viernes, el 19 de septiembre de 2014

While growing up, I know I was never the easiest of the 4 kids, but I will have to check in with Oma y Opa and ask what I was like at 2 years 10 months because this sure feels like karma or payback of some sort!!

Wacky noche...Max being awake several times complaining about a sore leg again, this time it was the other leg.

We also had a full panale y wet cuna at 10pm...10pm? He was doing really well with waking himself up and then getting me to take him to the baño...wonder why that changed?

Hey...we had a crazy wild lightning show over the oceano last night...and wow was it a humido one tambien. How do I know all this?

After the 10pm cuna change, we had the 1130pm leg massage, the 1am leg massage y manos and then the 3am'ish attempt at leg massage followed by sleep with Poppa.

It did not work, tears (both of ours) came and we both wanted madre. Sorry about that Bex...what a trooper.

It took her 25 more minutos to get Max to sleep and meanwhile I was wide awake, but exhausted, watching a lightning show and feeling the humido.

Max awake at 645am, Poppa awake at 715am and Bex back asleep at 716am.

And you may be tired of reading about how humido it is, but today has been one of the grossest days I can recall. Maybe we are just tired of always being sweaty, but look what we were experiencing at 730am.

The 24,0 is was 29,1 in the casa, but the 83% humido was bang on. Max and I had 2 fans going during breakfast and we ate it without wearing any playeras!!

My humidex chart says 29,1 grados and 83% humido feels more like 41,0 or 42,0 grados. At 730am?

Some tranquilo time before heading into desayunos and I am so excited to have Max play with his wooden jungle truck while we eat desayunos.

He has always enjoyed the truck, but for the first time he is actually putting the correct animales in the correctly shaped cut out. He is so excited and proud to show off his accomplishment...and his Poppa is to!!

Another of the Melissa and Doug wooden toys Max has, is this car carrier.

 I think it was a gift from Oma y Opa and Max has played with it for a long time. At first he could not get the trailer back on the peg of the truck and when he learned how (go slow and softly vs fast and hard), he would proudly show us how he accomplished this task.

And to this day, he will still bring them to me, put them together, smile and look for my smile and then he says "when I was bebe, I could not do this".

Interesting to see new development daily.

Post desayunos we went out for a hot bici tour and then into the camioneta verde and off to Soriana. Good score on some carne y cerdo and then home for leche, a calm down time out, a loss of pre-siesta libros and then right into siesta.

The rough sleep, his cough, the humido and Max being Max, all contributed to the loss of books. I scooped him up at 12 noon and due to the fact that he had not had tranquilo time before siesta time, it was like trying to contain a hurricane.

Got him calmed down like you do with horses...a cloth over his ojos. Ten minutos con padre and then Bex came in and closed the show...phew.

Normally Max's parents de-brief the day after bed we had a quick chat while Max was having siesta. Sometimes we need that just to check it out and see how we are doing and which of the two of us needs a break!! That and we confirm that we feel we are doing right by Max, or if we need to tweak something.

For example, after dinner we go for a bici ride, but he is sooooo wired, that getting him geared up was a nightmare. So now I have all of his clothes etc on the landing out side our front door, and after he is released from his high chair, he comes straight outside and we gear up, tell madre we will meet her at the gate and then we go. It has made that part of our día waaaaay easiser!!

Ok...Max is still asleep and it is 115pm. Bex is coming down to take over Max watch and make sure he does not sleep past 130pm or else esta noche will be no fun.

Off to el gimnasio and then I will go through the 75 fotos I took this morning and upload the keepers.

Back at you soon.

Hasta pronto.

So...madre took over siesta duty from me so I could go to el gimansio. It was 115pm and we really don't Max to sleep past 130pm as it affects the noche bed time, so Bex was going to wake him up at 130pm if need be.

At 130pm I go in to the bedroom to say adios...and the two of them are asleep!! Oh madre...she could not resist the temptation of some snugs with her lil'man.

They got up shortly, had comida using Max's new chico fry pan, then they brought out Veronica, then  went to the CP alberca for a dip, then came upstairs for leche and are now at the mall to meet up with some amgios. They will return in 30 minutos para la cena.

My afternoon? A hot session at el gimnasio and while I was there, the camioneta verde was getting a much needed clean inside and out. A good job all for $80 pesos.

Home to do some cannonballs into the alberca con mi hijo, upstairs for some clean up and then onto the computer.

I have been sussing out some flights. ¿Por que? Porque the familia has been invited by Max's abuelos, RJ and Rolly, to come and join them in Disney World!! Muchos gracias!! Ohhhh...I can tell you someone is SO excited!! That someone is Disney's #1 fan...Bex!!

And after some Expedia surfing, here are the fotos for the día.

The hardly noticeable hair cut. If you notice is because he bumped his head while walking down the condo stairs (I have NO idea how) and had a short cry.

Back to smiling and looking in the telescope.

True story...Max is looking for the dog poo that madre stepped in ayer.

The five stages of "recycling bag diving".

Trying to hide from his Poppa who is only trying to take a few fotos.

We have an hombre here in Huatulco, an amigo de Max, who rides a triciculo with a tupperware container full of donuts on it. He rides around calling out "donas, donas".

This is the mothership of the guys who lug around tarps for sale, calling out "lonas, lonas".

Señor Muy Curio back at it. it comes.

A surf poster that Max stops to look at every time we ride by. He says it is his madre surfing.

Ambulancia with lights on...everything comes to a stop in Max's world.

Like a lighthouse beacon, they have set something up so Polly knows where to return to after a long noche of prowling.

Off to cook la cena. Back at you post tina time.

Hasta pronto.

Buenos noches!! Max came back from the mall red faced and sweaty. He again led the gang in trampolina jumping and after 30 minutos straight, Bex made the right decision and headed home.

He already complains about sore legs...please oh please not at 3am again.

Good dinner, another full plato for the lil'dude, and then a FT con Oma y Opa as well as a quick hola hola to Kim y Olen and Charlie the Perro.

Yogurt con mora azul, hola hola to PSY and then after clean up we were off for the bici tour.

Best part of the tour? No, it was not breaking the old humido record and setting a new one of 89%.

Is it possible to have 100% humidity? Max would say with a finger on his chin.

No, the best part of the tour was staying back and watching Max wheel up the side walk to the bancos where taxistas are waiting, and then sticking his hand out to choque them one at a time. Most of them know Max by name and the ones that don't, soon do.

We saw Max choque a group of 5 hombres that we did not know, then 3 taxistas and then another 2.

When we land back in Canada, we will have to work hard on teaching Max about "stranger danger", but for now all is well and we love seeing how social he can be.

Home for tina time, some leg massages, leche, libros and now bed time.

You are all caught up.

Have a great fin de semana...race day domingo!!

Hasta mañana.

Marco, Bexico y Max

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