miercoles, el 17 de abril de 2013

Buenos noches…and phew.

Bex y Bubba survived Max’s biggest melt down we have ever seen…and for us it was traumatic!!

Max has been such a good boy and we let him explore and run free, but are always there to guide him and prevent him from causing damage to himself, others or all the pottery!!

But he does like to bite his madre and also gives her a good hot when he is unhappy about something she is trying to get him to do. And when it happens, our method is to make sure Max looks in our eyes, so he knows we mean business.

He is held snuggly and told he is a good niño but has done something wrong and what it is and why he cannot do that again. Pretty straight forward.

He does not like to be held tight and he also will try to avert eye contact, as he knows he has done something wrong.

Today he decided to get upset, which is normal, but then he continued to give Bex some bites and the odd wack. Yikes.

So Bex continued on her mission and all of a sudden Max went from upset to sobbing uncontrollably…couldn’t catch his breath.

He was getting so hot that we had to move him into the bedroom and blast the a/c and after 20 minutes or so, he was calm enough to eat la cena.

We fully understand the need to discipline and are happy with the method we have chosen…but it made both of us so sad to see Max so upset. It might have been tougher on us then him.

So we hope he gets the point, as we do NOT want to be doing this again anytime soon!!

As for some huge strides forward…I think some of Max’s neurons kicked in as today he said more new words for the first time, then we have experienced yet.

Let’s see what he is trying to say…mama, papa, orca, more, oh oh, agua, thank you and a few more as well.

As for the día? Yes there are some fotos to follow and the day started off great!!

Max was up for 30 minutos at 5am, but Bex got him back to sleep and the familia managed to sleep in until 745am!! Wow, what a way to start the day!!

The boys started their rutina and instead of an AM walk, we loaded up and headed to Nissan.

Good news? Max loves to prowl with the camionetas and the hombres there have all taken a shine to Max…many times we heard “hola Max”.

Bad news? The tornillos that were ordered are not the right ones. Waaaay off. More bad news? There are 6 bolts that hold this plate on and I am down to two. Doph. I am going to have to take the truck to Tony asap and get those fixed as it could do some bad damage if it ends up hanging by one bolt and then gets hooked on a tope or something.

And when we tried to find out how the O2 sensores are working, by using the Nissan scanner, we could not get the scanner to read the camioneta. Doph.

So…two strikes and we were not going for three….we headed home and Bex managed to get Max to fall asleep for his siesta.

It might have been the long sleep he had last night, and thus Max’s siesta was only an hour long. Doph.

But he did great until the pre-cena melt down!!

Madre is feeling a bit (hee hee hee) better and Max was showing no signs of his gripe, so after their comida, they went to the playa and had a great time…of course they did!!

I hit up the gym and it is getting hot in there!! All good and then came back to the condo for some sol time and next thing you know, it is time to prep la cena and set up for the PM rutina.

Other then “the incident”, it all went well, including a quick FT con Oma y Opa. The Whisperer only needed 5 minutes to get the lil’man asleep…thanks madre!!

Currently 9pm and phew…a new episode of the Duck is on. Madre is hard at work, playing a little catch up as she now has 3 clients on the go!!


Off to the camioneta verde.

Max really only has one speed...fast.

You probably need to click on this foto to see it better...Max getting close to the ground so he can make the tight corner.

And looking back to make sure his padre saw the move.

And then back to super sonic speed.

Ah ha...police tape.


Here gatitio, gatitio, gatitio.

Future Nascar tire changer!! 

Jean shorts and playera azul...matching madre y Max!!

Ceramic miercoles here in Huatulco.

Tough gig...mobile Office Depot at that age? Yikes.


Our DHL package is in DF…knock on wood that it gets here to the CP!!

Mañana…looks like a Mojon trip and if I have time, I will give them Amex peeps a call.

Have a great jueves.

Marco, Bexico y Max

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