viernes, el 24 de octubre de 2014

Buenos tardes from Señor Serio and the rest of the gang!!

I gotta tell felt like the first day of Spring!! El sol has been out for most of the day, there is a breeze and almost no humido!! The heat you feel...31,0 feeling like 36,0...was warm and I did not need to towel off. Yahoo!!

And along with that good news, comes the news that my tos may (please oh please) have taken a turn for the better!!

A good sleep last night, better energy levels today, new drugs (again) and the ability to have some super lil'man snugs for over an hour without coughing!! I was starting to get depressed with how I was feeling, so with el sol out and me feeling world is good!!

How is the rest of the familia? Max is a-ok and Bex still has some tos, but she managed a pretty good noche by faking Max out with the ol'manos on the back trick. She placed one of her peluche on Max's back and he slept right through until pee time at 530am.

He did not go back to sleep after we are going to wake him up mid-noche and get him to do his squirt. Get the peluche back on and we might have a no manos and 7am sleep in!! Stay tuned.

I cannot sleep in anymore, that talent has been taken away by fatherhood. So I was up at 645am and did a little prowling around the casa before checking in on the familia.

Bex was a trooper today and even after her early wake up with Max, she was still off to yoga and then a swim in del mar.

The Boys had their rutinas and today we even made it back into the cocina for crunchy pan frances. I was worried Max was off the pan, but make it crunchy and you get the "I love pan frances" out of the lil'man.

Post play and desayunos time, we geared up for another run to the dulceria. ¿Por que? We needed to get the loot to fill up the piñata. Oh, for $120 pesos the Minion comes empty? Yup.

Now, if I was in Canada, I know what kind of loot would be going into this guy...Reese Pieces, M&M's etc. Here? I have no idea what bad for your niño kind of candy to buy and ended up with the "piñata special" bag.

Time was short as I wanted to be home for 11am...all due to the 530am wake up. So we zoomed zoomed back to the casa and into the camioneta verde we went.

No time for the otra errands I needed to to Soriana we went. Nothing special there, but we did pick up a foam covered bat that will be used as a piñata basher and then get converted into a juguete for Max.

No need to lasso the niño today as he stayed in the cart and enjoyed having the abarrotes piled up around him.

There is a joyeria inside the Soriana and the señoritas working there always call out "hola hola Max" when they see him. For some reason he does not like them and is afraid to walk by their chico tienda, which he has to do to get to the mechanical helicoptero.

So he waits for me to pay the caja and then we work our way over, all 10 meters. I tell Max to hide beside the cart and we slowly walk to the rides and the peeps inside the joyeria are all laughing at the two of us.

Max plays for 2 minutos and we have to go. I ask him to help me with the truck alarm and he is happy to leave and as we walk back to the exit, Max stops and waves adios at the 2 señoritas. Wow...they were so happy that they clapped their manos.

I told Max that he was muy amable and off we went.

Home for leche y libros and due to the 1130am siesta launch, he was lights out before noon. Score!! Poppa joined in after catching up with madre and after a lil'web browsing I thought I should grab a little shut ojo tambien.

It is almost 1pm, I can sleep until 130pm when Max wakes up. Can you say some super lil'man snugs until 210pm? The Boys must have needed their zzzzz's and I am sure Bex was thrilled at the pleasant lil'man that exited the bedroom!! That sure makes comida time waaaaaay easier.

The familia was off to cook huevos and I was off to run the errands from this morning. Pay the Telmex bill, drop off the recycling, grab some goods at Che and then tank up the truck.

Home to see Max on his own one answering the biz phone yet. Doph.

Bex stepped out to grab some verdura y fruta from across the calle and meanwhile The Boys had a guitara rock out session to some Bruce Springsteen. Hello!!

The familia loaded up and have headed out to Montecito for a play date with The Princess and a few amigas and will be back in an hour para la cena.

Due to the 210pm wake up, a good post cena bici ride is in order or else it will probably be a late bed time time. Stay tuned!!

A tranquilo afternoon for me...a little casa clean up and now some blog updating. Chuletas de cerdo for Bex y Poppa and the lil'man has requested another burger patty for himself...that would come from his Poppas DNA!!

Ok, onto the fotos.

Hola hola madre.

Llanta check before we head out.

Max knows that we are looking for the dulceria, and that it is in a yellow building. So off he goes.

But wait...he is called into choque action by one of his many amigos.

This look is to ensure his Poppa sees that he is being muy amable to peeps.

Max wants to tell a story, but his amigo wants more choque.

Ok, more choque.

Look Poppa...mi amigo.

But now let me tell you my story.

The hombre speaks ingles, so I do not need to translate Max's English, but the hombre does not speak "Max", so I had to explain what Max was saying.

In our casa, upstairs, waaaaay upstairs, I have a Minion piñata and we are on the way to the dulceria to buy candy to fill it up.

The amigo laughed, choque'd Poppa and off we went.

The "are you coming" Poppa looks.


Felicidades goes out to Bexico!! Her art work has made it's first magazine cover!!

The magazine is The Eye, a local revista, whose editor is a very busy Canadian señorita. She has a cafe, a taco truck, leads yoga classes and is the editor of The Eye.

Here is what the cover of the next issue, Nov/Dec, will look like.

Peeps that follow the blog may recognize the "Chorty" hombre that sells the colorful baskets, and mis padres might recognize the señora from the zocalo.

Great work Bex!!

Hey...a great feature of the 2001 Frontier SC? It's gas tank is on the opposite side of the 25 Nissan Tsurus that the taxistas had waiting in line at Pemex to fill up!! Who knew?

Feeling better but not 100%, so no el gimnasio mañana...but how about a familia trip to playa Mojon? Hello!!!

Ok, back at you post tina time.

Hasta pronto.

Buenos noches!! And for those who have been checking back regularly to see if there is an it comes. Yes, after several months, one of the Hot Wheels carros has been removed from the "wall of poo" in the baño.

The lil'man ripped off his shorts and his lil'guy ginchies, plopped his toight butt on his pottie, and left us some business. Oh, we deem a pellet the size of a garbonzo bean as success, and so did Max who eagerly ripped a Hot Wheels off the wall.

Mañana? We are aiming for something more substantial...maybe something the size of a grape. Oh Maxo Waxo!!

How was the rest of the día? Always fireworks at the play dates and today was no different. I think TLC (or maybe TMZ) will come up with a reality show, The Playdates of Huatulco, and then you can watch all the excitement the niños bring to the small screen!!

Any who...Bex might have one less "friend" on Facebook. Ja ja ja

Max had fun with his madre and then the two of them came home for the baño excitement and then straight into la cena. Good eats all around and Max had one full pancita!!

Zoom zoom to get the casa cleaned and then out for the calorie burning bici tour, returning at 7pm for tina time. Leche y libro time is over and at 735pm bed time is about to start. Buen suerte!!

Mañana...hola hola to better health and a trip to playa Mojon. Don't forget race day domingo and just an fyi...the clocks in Huatulco change on Sunday at 2am. We will be one hour ahead of BC and two hours behind the folks in Ontario.

Ok, buen fin de semana y hasta mañana.

Marco, Bexico y Max

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