miercoles, el 24 de septiembre de 2014

The long wait (10 minutos) at INM has pooped out the lil'man!!

Buenos tardes from playa Mojon!! Currently 425pm and we have another 35 minutos here before we head home for clean up and then la cena.

What a beautiful day here at playa Mojon, one of 3 playas Max has visited today. The viento is strong, keeping it nice and cool, even on a sunny day!!

The nube obscura are rolling but we should be able to miss any lluvia that might fall. The olas are grande though...no swimming for us today.

The familia is off for a bici tour...time to catch up on the día as it will be go go go once we get home.

A good bedtime...825pm of course and then a complete ropa y cuna change at 10pm as lil'man was floating in his sleep.

The noche was good and up for good at 640am. Usual rutinas but the lil'man was pretty stoked about going to the bufadero!!

Videos, tranquilo time, desayunos and then off we went. We bici'd to SCA to grab some pan for the Gorilla Cheese sandwiches we had for lunch. Then back to the camioneta verde where we loaded up the bici and were off to Santa Cruz.

As we left the CP grounds, Bex was loading up on her bici for the long ride to playa Entrega. Not so long in distance, but there are a few killer hills to conquer.

We parked at Santa Cruz and wheeled to INM. We arrived at 10am and after a short wait, I was fingerprinted, signed some documents and were on the road by 1020am. My tarjeta will be ready in 10-15 días.

We made it to playa Entrega in 15 minutos and having not passed madre on the way, we figured she had made it safe and sound.

And had she!! Wowzers is all I can say as she made it there by 10am!! She had been laying in the sun, listening to meditation musica for 30 minutos!! I had figured she would conquer the hills but that it would take her 35 minutos to arrive....ahhhhhhh no. Can you say 15 minutos mas o menos?

Felicidades madre!!

We locked up her bici and drove up the hill to el Faro and then after looking at the beautiful view, we hiked down to the bufadero. Low tide so there was no water spout to see today, but we did hear the whoosh of the air coming and going. Max wanted to see agua, but was happy we had shown his madre the bufadero, and has already asked that we come back next week.

Back to the completely deserted playa Entrega and the familia had a quick dip in del mar and then Max did some jumping off the break water and into the oceano.

He was well behaved as we had to go home for leche, libros y siesta, and having really just arrived, he really wanted to stay.

Another day mi hijo...and we are off to playa Mojon after your siesta!! So we loaded up and had a quick unpack at home before leche y libros and then at 1150am Poppa came in and scooped up the lil'dude and off we went.

Bex took over at media día and Max was lights out. Wow, I did not expect that...but he was pooped out.

Awake after 70 minutos and then we loaded up the coolers, loaded up the camioneta verde and headed here to playa Mojon. It was a no puke trip...phew.

Some playa time while popped cooked some dawgs and then as we ate those, on went the Gorilla Cheese sandwiches.

More playa time as Bubba did some yard work...hola hola to weeding. And that has pretty much been our día so far. Onto the fotos!!

At Santa Cruz and Max has come upon the taxistas at sitio Santa Cruz.

Let's see if he choques everyone. Ok, here is taxista #1.

Taxista #2.

Taxista #3.

Taxista #4.

Taxista #5.

And last but not least, taxista #6.

All done at INM and Max races back to the camioneta verde...hola hola bufadero!!

Mi muy tonto familia en frente del Faro.

Knowing it was peligro, Max made sure he took care of his madre by holding her mano tight.

And in a hurry, he practically dragged her to the view point.

Not a bad view eh?

Black ones are not good to eat...but the verde ones? Yummy or so I have been told.

Another butchered volcho for sale. No good on rainy days.

The restaurantes at playa Entrega.

Lil'man doph dee doe'ing into del mar.

Off the breakwater.

Ok...time to pack up. Back at you post tina time.

Hasta pronto!!

Buenos noches!! Well...that was an exciting end to the día.

Max is not the best traveller in the camioneta verde, but he made it to and from Mojon without yakking, even though we did a pit stop each way just to ensure he was ok.

But on the way home, from the moment he got into the truck, he was just not his normal self. Not even his normal car sick self. His energy was waaaaay low and we nursed him home where we thought some iPad time and la cena would help him.

Max lay on the couch and Bex y Poppa cooked and cleaned up our Mojon stuff and then sat down para la cena. Max was not his usual hungry self and was still quite tired looking and acting.

We were not going to force him to eat, duh, but did want him to have something in his belly before bedtime and he seemed ok with that.

Normally he clear his plate and that was not going to happen tonight, so with one bite left before dessert, he looked sleepy so I playfully gave him one of the pillows for the banco, so he could lay his head down.

And milli-seconds later, up came all of his dinner, his leche and I swore I saw some lunch come up as well. All over him, the pillow (into the garbage that went) and over his highchair and poco on the piso.

Bex was cleaning the cocina and looked over to see this fire hose vomit coming out and raced over with a bowl and a cloth.

Bex cleared the shower and I hoisted Max, his highchair and the pillow straight into the shower. Bex cleaned up Max and I took care of the living room floor and then moved onto the cocina as Bex continued working on the lil'man...who is a trooper but was obviously not feeling well and had not enjoyed the vomito part of his cena experience.

Max gets settled with the iPad and as I finish the cocina y highchair, Bex took care of the baño...not the prettiest of jobs.

Onto libros and some jugo de mañzana for Max y Bex, and I finished up the casa clean up...mop duty.

I grabbed a shower and at 755pm I crept into Max's room to find (in the pitch black) Bex giving Max a leg massage and Max fast asleep.

That tells you how tired and how not well he was. Asleep before 8pm...that has not happened in 6 months or longer!!

Bex left and I managed to scoop the lil'man off the bed and plopped him into his cuna and then set up  his room for the noche...a/c on, blankets over his legs and his video monitor on. Hey...best gift we received was this monitor!! We need to keep his bedroom door closed due to the a/c and the monitor allows us to know what is going on in there. Perfect...gracias Señor y Señora Melon!!

And at 820pm...the blog update is done and I have some tranquilo time...until Max wakes up due to his sore legs. Yikes.

As for why he was ill tonight? We think he had too much sun today. We are very good with keeping him in the sombra as much as possible and he also wears hats and sunscreen...but today with our very full day, he might have been in the sun too much. Heck..I have a sun burn on my back from when I was doing all my Mojon yard work!!

So...we will keep an extra close ojo on him and see how the noche goes, take it easy mañana and make sure he has belly sensitive food as well.

And that was our día. Off to watch The News.

Hasta mañana.

Marco, Bexico y Max

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