sábado, el 18 de octubre de 2014

Today, the teeter totter at La Bocana did not bring out the smile that I hoped it would have. Doph.

Hey all you peeps that use satellite for TV...what do you do during rain or snow storms? We had a rain storm that lasted all night and we did not have any satellite signal the complete time.

But...here we are on another rainy and overcast afternoon and I have scored some TSN which is showing the qualifying for mañana's race. Score!!

Buenos tardes and as I said, welcome to a wet and overcast afternoon. It is a chilly 26,0 grados and I even have a t-shirt on!! Brrrrr.

We hit 25,0 grados last night and slept with the window closed and had a pretty good noche over all. A good bed time...hola hola to 825pm, and then up for good at 615am.

Lil'crusty did not want to wait until 645am for videos, and the tears flowed. Yikes...was it going to be that kind of morning?

A little chat did not help and one tired Poppa gave in (argh) and the videos started early. I was lights out until 715am and then we started our morning. Pouring rain all night and it did not stop until 9am...just in time for The Boys to head out!! Score!!

We had some Lego time in the Palacio and we also managed to have Max eat a good desayunos.

Out the door for a quick prowl to SCA for huevos and then off to Poopie Loopie for a stock up on carne y pollo.

We dropped off the goods and then jumped into the camioneta verde and were off to La Bocana. And once we got there, Max informed me that he did not want to walk in the sand. Why? Because t made his feet sandy. Oh....

I told him I had water in the back of the truck and would wash his feet off when we returned. That seemed to do the trick and off we went. I should have expected this as last night when I asked him if he wanted to go to La Bocana if it was raining, Max told me "no Poppa, because it is not my favorite". Oh....

A super fun time at La Bocana and the rain held off until we were washed up and back in the truck. If it is raining mañana...hola hola to La Bocana and a chico bon fire!!

Home for leche y libros, 10 minutos with his Poppa, 10 with his madre and the lil'man was lights out for siesta time.

Bubba is fighting a bug or cold...argh. This has NOT been a good year for me, starting with the trip from he** in January.

Oh good...430pm and we have lost the Nascar signal. Ja ja ja...but not really.

Any who...since I have this cough and seem to be low on energy, I joined in on the siesta and was lights out as well.

Max was out at 1210pm and his madre came in to wake him up at 140pm...it took 5 minutos!! I guess the sound of my snoring really lulled him into a deep sleep?

Me? Asleep by 1245pm and awake at 215pm. Yahoo. More energy, same cough.

The familia was having their comida and I stepped out to grab a telera for my sandwich and some verdura for esta noche's cena.

When I came home I was greeted by Max wearing a regular t-shirt and jeans. Huh? He looked great but other then January, I have not seen him in anything but shorts and tank tops or muscle shirts.

Why the gear? The familia is headed to a jungla near Tangolunda and are going to need to be covered up to keep from getting bug bites...and maybe to stay dry as well as it has been raining ever since they left. Doph...time to get the toallas ready again!!

So the familia headed out and I did some dinner prep and casa clean up before sitting down to watch some Nascar. Hey...the race is mañana at 1pm...here is hoping there is no rain (and thus no satellite signal) here in Huatulco tomorrow afternoon!!!

All caught up, onto some fotos.

Max carefully making his way to the camioneta verde.

This next foto is an optical illusion.

El sol was shining on the palmas, but the sky behind them was actually very dark (not blue) from the rain clouds moving in from over del mar, the ocean.

Oh oh, the llantas on this camioneta barely passed inspection!!

Onto La Bocana and this is what we saw once we made our way to the playa.

The tinge in the oceano is all the mud that has come down from the montañas and entered the oceano via the Río Copalita.

Del mar was tranquilo enough, but there were some good sized olas coming ashore.

Max found the stream of calle water run off...yikes. He stayed out of it, but enjoyed climbing the banks and of course, throwing things into the stream.

Admiring his handiwork.


Poppa, Poppa...pine comb!!

Gravity about to take hold of Max's hair.

Hmmmm....I think my feet might be sandy.

A turkey buzzard has spotted his possible comida.

This beached Mexicano!!

Ok...off to cook the pollo and then get the chorizo going tambien.

Back at you post tina time.

Hasta pronto!!

Wow...that was some wackiness!! Half way through Max's current favorite video, an oldie but a goodie, Max goes into emotional melt down due to a sore leg. He did hurt it while climbing into the camioneta verde, but based on the tears and moaning, an amputation might be in order.

Yikes. It took both his padres, some massaging, some Tylenol and some tina time, before he calmed down. And then when he could not get his comb right away, because Bex was using it to untangle his hair, the water works started pouring again. Wow...what an emotional roller coaster ride this niño puts himself on.

But at 715pm, leche y libros is under way and all is well in Max's world right now. Our world? He has left us scratching our heads thinking "huh?". we may never understand, but thanks to the blog, it is all documented and when he is a padre and calls us up to ask why his niño o niña is acting a certain way, we will send this update to him!!

As for the afternoon...the familia had a fun jungla prowl but it was wet!! So off to the mall for some trampolina and then home for some iPad tranquilo time before la cena was served.

We managed to eat most of the dinner...no pollo for lil'man (?)...and even squeezed in a FT con Oma y Opa y Eric...and then the airplane video came out and you know what happened next.

All caught up. Mañana? Hoping for a dry morning, but I have a plan in mind just in case. Stay tuned. Hoping for a clear satellite signal at 1pm...fingers crossed.

Have a great domingo y hasta mañana.

Marco, Bexico y Max

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