lunes, el 22 de abril de 2013

Now THAT is how to spend a domingo watching Nascar!!


Not much new to report here in Huatulco…a tranquilo lunes.

The other día I was talking to the boys at the joyeria and we were discussing an incident that had occurred recently. I made mention that the Canadians and Americans seemed pretty freaked out about it, where as the locals kinda shrugged it off.

I meant no disrespect, but Sergio got his back up and then made a comment about how you don’t hear about Mexicans blowing up people at marathons, or of joven going into schools and shooting a bunch of niños. And after today, I guess you can add potential train bombs to that list.

He is correct and it is too bad that peeps give the whole country of Mexico a bad name, when there are idiots in both the countries to the norte. Doph.

Not preaching, just sharing the opinion of someone who has lived here for almost 3 years. Wow, where has the time gone?

Currently 745pm and I heard an unhappy niño…that means someone was either hitting or biting. Doph…end of the día hijinks.

Not the best sleep for madre. It could have been the Doritos and blue cheese, but was more likely Max being up from 530am until 630am and then only wanting to sleep ON madre. Doph.

But padre was up and ready for the lil’rascal and we started our AM rutina at 730am.

But what up with wanting NO breakfast today? Max said no to the blueberries, kiwi, peach, bacon, pancake, raisin bran and the yogurt. He did wolf down some huevo though.

No point in forcing him to eat (good luck trying that), so we cleaned up and did the Fonatur and Che runs.

Wearing his proper attire, Super Max pushed the big cart all the way through Che and loved every minute of it. No scores for us…unless you call a muy caro bottle of Grape Crush a score!!

Due to no breakfast, we had time for Che and a walk, so after putting away some abarrotes, padre y Super Max went for our prowl and made a ton of peeps smile with his outfit.

We also bumped into Max’s amiga and gave her the foto we had been carrying around for a while, and then had lost and then had found.

The two of them had some screaming and chasing and Max only laid into her twice. Oh Max….muy fuerte and not quite understanding suave!!

Headed home for leche and while madre took care of Max, I tried calling Amex. I really wish I had the survey email today!! Every time I enter my card number, I was directed to the fraud department and once there, I was connected to an answering machine.

No point leaving a message as we are hardly here to answer the phone. But later I received another email and this time it included a different phone number. Wish me luck.

A late start for the siesta as Max was thirsty and hungry and finished off 2 bottles of leche. And of course after that and due to a 730am wake up, he needed some convincing to take a nap.

But I have my ways and I grabbed some shut eye as well. Next thing you know…145pm!! Yikes.

I was off to the gym and then the pool for some sol and then it was already time for la cena prep and getting us ready for the PM rutina.

The familia arrived home after a great time at playa Chahue, and then after doing some work in Max’s coloring book, and a quick 10 minute prowl around the CP grounds, tiempo para la cena.

Good dinner, Max gobbled down lots, follow that by tina time and the regular FT con Oma y Opa, and you are all caught up.


Super Max is helping carry the empty bolsa to the camioneta verde.

And in the parque...hola amiga!!

You tell us...does this look like Max likes this niña?

Misc fotos.

Over the past few nights, we had heard lots of fireworks y bombas going off. We thought it was a fiesta but last night when I heard them, I decided to go investigate.

Turns out there have been some pre-election marches down calle Carrizal.

Mañana? The norm…but always open to new and exciting.

UPDATE...after letting the two snugglers sleep for an extra 15 minutos, I have found out that there was NO biting or hitting!! Score!! Max tweaked his wrist when he went in for a snug and was just letting madre know. Phew.

Have a great martes.

Marco, Bexico y Max

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