sábado, el 27 de septiembre de 2014

Well, at least this morning one of us had the energy to be chasing palomas!!

The others...Bubba y Bex? Well, it isn't ebola, but whatever it is happens to be going around our casa.
Bex had Max watch last night, but had a headache all night. I had more energy by the time I went to bed, but I too had a behind the ojos piercing headache.

Other then the headache, Bex seems to be ok but is menos energia for sure. So much so that as Max was watching the iPad pre-siesta, Bex fell asleep next to him.

Hey, I was no better because as I was rocking him for his siesta, I had to fight very hard to stay awake. Yikes.

As for the complete health details...Max chucked up his desayunos while we were eating breakfast and after clean up, he was happy to try for some more...and that came up to. So...no breakfast or meds for the lil'man.

And then during leche y libros time, he started a cough tambien. Yikes!!

Me? Rough sleep so I was tired, but awake at 645am with a headache and only 50% of my muscles aching. And at 345pm that is still how I feel but now I have a tickle in my throat. A cold? O Gripa?

All we can do is try to help each other through this and that means I helped Max eat some sopa para comida and also ensured madre continued on her siesta vs helping Max fall asleep for his.

And currently the familia is out at the playa and kudos to madre for saving whatever energy she has and taking the camioneta verde vs her bici. And since they are in the truck, hola hola to playa Maguey, one of the many playas we have here.

A little further out so we don't usually go there, but a nice change for the familia.

They have done well as they left around 230pm and the nubes obscuras have been slowly making their way into centro from above the montañas.

Here is what "they" say the weather is currently.

I agree with the 26,0 grados as it is brrrrrr. That and the viento that is keeping it cool as well. As for the 89% humido, it sure was like that this morning, but right now, I cannot feel any humido. Hmmmm?

As for the rest of the día...of course the noche that madre could use a good sleep, Max was up at media noche for the panale pit stop and then at 3am when he told his madre "it is too hot, I cannot sleep".

Close the window and turn on the a/c and hope for another 645am wake up....ahhhhhh no. Can you say 545am.

And after a super crappy, yes super crappy bedtime, now we have the early riser. Yikes.

Anoche? Last night? Fifteen minutos of leche y libros, 15 minutos with his madre in the bedroom and then 55 minutos con padre...and he was still wide awake in his cuna. Argh.

Called in back up and madre had him asleep by 9pm. So...9pm to 545am...not enough zzzz for the lil'man.

Bex hit the sack at 7am and the boys started their morning but it ended up being tranquilo time, desayunos, clean up, mas desayunos, mas clean up and then more tranquilo time.

Max was feeling a-ok, so off we went on a bici tour to the campo, just like I promised Max. A hot tour and after an hour or so, we came home for a leche pit stop and a change into swim gear. Hola hola to a familia swim in the CP alberca, but madre did not last long as it was cold.

Lots of lluvia last night and the pool was brrrr. Not too much for the lil'man and his Poppa...hola hola to a ton of cannon balls and some very tonto time con si padre.

Upstairs for the leche y libros and after some rocking with his Poppa, we were both lights out for a good 90 minuto siseta. Score!!

Post siesta there was some cooking in the cocina with his madre and then The Boys sat down in front of Tractor Tom and I managed to feed Max a good portion of comida. We are thinking the yakking this morning was due to medicina on an empty estomaga, so after his lunch we got back on medicina schedule and gave him his 130pm dose.

As they took the camioneta verde...I am hoping lunch y the medicina stayed down. Yikes!!

I had some casa clean up, a catch up from ayer, and currently have The Duke in True Grit on the tube.

Fotos? I am feeling like vagabudo poo and we still have fotos!! And here they are.

Off to drop the basura off and then grab the bici from out of the camioneta verde, but first a little yard work.

Poppa forgot something upstairs in the condo, so here Max waits patiently on his green square.

At the canchas, and it looks like OXXO is having un Evento Deportivo, a Sports Day, for it's staff.

OXXO is like a 7-11 and there are over 11,000 tiendas across Latin America. Here are two of the 4 teams they had ready for OXXO fun!!

But before the games can begin, time for a little playing for Max.

Off to an otro campo...which is over "there".

I was THRILLED to see Max get off his bici and want to play ball. Originally the boy in the blue (far left) had the ball and Max got off his bici and grabbed my hand so we could go over together.

Max did whisper "quieres jugar", do you want to play? The older niño moved away and Max was left to play with this chico niño.

I had been chatting up a familia watching the partido, game, and explained that Mexicanos are born with futbol in their sangre, while Max has hockey. They laughed and noticed that Max was all about picking up the balon.

But Max realized he was playing with a chico amigo and very gingerly threw the ball at the niños pies, feet.

The lil'amigo seemed pleased with this interaction.

But then became angry that Max kept picking up the balon with his manos. Here he is about to swat Max, but his padre the taxista stepped in.

Max did not fully understand why the niño was not happy, especially after he had been so gentle with giving the balon to him. We chatted it up and said that not everyone likes sharing, compartir, as much as Max does and that seemed to sooth thing over and off we went.

For over a month, Max has wanted to climb the stairs to the grandstand and today was the day...we needed some sombra.

Muy pelligro...a niño could easily slip under the seat and fall to the roof below. Yikes. But Max and I chatted it up before I stepped down a few aisles to take these fotos.

And from ayer, when Max y Bex were feeling better then they are today.

Here Max is adding the final touches to madre's comida...pepper.

Ok...430pm and I have 30 minutos until it will be time to start cooking la cena. Siesta time? Hmmmmm?

Back at you post tina time.

Hasta pronto.

Buenos noches!!! Well...kinda bueno...actually not much bueno here!!

Madre y Max returned from their afternoon out and about, and after eating a banana and taking an ASA pill, she was lights out in Max's room!! Killer headache and she had the chills all afternoon.

So...time for The Boys to tough it out and we did that by laying on the couch!!Max had some iPad time and I had a FT with Oma y Opa.

I felt like crap, but well enough to hang out with the lil'man and then we cooked our cena together before moving into the living room to eat our cerdo.

Happy to report that Max had a healthy portion and it all stayed down!! Me? I loaded up on chops y applesauce.

Some clean up and then just as we were headed out the door at 650pm, Bex woke up. The Boys headed out to Los Gallos and grabbed madre some sopa and as we were headed there it felt like I had been hit over the head with a sledge hammer.

Crazy headache, fatigue and my head was in a fog.

We puttered home and I am happy to report that Bex is feeling much better, but still has this headache she has been carrying around with her for over a day.

She took Max into tina time and I lay my head down, did a little casa clean up and then lay my head down again.

I was lights out on the couch and Bex y Max headed into his bedroom pretty much 10 minutos later then usual.

I figured he would be tired and the plan was to avoid delaying his bedtime by getting in there asap.

I stumbled in at 755pm and the package was passed over to his Poppa, who promptly plopped him into his cuna. Blankie on...check. Sleep cloth over ojos...check. Pudge tucked in...check.

Part 2 of the plan was to fall asleep on the bed as he fell asleep in the cuna...and it worked!! He was out by 820pm...even when enfermo The Niño Whisperer has "it"...and I grabbed another 20 minutos of tranquilo time.

So...at 9pm, you are all caught up.

If this agony continues...hola hola to some blood tests and a visit to Doc Carillo. Stay tuned.

Wish us luck with a smooth noche and don't forget mañana is race domingo!!

Hasta mañana.

Marco, Bexico y Max

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