viernes, el 26 de abril de 2013

Buenos noches and I am happy to report that the lil’man is feeling mejor…much better!! Phew is all we can collectively sigh here!!

Max had a good start to the night, was up for almost an hour at 3am, and then the Whisperer came in at 4am and we managed to sleep until 7am!!

Great desayunos due to the fact he had almost no cena last night, and we had a good walk/carry. Max was still a little tired so padre picked up the slack with some carrying.

A wacky thing? We bought a carrot muffin and Max had a few bites and some agua too. About 5 minutes later I notice he has a mouth full of muffin y agua, and will not swallow it…or spit it out.

He did this for over 10 minutes, all the way home and it wasn’t until we were home and over the sink, did we get him to spit it out…by plugging his nose until he opened his mouth. Wacky.

The meds he is taking are doing their job and due to the fact that he does not seem to be in discomfort, we stopped with the Tylenol. But what up with meds that need to be given every 8 hours? Who wants to wake their niño up at 3am to get them to take their meds?

I am thinking a 12 hour med is the way to go. That way they are medicated t 7pm and 7am…ta da. Must not be enough profit in that method?

Good siesta and then padre took another hour or so as the last two nights have wiped me out.

I did manage to get to the gym as well as drop off the recycling and then hit the CP alberca con el familia.

We were in the sombra, shade, and Max with his water wings, just floats around the pool. Kicking his legs sometimes, doing spins and most of the time, not drinking the pool water!!

I was truly impressed at how comfortable he is in the water and all the credit goes to his swim coach, Bex, who every day has been working with him. Pretty neat to see and waaaay easier keeping an eye on him now vs even a month ago when you always needed to have at least one hand on him at all times.

Trying to keep Max cooler and not over worked, Max y madre had a prowl around town, hitting up a few tiendas while saying hola to lots of peeps and meeting some new ones as well.

Easy dinner, a good tina time and a FT con Oma y Opa and at 720pm, Max y madre are in round 1 of bedtime.

Not being well, we let Max sleep on the bed with us, but tonight he needs to be back in the cuna…wish us luck!!

Fotos...and I really need to get a new lense as I lost a bunch of great, but blurry fotos. Argh.

Just coming down the ladder from the roof top hot tub!!

Max saw 2 gatos today. Guess where one of them is hiding from Senor Suave?

The other one also gave Max the slip, but not for lack of trying.

Max loves riding on the bici con madre. Here he is thinking about getting his own bike.

Too hot to be carrying these toy chests around.

Mañana? I cancelled the moto ride today, but might be able to get it in mañana. If so, I am hoping the domingo ride is still a go. just dawned on me that today is viernes!! The race is tomorrow...phew, almost missed that one!! Ja ja ja


Just heard back from DF…they have my pasaporte application!! They are just waiting to hear back from me on a question they have…when was the last time I worked. I told them I do a mop of the condo EVERY day!!

Buen fin de semana!!

Marco, Bexico y Max

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