lunes, el 8 de abril de 2013

Buenos noches y more about this gatito later.

With the time change that we had on domingo pasado, two things really stick out. One is that we needed to move the black out cortinas into Max’s room as it is waaaay too bright out at 7pm. And the other thing is that our 6pm Global News is now on at 8pm vs 7pm.

So that means we start the blog update now while madre is on round one with the lil’man and his bed time.

Not much new to report here. Great sleep for Bubba, good sleep for Max and a pretty good one for madre. But she made up for it with a solid 3.5 hours from 730am until 11am!! Me? I was afforded the luxury of a 730am sleep in…gracias madre!!

Good rutina and a good siesta. Follow that with madre y Max doing their normal afternoon rutina and Bubba heading to el gimnasio and then sitting at the pool to grab some sol.

The town is quiet and I shared the pool with one other person, who will be heading back to Canada in a few weeks. I think there are still 8 Canadians here who will be returning norte in the next few weeks, leaving the CP to us, another Canadian, two Americans and 6 or 7 Mexican families. Quiet times!!

After pool time I started la cena and then the boys went for a quick prowl and said hola some 20 times or so. Phew.

Home for la cena, the PM rutina and the 2nd FT of the día con Oma y Opa…and you are all caught up.


On the way out of CP for our AM walk, Max and I spotted the gatitio and Max just had to stop and say hola.

It looks like this kitten will be teaching Max "suave"!!!

You tell me...does this look like Max loves his new amigo?

Everyday on our AM walk, we stop in at this farmacia to say hola and have Max play "chase" with this  senorita. Today, the amigos took a pit stop to drink some agua from a chica botella de Coke.

And when we came home from our walk, our new amigo came upstairs with us. Max was headed for a leche y siesta and the gatito wanted to join him.

And who was prowling the grounds as I went to el gimnasio?

Something you do not see everyday in Huatulco.

And something you see a lot of. This hombre is lugging a bloque of hielo, probably to a comedor economico.

And back at the casa, look who needed a siesta on Bex's Cons.

Mañana? Normal start to the día and then after the AM walk, we will pile into the camioneta for the 2 hour drive to Salina Cruz. Fingers crossed that Max naps in the truck and that Bex’s motion sickness pills work!!

Misc tidbit...

We were in a shoe store...Max was playing with the mirror...when an hombre came in wearing only flip flops and wanted to try on some dress shoes. In Canada, the peeps in the store would have offered the man a courtesy sock before he tried on the shoe. Here? I had never seen this before, but the gal gave the man the shoe and without skipping a beat, asked if he needed a bolsa.

Yup, he was given a plastic bag to put over his bare foot prior to putting it into the new shoe. Who knew? 

Have a great martes.

Marco, Bexico y Max 

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