domingo, el 7 de abril de 2013

Buenos noches everyone!!

A quick update tonite as there are no fotos...Che run instead of a walk.

Great sleep for the lil'man...730pm until 3am straight through and then from 3am until 6am. Leche up and then some slumber until 7am and then the boys were up. Sounds pretty good eh? 6am? But we lost an hour last night so it was actually 5am...waaaaay too early. Doph.

But we were up and for the past few days we have taken Max for a quick prowl to burn off some early morning energy.

But what 17 month old lays on the pool deck and sticks his head in the agua…at 715am? Ours does!! Ja ja ja

And as we prowled around the camioneta verde, what do we hear from across the fence? At 730am we see a shoe shine hombre with his kit shout out ”hola Max”. Muy famoso...but how does this hombre know Max? Hmmmm.

Good prowl followed by a good desayunos and an early run to Che. No scores but nice to get the shopping out of the way.

And when we got home? A great siesta and the boys needed it!!

After that it was race day for Bubba and after a quick walk and their comida, Max y madre headed out to playa Santa Cruz...their 2nd home!!

I watched a great race and then grabbed some sol (y sombre because of the nube) at the alberca before heading upstairs to start la cena y the PM rutina.

The familia had another GREAT time at the playa and then broke out a good sweat while going for a quick prowl antes la cena.

Burger domingo followed by tina time and a FT con Oma y Opa. Lights out on the bottle and at 940pm, Max has only stirred once. Knock on wood and fingers crossed!!

And that was the día!!

Some birthdays are happening this week!! Mañana, Feliz Cumpleaños to Sidney and on martes, to Ryan!!

Back to business mañana...el gimnasio and will see what else is up. The big Walmart trip is on martes and off to Mojon on jueves. A busy week!!

Hasta mañana...con fotos!!

Marco, Bexico y Max

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