miercoles, el 22 de octubre de 2014

Not quite a smile, but it has been one of those kinds of days.

Buenos tardes!!

Have you ever been sick and tired of being sick and tired? Dude, please let me feel better!! Rough noche did not help the cause and I have now loaded up on some more drugs in the hopes that these new ones will do the trick.

I really wish they just had the:

They don't seem to have one product that covers all the bases, so I am on a cocktail that is leaving me still coughing, but I can no longer feel my toes. Hmmmm?

The crappy noche? After the 210pm siesta wake up, we knew bed time would be longer, but I am happy to report it was only an extra 10 minutos.

The issue during the noche was Max's need for "hand on my back". He just loves it and feels secure knowing it is there.

This will need to change and as he approaches 3 years old, it is on the list. No hand on back, falling asleep on his own for his siesta, and no more panales!!

Bubba had night watch and I was up several times and then at 540am Max was up for good. He is super emotional right now and has a madre fixation going on as well. He misses his Momma and is sad that he misses his Momma...over and over again.

He does not want leche but mention videos, and he is a normal niño again. But alas, there are no videos at 540am and the tears flow as well as the "I miss my Momma, I love my Momma".

Off go the lights and I tell Max that the iPad alarma will go off at 615am and when it does, he can watch the videos. That seems to do the trick and for the next 30 minutos I hear the Gilligans Island theme song come piping out of his cuna. "Just sit right back...."

Videos, a cat nap for Poppa and then we were into the Palacio for the games and desayunos. Due to the early morning, it would be a no-video during desayunos kinda day and that seemed to be a-ok with Max.

A good breakfast, some wackiness when madre poked her head into the Palacio, and then off we went on our bici tour.

The plan was to get some pesos and then some meds and be home at 11am vs our usual 1115am. Early wake up and if Max decides he wants another 2 hour siesta, it will be from 1145am-145pm vs 1215pm-215pm.

Good tour and then home for the leche, libros an siesta. Max was up at 110pm...Poppa slept in until almost 2pm. Phew.

And what kind of fun did Max y madre have while I was sleeping? Hola hola to a niño meltdown. Who knows why? But we managed to lighten up the mood of the lil'man and the familia was off in the camioneta verde, in search of the taco truck.

Me? Tranquilo afternoon...catching up on the disturbing news of a shooting at the Canadian Parliament. Yikes.

The familia returned, headed off to the CP alberca and had a chilly swim. We had a mixed sol y nube morning, a mainly sunny afternoon until the nubes obscura rolled in at 4pm, but not enough sol to warm the pool. Brrrrr.

Upstairs for another change of clothes and the familia is about to be off on their bicis for a tour of centro and maybe down the meridian of blvd Chahue, all the way to Che.

Currently 4pm and as Bex gets ready to take Max out for the tour, he is running around the casa impersonating the PA announcer at Soriana...all words unintelligible. And then he laughs hard...as do we.

All caught up...onto the fotos.

What kind of day is it? The kind of day where the first 3 fotos taken as we left the condo were as follows.

Note the trend?

As for the next foto, Max is practicing a new dance move, inspired by watching Michael Waltrip on DWTS!!

Doph...busted practicing my new dance move!!

If I try to ignore him, Poppa probably won't try to take my foto.

What? Still shooting?

Then I must close my ojos again.

Oh madre...toight like a tigre!!

Zooming around the parking lot of the policia municipal...and moments later I heard "Poppa, Poppa...there is something wrong".

And moments later we were busy driving in the grass of the meridian, trying to get the friggin vagabundo poo off his llanta. Round'em all up is what I say!!

The "poo is off my tires" expression.

Hmmm...maybe not all  of it.

Look Poppa. Look Poppa. Come here Poppa. Look Poppa. Come here!!

Why are you still taking fotos when I asked you to "Look Poppa. Look Poppa. Come here Poppa. Look Poppa. Come here!!"

It was a very large hormiga casa.

All done buying the meds and we need an agua pit stop. A great time for Poppa to take some fotos? Ahhhh...no.

Woe is me. I cannot believe how hard it can be to be a niño now a days.

Ok, back at you post tina time.

Poppa not well...hola hola to more burgers. Ja ja ja

Hasta pronto.

Buenos noches. Not much new to report from Huatulco. The familia was home early from their bici tour...Max was tired. Hmmmm? The same thing happened tonight on our post cena tour. Coincidence?

Our spirited niño ate a huge dinner, said hola hola to his Oma and then was off for his tour with his madre y padre.

Home for the usual rutinas of tina time, the hassle of washing him and then onto leche y libros.

Bed time is around the corner and once the lil'man is asleep, Bubba is going to load up on the meds and sleep off this gripe y tos.

Have a great jueves y hasta mañana.

Marco, Bexico y Max

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