domingo, el 14 de septiembre de 2014

Max "Aunt Jemima" Van, taking a moment to reflect on his busy morning at the canchas y campos.

Bandana amarillo...and Max LOVES pancakes tambien!!

Buenos tardes and with Bex y Max about to cook up some huevos for madre's comida, I plop myself on the couch, fire up the PVR'd race and type away.

We had a good bedtime and then a super noche!! But even with the a/c set at 26,0 grados, Max needed a new playera and sheet in his cuna as he had sweat through them by 1030pm.

No pee break...but a new panale and we awoke at 7am, yes 7am, with a dry cuna. Yahoo!!

And continuing on yesterday's "preemptive" pees...Max wanted to hit the baño at 7am. Score. And then again at 830am, again at 915am before we went for our bici tour and then again at 1045am for pre-swim. If you ask me, I call those successes!!

Post videos we were onto tranquilo time, lots of fruta para desayunos and then some pan frances as well. Mmmmmmm Max says as he rubs his belly.

Geared up and off to the canchas y campos we went. Max was off his bici and spent lots of time running around and climbing the postes.

Off to a campo where there was a partido de futbol in action, but first we have to pass a grandstand with 10-15 peeps sitting around in the sombra, shade. It looked like it was a team who had played an early game (beat the heat) and were now chill-laxing.

Each person had a case (24) of chelas and were hooping it up a little. We did not know them so we rode behind the grandstand and heard a few peeps yoller (not a yell, not a holler...but a yoller) "no tocarme" as they read Max's casco.

We yoller'd hola hola back and as Max wheeled away, I spotted someone calling out our name. It was Doctor Carillo!! I call Max back to say hola and he turned around and whizzed by to see his amigo and then came to a screeching halt.

Here is Doc Carillo, no shirt, smoke in mano and a beer in the other...welcome to Huatulco!! Hey, it is his day off...but I have to explain to him why Max is giving him the stink eye...humo malo.

Doc Carillo tells Max smoking is bad for him, hides the smoke and then they choque and off we go.

Off to the campo and Max finds a banco..."sit here hormigas" and we watch some futbol while the 3 teenagers next to us cannot help themselves from eavesdropping and staring at the lil'man, especially when the bandana comes off. Of course they can't!!

Oh, oh, we are running tarde. We race home, pit stop at SCA for some hamburger buns (hola hola to Bubba Burger domingo) and then home for some leche while we change up for the swim.

Madre joins us post bici tour and then she leaves the boys to burn off a little more energy. Fun pool facts from hoy, today? We got to the pool and to make our entrance memorable...we pull up a patio chair and have Max climb up on the chair and then jump in. Oh...we did that 20 times!!

You may know that Max can front crawl his way across the pool and now he can swim underwater the length of the alberca, only needing to surface for air 3 times. Yahoo!!

Post swim, upstairs for leche y libros and Poppa scooped him up at media día for 10 minutos of rocking and madre closed the show within another diez minutos. A siesta after a noche of 10.5 hours of sleep and after having woken up at 7am? Score!!

About an hour of sleep, some wake up time with his madre and then onto cocina time. Oh...that was an interesting time!! Ja ja ja

Lap 39 of the race...onto the fotos from our día.

Max concentrating VERY hard on his mano.

Start with a fist.

Manipulate a few fingers.

And end up with a "peace sign"...kinda.

But if it brings a sonrisa to his face, I am contento tambien!!

Geared up and ready to go.

I am taking fotos, hoping for a smile, and Max is starting to lean forward.

And lean a little more.

And then tell his Poppa it was time to put the camera away and get going!!

Bandera...Max has spotted another bandera.

Who knew? My barber does tree trimming as well?

Only 930am but someone is headed back to the Autocorona for a refill.

We have arrived at the campos.

Max spent 15 minutos climbing up and down these postes.

And then off to kick up some polvo, dust.

Hello? Poppa?

The Autocorona...yup, it is a drive thru.

From ayer.

If you do not have a lot of money, your used clothes do not get donated or tossed. You set up under un arbol grande and ta-da, you have a thrift shop.

Not sure who the niñõ with Un Ojo Bob is, but Bob asked for a foto and the niño was excited to see the finished product.

I am thinking he is 4 years old and I know he is wearing some dirty clothes and some Crocs on the wrong feet....and he is hanging out with Un Ojo Bob. Doph.

Oh yeah...Bob is now an abuelo, grandfather as one of his 17 year old twins just had a niña. Just stating the facts.

Ok, off to clean the casa and watch the race...we are on lap 88.

Back at you after tina time.

Hasta pronto.

Wow...what a great race that was!! Super racing by #'s 24 y 42!! Congrats to Brad K...first one into the round of 12.

Buenos noches. Max y Bex had a fun time at the playa and came home at 5pm for some tranquilo time y leche time.

Burgers at 530pm and Max cleared his plato y mas...again. Let's add it up...some burger patty, applesauce, pan, arroz con hot sauce, pollo snacks, 2 tortilla chips y jitomate...and then some yogurt con mora azul para dessert.

Clean up and then a good bici tour...minus the fact that Max missed stopping at a rampa and was quite defiant about it....hmmmm.

Home for tina time, leche y libros and in 7 minutos I am due to take over. Gotta go.

Mañ to check out a kinder for Max....stay tuned.

Hasta mañana.

Marco, Bexico y Max

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