jueves, el 18 de septiembre de 2014

A few días tarde, but here Max is showing off his Mexican pride.

Buenos tardes...a mixed bag of weather, but it was hot again!!

Oh yes, back to the 42,0 grados.

Currently 330pm and I am pooped after a long noche and a hot session at el gimnasio. Time for a muy raro cat nap and will get back at ya after I wake up.

Hasta pronto.

Bzzzzzzzz...the timbre, buzzer, at the door woke me up...oh oh...over slept. Who was at the door? DHL and they had Max's new pasaporte...score!!

Running behind now...off to get the casa ready para la cena and then upload the fotos. I will start/finish this update after tina time.

Hasta pronto...again.

Buenos noches!! Bed time has started and that means the day is coming to a close...and I now have to try and remember what happened today?

Wacky noche...sore leg (just one) on the lil'man and it meant he was awake every few hours and then awake from 1am-2am...hola hola to the massage and some special cream we have for such issues.

And then at 5am he bolted up and said he needed to sleep with his Poppa (he hasn't said that in 6 months), so up he came and off we went...man snugs until 645am. Score!!

Usual morning rutina...videos, tranquilo time, desayunos and then a few calm down time outs. The times outs are becoming a broken record that wear on me. Ugh. But the lil'man is sooooo wired after breakfast and he also does not listen. This could make for an interesting time when we get him into school.

We started a bici tour and it was hot and Max was not listening, so it was time to change it up and off we went to the barber. Max thought I was getting a hair cut...I did not say that, he assumed.

A short wait and Max ripped apart the magazine stand. Then into the chair he went and his ojos went large...but his Poppa stayed with him and he had seen me get my hair cut, so he knew it did not hurt...and he even said "it does not hurt".

Max's hair was combed down and the front went below his chin and the back was almost past his shoulders!! That is 2 years and 10 months of hair growth!!

We love his long hair and he seems to like it too, but we all agree it is hot to have that much. So we kept most of the length and cut a ton of hair beneath the top layer. Max was super well behaved and other then needing to remind him to look up, down and keep his head still, all went well.

The cut is not so obvious, so when we got home and told madre it was done, she did not know what to expect when Max pulled off his bandana. But she liked it and agreed that it is not an obvious cut, but it was easier to handle during the day and at tina time.

And the best part...Max likes it and has said s a few times during the day. Fotos mañana.

Doph...off to get the lil'man to sleep. See you at 830pm.

Hola hola...I am back and will not be going anywhere until this update is done!!

Post hair cut, off for a swim and then upstairs for leche y libros and then siesta time. Max has a cough, so the longer siesta was ok with us. Bex took over for me and as I was headed out to el gimnasio, they were laying in bed watching some iPad!!

I headed off for a hot session, cut short because I was pooped. Mean while the familia had a small comida and then loaded up the camioneta verde and were off for an afternoon at playa Entrega.

They rolled in and I started cooking up the rib eyes and we had an oh so yummy dinner and post dinner we had clean up and then off for the bici tour.

Tina time, leche y libros again and then bed time. Starting 5 minutes later and that meant that the 825pm sleep time of the past days did not happen...it was 830pm instead. Max needs 35 minutos with his padre y my manos...and then is lights out.

So...all caught up...onto the fotos.

If you listen carefully...you will hear "beep beep beep".

As Max walk backwards to the camioneta verde.

Waiting for Poppa.

Checking to make sure I am still back there.

If I remember correctly, this is Max's "boat".

I am more interested in the many facial expressions we are about to experience. And I have no idea what caused them to change.

My favorite of the bunch.

And then "homey boy" comes out.

His facial expressions and moods seem to be able to change like a flick of a switch.

And yes, we have a few from ayer at playa Mojon.

Mucha arena, sand.

Two rings.

Del mar looks tranquilo enough.

But the olas were grande and the current strong.

One of the main stories from ayer? We made it to playa Mojon and the BBQ is fired up and I am about to put the dogs on the grill....but we forgot our food cooler at home. Doph.

I raced home, put the food in the fridge and came back to playa Mojon with some sandwich products.

Here, I have arrived back and I think (?) Max is racing to me because he is happy to see me...and or tiene hambre, is hungry.

And right about here you think he might be about to tell me "Poppa Poppa, I missed you!!"??

Ahhhhhh...no. He is about to tell me that he and Bex were pretty much attacked by a dog...twice. Yikes.

Yup, as they played on the steps of the hotel, like they have done many times before, this perro charged them. Bex hid Max behind her and yelled at the dog and had her water bottle ready to smack him.

Someone from the hotel came out and yelled at the dog, but when he left, the dog came at them again.  Same actions but this time the hombre really yelled at the dog and that allowed Max y Bex to get back to our property.

Yikes. Madre's instincts had kicked in, but when I saw her, the adrenaline was wearing off and she was upset and rightly so.

I will chat it up with Roman and see if he knows anything and I will see if I can talk to the owner next time we are down. That, and we are going to carry a stick (or bat) and will not be afraid to use it if need be.

In all of our years here, we have never had a situation like this before. Part of the bigger issue is the fact that most peeps cannot afford to give their pets the "Bob Barker", having them spayed or neutered and there are a ton of vagabundos every where we go.


Plugged in the good ol'Magic Jack and called TD Bank for some follow up on missing $$. Good news is that $87 was returned a month ago...but they have no update on the missing $525. If I don't hear back from them mañana, they asked me to call them (call them...how about call me?) on lunes. Stay tuned.

Off to watch some PVR'd News and maybe a lil'Thursday Night Futbol!!

Mañana...hola hola to Soriana viernes.

Hasta mañana.

Marco, Bexico y Max

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