sábado, el 25 de octubre de 2014

Straight from the Old Navy Niño foto shoot!!

Buenos tardes and wow...what a beautiful afternoon here at playa Mojon!! Currently 410pm...wow...where did this afternoon go?

El sol is out but there is nice breeze keeping everything cool and with octubre here, del mar is back to its tranquilo self. Some nice rolling olas but nothing crazy and no current pulling you out to sea.

Max was not into swimming today....hmmmmm? Maybe next time.

Bex y Max are rock climbing and knowing Bex's sense of time, she has no idea we usually head home in 35 minutos. Ja ja ja

Gerry Gecko just strolled by.

No crisis on the time as dinner is Bubba Burritos and they are ready to go once we return home. as long as we have Max in the tina at 7pm, all is good.

There goes Gerry's hermano.

And how did the 210pm siesta effect us anoche? Oh it was a looooong bed time. Almost an hour for The Niño Whisperer, but finally Max decided he had enough and called it quits for the day.

Bex had a pretty good noche with him and gave him a media noche pee break,but he still woke up at 545am. At least he recalled the lesson from ayer where Bex said it was too early for videos.

Today he told his madre he knew it was too early and then just lay with her until video time started.

I was up at 7am and after a little puttering around, I transferred Bex to the otra bedroom and then The Boys had their morning together.

Desayunos, play time and then after several futile business attempts, we were off for our bici tour. Off to the campo where we zoomed zoomed for most of our time, and then onto Poopie Loopie for some pollo and then onto SCA for huevos y tortillas.

Home at 11am and immediately Max tells his madre about the "issue" he had coming home. But if you don't fill in the blanks it sounds like he ran into a baby.

I am glad the action I took had such an impact that it stuck in his memory!!

What happened is that he was racing down a sidewalk and not looking where he was going. I asked him to slow down a few times, warned him about the on coming peeps a few times and he just ignored me.

So off the bici he went and then he became angry. He buried his head into my lap and was blubbering away about wanting his bici.

I crouched down and talked about why he was off his bici, including almost hitting a señorita carrying what looked like her new born bebe.

I asked if he wanted to ride his bici and he wanted to walk it and pout, so he did this for the 2 minuto walk to SCA.

Once there I asked him to help me get to the huevos by being on his bici and ta da...all was good.

But it obviously had it's impact and I am happy to know these lessons are at least making their way into his brain!!

Once he got the story out to his madre, and I had filled in the blanks, it was time for leche y libros.

1130am scheduled time for siesta and I scooped up the defiant one..."I only want Momma"...and off we went.

Less then 10 minutos later Bex comes in to take over and I am sure Max was 99% lights out, but has to slur "I cannot fall asleep with Poppa"...one last parting shot!! Ja ja ja

Quick lights out and I was getting in on that action too!! My tos is almost better but a little siesta before an afternoon at playa Mojon is not a bad thing.

Max asleep before noon and the new rule is to make sure we are up by 130pm so we have an easier bed time, and so on days like today we can get to playa Mojon at a decent hour.

I was out by 1230pm and at 1pm Max stirred, looked at me, threw it in reverse, grabbed my arm to be put over him, and then fell asleep again. Muy raro for the lil'man to do so much and then fall back asleep. Score!!

I wasn't complaining and I was back asleep until Bex woke us up at 130pm. All the packing and loading was already done...gracias madre...so off to the camioneta verde we went.

A good ride...yak free...and after some unpacking, the familia hit the playa and I started up the BBQ...hola hola to salchichas on the playa!!

Oh so yummy comida, some light clean up and then playa play time. For me, a nice swim in del mar and now I have some tranquilo time under the Van-Arnold palapa!!

All caught up...onto the fotos.

A plethora of 3rd floor landing poses.

Max is intrigued by the thought that eating veggies makes you stronger. He will eat a "tree", a piece of broccoli, and then immediately flex his muscles...just like this.

One of the 10 choques Max handed out to taxistas today.

A plethora of facial poses while waiting for the light to turn green

Oh, like this does not look suspicious!!

The campo with both the canchas y montañas in the background. Blue skies and some puffy nubes tambien!!

Padres giving out some subtle directions to their niño futbolistas.

Today was all about these wacky facial expressions. ¿Por que? Who knows?

Now I know what a matador feels like as the bull comes charging.

And in for round #2.

I jumped out of the bull ring!!

Max has wanted to go up this rampa the last 2 times he saw it and today he went up up and away.

Sussing out the way down.

Adios Poppa!!

The body language says it all..."more waiting for Poppa".

If you listen carefully, you can hear Max and Poppa singing the background lyrics to Bruce's The Rising..."la, la, la, la, la, laaaaaaa..."

Currently I have lil'Max leaning over my shoulder looking at the fotos and asking "only words Poppa?" as he sees no videos on the MacBook.

You are all caught up. Back at you post tina time.

Hasta pronto.

Buenos noches!! Go go go!! Home at 6pm, dinner served by 625pm and Max into his tina by 705pm!!

Currently 730pm and bedtime starts in 5 minutos or so and then I will go in and close the show at 750pm. Buen suerte Poppa!!

Hmmmm? Why is it that Max now wants to do some business after tina time...and moments after his bedtime panale is on? Three noches in a row now.

Hey...clocks go back tonight and we are trying to figure out if Max will be awake at 445am (545am) mañana? Yikes.

But we have the master plan all figured out. Bex will take the noche shift and hang with him until 7am and then I will take over and send her back to bed. I cannot fall asleep again...Bex can sleep standing up if need be!!

And then don't forget about race domingo!!

Have a great Sunday y hasta mañana.

Marco, Bexico y Max

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