jueves, el 11 de abril de 2013

Buenos noches!!

Currently 710pm and the sun is still bright and even though it is 32,0 grados, we have a nice breeze. That breeze will end in the next 30 minutos or so and if there is humido, it will stay warm until 2 or 3am.

Last night that happened and all of a sudden at 4am or so, I was chilly…brrr as it was 25,6 grados!! Ja ja ja

On a different topic…so there I was, spending some time working on Max’s INM file, while keeping an ojo on Juan, the air con repair hombre, when I looked at my pasaporte and realized it expired on 7 de abril and NOT 15 de mayo. Doph.

More on (moron?) those stories later. As for the día…a pretty good sleep for Max y madre and Max was up for good at 7am. That is now counted as a sleep in where we live!!

Not a large breakfast, but it was healthy!! And with the newly cleaned silla back in the camioneta verde, it was off for a prowl around the CP grounds and then we jumped into the truck and did our Che run.

No scores and no leche fresca. Looks like it might be a pan frances weekend for Bubba!!

Made it home for 11am…late one…and after leche, it was siesta time. Not the long siesta Max needs, but he managed to make it through the día and hopefully he gets a longer sleep tonite.

After the nap, madre takes over and the two of them had some fun time, followed by a walk to grab some pollo and then they comida’d it up before heading to the playa.

Me? I was waiting for the air con hombre who was going to be here between 1 and 2pm and when I called him at 215pm, he told me 10 minutos mas. Doph.

There is NO sense of urgency with most of the Mexicans we have dealt with. I don’t think they are lazy, but this lack of urgency does not help combat any perceptions peeps might have with them.

Anyway, Juan arrives and after 90 minutes or so, he asks me a question that I did not understand. In perfect ingles he says “where is the breaker?”. Now I laugh and we chat it up even more then we had been before.

Funny how peeps would rather hear my attempt at español vs use their ingles.

We needed a new sensor and Juan would pick one up after his 4pm comida and then return around 5pm.

520pm rolls around and here comes Juan. A quick install and test and ta-da, the air con in Max’s recamara is as good as new. The cost? $220 pesos for the part and $450 for the mano de obra, labour.

Not sure what an air con guy would cost back in Canada, but Juan worked out to be about $21 CDN/hour. Not bad if you ask me and not bad for him as the minimum wage here is still $8 CDN per día.

Wacky stir fry para la cena…madre loved it...she can have ALL the left overs!! Good tina time, a FT con Om a y Opa and Max y madre are giving a go to round one of bed time.

My pasaporte issue? Doph…I thought I had an extra mese. My concern isn’t for me as I have no immediate plans to travel, but I might need a valid pasaporte to renew Max’s FM3.

So…I took the foto requirements to the local foto shop and have the fotos done. Mañana I will hit the banco and get a cheque certificado, get the application filled out and MAYBE get to DHL.

Two issues? The prices listed on the Canadian Government website are for marzo and I am sure the prices for abril are higher due to the drop in the loonie vs peso. If I send them $1285 pesos…you know they will want more. Hola to a delay.

And DHL…I still need to figure out how to get a prepaid way bill so that my pasaporte can be sent back to me. Stay tuned…fun times!!

Today was a no-Mojon día due to the go go go of the previous 2 days…and now it looks like mañana is a no-Mojon día as well. Oh well…hola to Mojon sábado!!

No fotos hoy…yeah yeah I know…sham wow blog.

Have a great viernes!!

Hasta mañana!!

Marco, Bexico y Max

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