jueves, el 23 de octubre de 2014

Buenos tardes and let's start off with a Maxo Waxo 3 pack of fotos!!

Sultry, sensitive and bad ass!!

Ok...happy to report I had a very good night's sleep...minus the one hour of non-stop hacking. Argh...the tos!!

So right now I feel good except for the lingering cough and the fact that it does not let me sleep during siesta time. Argh. Max? He slept right through my coughing. Of course he did.

I have popped more meds and had a drink of some meds tambien and I am hoping the cough subsides and maybe I have a little snooze while the familia is off to the CP alberca or on their play date to the trampolina.

As for the day so far...lots of excitement due to Poppa not checking the mailbox in a week and thus not seeing the CFE bill and thus having our electricity cut off. Whoa...The Policia de Electricidad are very strict here!!

More on that later.

So...a good bed time and a good noche in the sense that Max woke up at 1230am and asked his madre if he could go do a "squirt". That meant he did not have the full bladder at 530am or 6am and thus he slept in until 630am. Score!!

But...he LOVES his manos and that kept madre from getting a good night's sleep. Oh yes, no manos needed at night is on the list of things a 3 year old will soon be learning about!!

Poppa woke up by himself...lil'man busy "doing my apps" as he says, but I took over at 7am and off to our rutinas we went.

Bex back to bed and after changing the bed sheets of the big bed (someone forgot he was wearing ginchies...doph), into the Palacio for block building and desayunos.

A great desayunos..."may I please have more fruit please Poppa?" and then off we went for our bici tour. The plan was to meet madre at the estancia infantile at 11am as Max made mention that he would like to go back to play group.

Off to the panificadora to order the 70 pingüinos for the fiesta and un pastel de chocolate for Max's actual birthday.

Next off was the papeleria for a few more sheets for invites and then we toured to the dulceria to check on the minion piñata.

Good news...the piñata was ready so I told the not so amable señora that I would return soon.

And then as we rounded the corner in this out of the way section of town, we heard "hola hola familia" and were accosted by the sweaty monster known as Momma Bex.

Ok, we were not accosted, but oh was she sweaty.

What as she doing here? Looking for me to tell me about the electricity being cut off. At this point I was thinking it was a CFE issue and I headed home to take care of it while Bex y Max wheeled off to the estancia infantile.

I get home and realize there is a new bill in the buzon, mailbox, doph. I jump into the camioneta and head to the CFE oficina and the señorita tells me to pay the bill and the $90 peso reconexion charge.

She followed me to the casita de caja and I asked her how long before the luz would be back, and she says 3 horas. Yikes. No a/c for Max's siesta...no chill for the fridge...no internet...yikes again.

Anything you can do to help? Ahhhhh...no.

Back into the truck and I picked up the minion before heading to say hola hola to Bex y Max. Hmmm...it looks like this joining play group at 11am is not working like we hoped it would. Instead of playing with the otro niños, Max plays by himself and then comes looking for us.

I know some (or most) of you are saying "you just need to leave him alone...walk away" and at some point that may happen, but we are waiting until Max is a little older. Stay tuned.

By 1120am it was decided by all of us that enough was enough and I loaded the bici into the camioneta verde and Max y Bex rode off on her bici.

We are thinking we might need to head to G10 and use their a/c for Max's siesta, but here is where the CFE story takes a turn.

One of the paybacks to lending pesos to the CP trabajadores is the fact that Hector either knows someone who can turn our luz back on, or did it himself once he saw a copy of our paid bill.

So 10 minutos after arriving home...the power was back. Yahoo!!

Leche y libros and then Max had a good siesta and post siesta he helped his madre make some more of the oh so yummy panque de platano (it will be ready in 20 minutos) and then settled in for some comida and Caillou.

Ok, all caught up...onto the fotos.

Dude...do you see that?

Max calls the moth "the most beautiful mariposa I have seen".

And then it adios's itself.

Hear the stories of niños chasing their soccer balls into traffic? How about niños chasing moths off of 3rd floor landings?

He knows better and it still took that long to get him down. I need 4 ojos when he is out of the casa!!

Maybe as his way of saying lo siento, I am allowed to take a few fotos.

And that offer quickly comes to an end.

These next 3 were taken as Max explains to his madre what happened this morning on the bed...forgetting he was wearing ginchies.

On our tour and lots available to buy. Aprons and sillas para niños.

The sign of a good panificadora...not one but two vagabundos out front?

The owner of the bakery chatted us up and she blames the poor people for all the vagabundos.

Pensive Max thinking about the invitacion he has just received to Mia's fiesta.

Doph...brain freeze!!

It must be octubre...the escaleras are back in town.

This contraption drew Max's attention...it is used to sharpen knives and scissors.

Ok, you know the gig...back at you post tina time.

Hasta pronto.

Hmmmm...just woken up by a lil'niño who is bringing his padre some panque de platano for The Boys to share in bed. Score!!

Buenos noches!! The afternoon really flies by when you have taken not only the correct amount of meds, but the right combination that allows you to finally fall asleep without coughing!!

Yup, while Max y Bex were at the CP alberca...Bubba slept and then when they came home and headed out to the mall and it's trampolina...Bubba slept.

I did wake up in time to get the pollo muslo into the horno, bring out Veronica and get the casa cleaned up.

Max y Bex had a fun time at the play date, Max having a tear after The Princess yelled "NO" into his face. She is a 3 year old bag...who is going to turn into a bully if someone does not give her some guidance. Yikes.

Home for a good dinner and with 1/2 a plato left to go, Max said he was done. After a few Shawn the Train videos with his padre, the plato was clear!! A big dinner always makes me feel good about Max's health.

Bex looked pooped and is fighting the tos as well. so she got the "pass" and stayed home during the post cena tour. Oh, she would have loved to join us, but 25 minutos of tranquilo time before tina time can be a blessing!!

We had a fun tour and hola hola'd a bunch of peeps. The seasons have changed and we are seeing lots of caucasian touristas in town...beers in hand.

Home for the tina time, leche y libros and bed time is right around the corner.

Mañana? Soriana viernes and I continue to hold out hope that this friggin tos disappears.

Have a great Friday y hasta mañana.

Marco, Bexico y Max

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