jueves, el 16 de octubre de 2014

Buenos tardes from an overcast and windy playa Mojon!!

We have had a mainly overcast day and even managed to squeak in a few drops of lluvia this morning.

How are we doing? Hmmmmm? Max's tos seems to be a little bit better, poco mejor, but he still does not have much of an appetite and after a few mouthfuls of fruta at desayunos, it came up.

He did eat a ton of Cheerios and most of a galleta given to him by a cute lil'amiga who even laid a beso on his cheek.

There was more talk of a sore belly and it really came into play on our trip to the playa. But once here, he seems good and even ate a pretty good lunch.

Game plan? Bex called Doc Vicky and she says to hang on as everything might be related to his throat infection, but we have concern about his belly and lack of eating. Oh...his business this morning was not a healthy consistency.

So we will wait until mañana and see how it goes but we think we need to get his poop tested to see if he has a bug, and if he does, we have the meds for that. If it is not a bug we need to look deeper into what is causing him bell grief. Stay tuned.

Bex seems a-ok and has lots of leads for work, which always seems to lift some weight off her shoulders.

I am pretty good and think I am almost over the bug. Still a little tired and edgy along with a few muscle aches. But...almost better I hope.

The día? After last nights yak fest, I was thrilled that we had a good noche. A few wake ups but waaaay less then the past few nights. The tos was not around at night and he did not start coughing until after his leche.

And with a 705am wake up, he still managed almost 10 hours of sleep.

Usual rutinas for us but due to the lack of eating, we spent more time in the Palacio as Max nibbled away on the Cheerios.

The plan was for a bici ride to run some errands and then off to the bufadero...but as we got outside, the light showers arrived. Doph.

The errands took a while...hola hola to SCA for some pan, Foto Conejo for the invites (they look great), the papeleria for better glue (I ruined 3 invites using liquid glue...stick to the stick) and then off to Poopie Loopie for some meat y pollo.

At the casa, we dropped off the bici and the goods and then loaded into the camioneta verde...but had run out of time for the bufadero. I had plan #2 ready and Max was ready for going to somewhere he had never been before.

There is a road on the far side of playa Chahue and we parked there and after saying hola hola to 2 different taxis full of peeps from the cruise ship in town, Max and I hoofed down a hill and onto a nice pathway.

Onto a dock to look at the fish and if you looked carefully, you could see fish jumping out of the water.

The showers returned so we headed back to the truck and back home for leche y libros. Right about then Max decided he did not want anything to do with his Poppa. It might have been because as we started walking up the stairs to the 3rd floor, he complained about sore legs.

I told him I was sorry his legs were sore, but also asked how come they were not sore on his bici or only minutes ago while we were prowling the docks.

He huffed at me and then ran up the stairs calling out his madres name to let her know he had sore legs.

Post leche it was time for siesta and that meant I had the first 10 minutos...but he ran to his madre telling her he did not want me.

Bex scooped him up and chatted with him and then passed the defiant one into my arms and off we went. Oh...it was a joy having him in my arms telling me he did not want me and asking where his madre was.

The ten minutos flew by...one second after another...tic toc tic toc...but Bex came in, closed the show, and Max had a great siesta, almost 90 minutos again.

We were waiting for a post siesta decision on going to playa Mojon...no fun in the rain...but with no rain and cloudy skies, the playa was a go.

Pack up (gracias Bex), load up and off we went. You know how the trip went and I am hoping the ride home goes better...please oh please.

Currently 425pm and the familia have strolled down the playa with the big plastic bat in hand...perros beware!!

Onto the fotos.

I wonder where Señor Serio gets his serious look from? I wonder what Max is doing in this foto?

Two peas from the same pod.

Look...she has crazy ojos!!

Ready to go and with an expression like that, you might not be surprised that Max told me he was NOT going to say hola hola to anyone.

Playa Chahue.

Typical Fonatur...a pretty nice walk way hidden from everyone...and in the middle of no where.

And then there is the other side of the walk way.

A nice marina, well protected from del mar, and with one of Huatulco's many deserted casas.

Tourists from the cruise ship that is in town visiting for a few hours.

These next peeps said we lived in Utopia as they had just left home where they had experienced a snow storm. Where is home I asked. Calgary they replied.

Followed by a "look Bob, look Bob, their truck is from British Columbia". "How did you get down here?"

From ayer, some CP alberca time with his madre.

Adios hormigas!! Beware the tongue mi ant amigos.

Ok...time to pack up and then hunt down the familia. Back at you post tina time.

Hasta pronto.

Buenos noches!! And while tina time was happening, we had a little bit more lluvia.

We ended the afternoon at playa Mojon and made it home in good shape. Max had some leche and then sat pretty much stone cold quiet the complete trip home.

Bex and I talked about it and if it wasn't so unusual for Max, we could use some of that tranquilo time when we are at home. And the second he got out of the camioneta verde...he was go go go. Maybe he was in hibernation during the return trip?

Go go go...clean up from the playa and cooking la cena at the same time. Max lay on the banco watching Word World and then we sat down for dinner. He did not eat his usual large portion, but we were ok with what he did eat and after last night's yak-fest, we did not want to have him over indulge.

Onto dinner clean up, tina time, a little cry session because he hit his madre (again) and then onto leche y libros.

And now bed time is under way.

I am looking forward to putting this day behind us. I am looking forward to Max feeling better. I am looking forward to having lots of fun with mi hijo mañana.

Hasta mañana.

Marco, Bexico y Max

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