jueves, el 25 de abril de 2013

Now does that look like a niño who was not well last night?

Wow...what a 24 hours this has been. Last night we let you know about the red alert...lil'man not feeling well.

This morning after a pretty good sleep, Max was Max, the fever was gone and pending desayunos, we had gone from red alert to Def Con 2.

But after our siesta, and just like ayer, Max was not well again. He showed up at our lunch at Los Portales, looking a little Def Con 3, but toughed it out as the trooper usually does.

And while I was driving our guests back to Santa Cruz, Max y madre were out for a walk when all of a sudden Max essentially asks to be picked up, and collapses in madre's arms. Hola to Def Con 4.

Stupid move...we are separated and I have the casa keys and the familia was waiting for me to return, but once inside the chill room, Max is almost passed out and is on fire. 

We cool him down and give him even more agua, and he stabilizes at Def Con 4, with a 38,5 grado fever.

I call our pediatra and get a cita for 6pm, 2 hours away. Some snoozing and then just staying in the chill room until it was time to go.

Normally, like with most of our Mexican citas, we have to wait, but today the doctor was ready for us.

Max was not happy, but only because he is not well, and after his exam, we were told he has an throat infection, quite common in niños, that has started to affect his ear. How did we know his ear was bothering him? Because when we said "show us what hurts", Max touched his ear. Smart niño!!

The plan is Tylenol for pain and then 2 other drugs for the throat and ear issue. Bex y Max went home and I was off to the farmacia and grabbed the goods. Only issue? The drugs were in powder form and I could not understand how to get them into liquid form.

Hola to mi amigo Daniel and it turned out the instructions were quite easy. Add water to below the line, shake hard and then add water up to the line. Ta da. But since when did drug companies start selling their products in a powder that needs water added?

I headed home to find Max in the chill room...not hungry and did not want his tina. He wanted to be rocked by his madre!! So we went into bedtime rutina and Bex took Max and I cleaned up, ate some cena and at 945pm, I am with Max and Bex is hard at work in the oficina.


Da avion, da avion.

It can be a long and lonesome walk to el camioneta verde.

Click on these fotos to see the tongue series!!

And this is how Max fell asleep for his nap. Score!!


How did our lunch go? easy peasy!! I picked up our guests from the iglesia in Santa Cruz, where they  were very wisely staying cool.

We took the 5 minute drive to Los Portales and I gave them the grand La Crucecita tour. We received a great care packed from Victoria BC...hola to home made short bread cookies!! Bex scored on some Fibre Uno bars and Max loaded up on a great puzzle y libro from his Oma y Opa and some animal figures from Rosemarie y Stan.

Good eats, nice peeps to meet and chat up, but Max was not well and we took turns keeping him as happy as possible.

It was interesting for them as they saw how many peeps stopped by to say hola to Max.

Che run on the way home from dropping off the guests...scored on leche fresca!!

Mañana? It is all based on how Max is feeling. If he is ok, we will do our normal AM rutina and I will go meet Rick for a moto ride. If Max isn't Max, I will stay home con the familia and help take care of the lil'man.

Oh, and up at 3am to give Max his meds...fun times!!

Have a great viernes...already?

Marco, Bexico y el paciente, Max

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