viernes, el 12 de abril de 2013

Buenos noches!!

So, who knew it would be so tough to find a banco that would provide me a cheque certificado o cheque de caja? I need one of these so I can send it to DF with my application de pasaporte.

Bex y Max went to one banco and they told them they do not sell these items. Doph. I went to HSBC on the way to el gimnasio and they said I need an account with them for them to sell me one.

And after the gym, I drove to Santa Cruz and went to my bank…only to see 30 people in line at 345pm…and the bank closes at 4pm.

So it looks like I will be headed back on lunes. Doph.

The good news is that after too many attempts and too much time, Bex managed to get the application printed off and it is ready to go.

I also stopped at DHL on the way home from Santa Cruz and after chatting up the hombre, I know they have overnight service to DF, yes I can prepay for the return courier, and it will cost me $550 pesos total. Stay tuned.

As for the día…it was a good day for all. Max had some good zzzzz’s and that means we all start the day on the right foot!!

After our desayunos, Max and I took a bucket down and washed the camioneta verde and then prowled the CP grounds. After that is was a quick stroll through town and then it was time for leche y siesta!!

Good 2 plus hour sleep and wow what a difference for the lil’man. The extra minutes mean Max will have all the energy he needs for doing his new tricks in del mar, and then be a joy during la cena and the PM rutina.

After the nap, madre took over and after their banco run and la comida, it was playa time.

Me? Off to the gym and then I ran the errands. After the bank it was off to Nissan and of course my tornillos were not in yet. Maybe lunes I am told. Doph. I chatted up Carlos and we talked about my O2 sensors and when I return on martes, we will test them and see what he finds out. Stay tuned.

Pit stop at Che…fingers crossed for leche fresca…ahhhh no luck. Doph.

On to DHL and then it was off to the casa to get working on the quesadillas de pollo and the fresh pico de gallo.

Great eats and during tina time, we also had a fun FT con O y O.

Madre had a very energetic niño during her shift, but for what ever reason, Max lay still in my arms and then when I out him in his cuna, he tossed and turned. But a hand on his back and then on his head when he moved it, calmed him down and he was lights out.

Currently 9pm and Max is asleep but has been awake once, looking for his chupie, which he promptly spat out the second he was asleep again.

Bex is hard at work in her oficina and she has some good news…a new client, another Aussie, and some 30 or 40 hours of work.


These are all from the "clean the camioneta" series.

Click on the next foto to see some "crazy Zissou" eyes!!


Ah ah autobus!!

Mañana? Yup, it will be a Mojon afternoon…sin vomito!! And of course the race is on at 630pm!!

Have a great sábado y fin de semana.

Marco, Bexico y Max

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