lunes, el 15 de abril de 2013

First off…a screwed up situation in Boston and even though we are far removed from there, our thoughts are with anyone affected.

As for us here in Huatulco, wow…what a full día!!

Sad to report that el gripe has returned to our casa. Madre has got a cold for sure and Max has the runny nose. Me? Happy to report that so far, knock on madera, I am fine!!

Good sleep for the lil’man and we had a good desayunos…he ate a ton!!

Out the door a few minutos past 9am and off to INM. Short wait but the gang there all love Max and were happy to see him. We have lost two of our amigas there…the jefa, Sandra, y our amiga Nathalie have both left and we hear they are in Oaxaca now.

That leaves us one senorita we know as well as one of the hombres that work there. Not a crisis, as they seem to all recognize Max and his banderas, and the fact that we are speaking español also keeps them at ease.

We had 4 preguntas in regards to the paperwork needed for Max’s new FM3 and the answers are as follows.

#1…not sure the reason, but due to Max being 17 months old, he can NOT apply for the 2 year visa, saving us $1500 pesos.

#2…there were a few changes needed to the letter I had written, but the hombre made the changes and I will retype and madre will reprint.

#3…I had some screen shots of another form we needed to fill out. The first tab had 8 selections and I wasn’t which sure we needed to pick out. I was shown.

#4… and after making the first selection, there was another drop box with 2 selections and here too I was shown which to chose.

Pretty fast visit and after our adios, we made the short prowl to Scotiabank where we had success!! We managed to get a cheque de caja for the Embajada de Canada!! It took 20 minutes and Max was a charm!! The bank was empty so he prowled around and just ah ah’d at everything.

After getting the cheque, we were told that I needed a new tarjeta, card, con chip. I asked how long this would take, as Max was great but who knows how long that can last.

I was told pronto and we went for it. And of course it was another 20 minutes to get the card and 5 more to change the NIP…PIN as it is known in Canada.

But Max continued to keep a smile on his face and that meant that we were good for one more stop. We had 2 stops left, but chose DHL as it would be quicker then Che.

DHL was easy and the application for mi pasaporte is in the mail, including the prepaid return waybill. I think the application should be in DF mañana and the Canadian website says 15 working days to get the pasaporte completed. Stay tuned.

After DHL it was home for leche and then a super long nap…great for Max as he is fighting el gripe as well.

After siesta time, I hit the gym and then Che…no scores. Doph.

Madre y Max had a tranquilo afternoon and del mar was out as swimming in the oceano will not help either of them.

After Che, I gassed up the truck and what a pain in the butt that was. My Amex was declined (whose platinum card gets denied?) as was the Visa I had just used at Che. Out comes the pesos and after 15 minutes, I am free to head home. Doph.

Once home, madre prepped and cooked the yummy pizza while the boys went out for a prowl. In the zocalo Max spotted his lil’amiga and waved and waved. He then ran over and gave her a beso y un brazo and then the two of them ran around the grassy area.

My job? Make sure Max does not bowl over this lil’niña…or hit her. Oh Max.

And after a few minutes, another one of Max’s amigos arrived. He is a little older and loves Max. Today he pretended to be a perro and that was scaring Max and making him laugh at the same time. Max would grab my leg and just break out in a hilarious laugh.

We headed home to eat la cena…great za and we followed that with an easy PM rutina…phew.

Currently 835pm and Max is asleep and after a Mexican Neo, Bex is about to be as well.

Bex just finished watching the 2nd of two House Hunter International episodes that had been filmed here in Huatulco with some agents we know. Interesting to see the casas y condos that are chosen to be shown…and no mention of the dumb a**es that leave their basura on the side of the highway!!

It is a no foto lunes…sorry about that!!

Mañana? I will need to see how the familia is feeling. I am hoping for a stop at el gimnasio and was supposed to take the camioneta into Nissan…might postpone that one día. Stay tuned.

Misc…we are getting a last kick at the can for cool temperatures. It has been coooool at night, dipping to 24,5 grados!! But as soon as the sun comes up, and before any viento, it heats up fast. At 11am it was 29,0 grados with 70% humido. That equates to 39,0 grados…yikes!!

Have a great martes.

Marco, Bexico y Max

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