing down the calle.

Showing his Poppa where when he was "just a lil'guy", he scraped his cheek while riding his bici.

And a reenactment tambien.

After meeting madre, she got in on the act tambien!!

And then all of a sudden, someone lost his steam.

From ayer at playa Mojon.

While Bubba fires up the carbon, Max y madre have some playa time.

Max has just seen a fantasma, ghost!!

Naaaah...probably a turkey buzzard!! Hee hee hee.

And with his madre following closely behind, off Max goes.

A quick tour to the end of the dirt road before we headed home para la cena.

Talking about la cena, in 2 more hours it will be oh so yummy pollo reggiano!!

All caught up, back at you post tina time.

Hasta pronto!!

Wow...what a great race that was!! Close racing, some fender rubbing and Junior Nation will be happy with his win. And he gets the grandfather clock trophy he has wanted for so long!!

Buenos noches!! I spent 2 more hours watching the race and then spent some time deciphering all the stories Max had to tell about the fiesta he had been to.

Bex says they had a great time and that after a short while of wanting his madre to join in on the playing, Max was a-ok running around with all the other niños...who all speak only español!!

And during piñata time, I guess there is a song that is sung every time a new niño goes up to try and wack the piñata, and Bex says that after the 3rd niño, Max was singing the song along with every one else...en español of course!!

Dale, dale, dale.
No pierdas el tino.
Porque si lo pierdes.
Pierdes el camino.
Ya le dista una.
Ya le dista dos.
Ya le dista tres.
Y tu tiempo se acaba.

Onto dinner and again Max ate a full helping!! Score!! An attempt at a FT con Oma y Opa...we can see each other and we can hear them, but they cannot hear us...doph.

Onto some videos and dessert and by then it is 610pm and already dark out. We have not been out on the bici during night time, so we decided The Boys would go for a walk and check it out.

Max LOVED being out at night and we sang our version of a song that makes Max feel safe..."walking in the dark, walking in the dark, I am not afraid, I am not afraid...". Off around centro we went, looking at la luna numerous times as well as all the lamparas that we do not normally see during the day time.

You gotta understand, Max really hasn't been out at night much in his short life. Awake in the dark but we stay in his room until day light and until yesterday, all of our post cena tours or prowls have been done before the sun set.

So the lil'guy was excited and did not ask to be carried at all. As we were headed into SCA for some agua he did mention needing  to pee...yikes.

Too far from bushes around...into a dark parking lot we went!! Scared off a few iguanas and maybe a tarantula or two and ta da...we didn't even pee on his foot!!

A lil'gel in the manos and off to SCA we went!!

Home for tina time, poo time (huh?), leche y libros and we are onto bed time. Max had a full day so we are hoping lights out comes quickly...that and it is already 845pm "yesterday time". Stay tuned.

Mañana...back to el gimnasio for the first time in over a week!! Buen suerte Poppa!!

Have a great lunes y hasta mañana.

Marco, Bexico y Max

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