sábado, el 13 de abril de 2013

Yup, it was a Mojon afternoon!!

Now here’s a first!! Currently 8pm and madre’s 30 minutos with the lil’man were up, so the Niño Whisperer went in to close the show. Total silence when I entered the recamara, and that normally means the two of them are asleep.

Pitch black in the recamara so I turn on the night light and lean over the two snugglers to see what is happening. Max looks at me and using his head, motions over at his sleeping madre!! Oh madre!!

So we give them another 10 minutos and then let’s see who is asleep!!

Our día? Other then Max being up for an hour from 530am until 630am…it was great!! Madre managed to get Max back asleep and believe it or not…I was awake before the two of them!!

Our cleaner Gertrude was due at 9am and Bex managed another hour plus of zzz before she arrived.

The boys had a great AM rutina and a loooong siesta, even though due to the 8am wake up, it took 30 minutes to get Max to sleep.

Once we were awake, we loaded up the truck and headed to the playa, playa Mojon that is.

Great afternoon…overcast with a breeze so it was a great temperature out. Max had a blast and his parents had a blast letting him ride the olas from his padre to his madre!!

After a few hours we headed home and had a quick alberca time so we could wash off the surf board and ourselves.

Great dinner and an easy PM rutina due to having our cleaner here earlier in the día.

Currently 830pm and Max is now in his cuna, Bex is getting ready for some oficina work and I am deeply involved in the PVR’d Nascar race!!


On our AM prowl, Max bolted into the courtyard of some condos, all to say hola to el sol and the frog!!

Our prowling outfit.

At Mojon and the lifejacket is due to the lack of fear Max has in del mar...and the fear his padres have of the olas at Mojon!!

The fashion ring!! Max is plopped into an olas and is carried a meter or two and caught by his madre. Minus the camion of course!!

Max about to hang 10!!

Mañana? Maybe blueberry pancake domingo? I am sure Max y madre are headed to the playa…and maybe padre will join them!!

Hasta mañana!!

Marco, Bexico y Max

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