jueves, el 2 de febrero de 2012

A nice reminder from mi padre...Feliz Diá de Groundhog y Candelaria!!

Here is a LINK to some info on Diá de Candelaria...interesting stuff.

10pm...Bex in oficina...pooped. Bubba working on blog...pooped. So I am keeping it short.

First off...lo siento to mi sobrino, Sean. We missed his cumpleaños 2 days ago!! Doph!! Hope it was fun and enjoy the great home cooking at Oma y Opas!!

Everyone is well...Max's eye is looking normal and he had a good day. Lot's of walks etc...tougher for him to fall asleep as he was a bitt (hee x4) over stimulated. Best part of his day? A tie between showing off to all the abuelas (and Bex) during the 9am pool exercise session and showing off his gafas de sol while at Che!!

Peeps walk by us and give us the thumbs up!! Great regalo from mi amigo Melon!!

Tony used call display and called us back. I am meeting him here mañana at 9am and we will go to his father's garage. Stay tuned.


Madre y Max enjoying the Baby Einstein

Another condo for sale here at Condos Pacifico?

Not sure who he works for, but he is spraying the trees on the sidewalk. No uniforme o respirator?

At the llanteria...that is Bulmaro on the left, #20 is the guy I have helped at el gimnasio, and the hombre in the middle is one of our favorite characters around town. He sells thread, matches and nick knacks.

Happy to report we do NOT have much of this...camions spewing all this exhaust.

Two day inventory? Hello fiesta secreto!!

Why do the Marines wear masks?

Hombre de ajo...garlic.

What is this contraption?

It is a kid's seat on a bici.

Have a great Friday.

Marco, Bexico y Max

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