miercoles, el 10 de abril de 2013

Agua left over from some sidewalk cleaning...perfect for Max to jump into.

Ok, so how was the road trip to Salina Cruz and back? Long día for all 3 of us!!

We left at what would normally be Max’s siesta time, thinking a nice nap in the camioneta would leave him refreshed for some prowling at Sam’s Club and Walmart.

Ahhhh…no. He did fall asleep, but after 40 minutes or so, Max was awake and not so happy to be in his silla.

Now madre, being the expert traveler with niños, had packed all the distractions needed and was working her way through them, when Bubba noticed in the rear view mirror that Max “Vomito” Van was doing his thing in the silla.

Not again I said to myself as I pulled over. Yup…hola to a change of clothes and the need to pull the car seat out again.

I took Max to the tailgate where he is used to partying it up after being sick. He dances on the gate in his playera and sandals and waves at all the autobuses y coches that drive by.

Trooper madre held in the gag reflex and cleaned the seat to the best of her ability…aren’t we glad we brought along the can of air freshener?

Back on the road and it took about 2.5 hours for us to get to Salina Cruz, with the pit stop.

Found out that there is a new way to get into Salina Cruz, through the tunnel that takes you right down town, in the complete opposite direction of where we wanted to be.

No crisis and we found the Walmart y Sams.

Max had fun prowling, but was now hungry, so we blasted through Walmart and sat down at the Sam’s restraurante…it does NOT beat the dogs at Costco!!

We managed to score a one day pass into Sam’s, Max pushed the cart around as we loaded up, and then another pop into Walmart as we needed 30 minutes for Bex’s Dramamine to take effect!!

Max managed to fall asleep…until I had to slam on the brakes to avoid flying over a tope. Doph. We were an hour from home and Max made sure we were aware of EVERY minute.

He was on unhappy camper and madre ended up solving the issue with Cheerios. The same cereal he currently will have nothing to do with during our desayunos. Hmmmm.

Made it home in 2 hours…sin vomito…and I dropped madre off at Los Portales so she could get la cena ordered for us. Max and I drove to the CP and parked the car and then huffed it back to the restaurante.

Perfect timing and moments later, la cena was there. No cooking and no need to lavo los platos!! After our día…a well needed break.

Good eats and then home for the tina time and the Whisperer took 5 minutes to get the lil’man asleep…and then joined him for a cat nap!!

And that was our martes.

Was it worth going to Salina Cruz? At the end of the día, we would have to say mas o menos…more or less. Full tanque of gas and that was paid for by the savings on items we bought that we can find here in Huatulco, but were cheaper in Walmart o Sams.

Did we find some items we cannot find in Huatulco? Yes, but sports bras for Bex and some seasonings for Chef Bubba was not really a wow. But...I am sure the Senor Cara de Papa (Mr Potato Head) for Bex...ooops, Max...was worth it!!

We did not find any clothes for Max and that was disappointing. We will stick to Yogis and the tiangus and its $30 peso muscle shirts!!

Then throw in the time it took to get there, the unhappiness of our hijo and then the unhappiness of his padres cleaning up vomito and then having to remove the niño silla and reinstalling.

Long and short…we won’t be doing that again anytime soon. Probably stick to the hour drive to Pochutla, taking a walk and then driving the next hour to Puerto.

As for our miercoles. Happy to report that we all had a good sleep last night and our day was back to normal!! A great AM rutina y siesta, madre y Max had fun at the playa and Bubba managed to hit the gym and grab some sol at the alberca.

Good dinner…we forgot to look for Cheddar in Walmart and were in the queso aisle in Sams when I had the ah ha moment. Grabbed 3 more blocks and celebrated by having some more burritos tonight!!

Currently 730pm and Bex is having first go at leche and seeing if the lil’man wants to sleep. The Whisperer will take over in 30 minutes.


A few fotos from ayer...Max checking out more water meters.

Max's autobus radar has been triggered!!

Today Max was helping rearrange some furniture outside the pescaderia.

And in the zocalo, Max is trying to make his own trail to the sprinklers.

Ah padre...I am stuck.

No sprinklers...just un arbol grande!!

Mañana? It was maybe going to be a Mojon día, but after the go go of ayer and putting the house back together hoy, we are going to have a tranquilo día. I do need to track down an a/c repairman as the unit in Max’s room is wacked. Stay tuned.

Misc...just received our latest CFE (electric) bill and we dropped another $300 pesos from the bill before. Phew. Still waaaay more then I would like us to be paying...$3500 pesos for 2 meses...but most of it is the air con for the lil'hombre, and the fact that we are no longer government subsidized...doph.

Have a great jueves.

Marco, Bexico y Max

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