viernes, el 12 de septiembre de 2014

If only my day had left me with such a beautiful sonrisa!!

Hey...just because I do not commute one hour to work 5 times a week and I live in a place with 25 playas within a 30 minutos does not mean every day is paradise. And today would be one of those days.

If bad things happen in 3's, I am catching up on a few owed days of bad things!!

But first, the disclaimer. I am not about to complain, just state the facts. And I would still rather have a day like I did today then have to commute one hour to work!!

Finally a noche cool enough to sleep with the window open...I know it to be fact as the torrential downpour has cooled it off to 26,5 grados!! I open the window, open the door and turn off the a/c...ahhhh.

And 15 minutos later we get another ear shattering torrential downpour and with the window one meter from Max's head...guess who wakes up unhappy about the situation.

Shut the window, close the door, turn on the a/c and realize Max has sweated through another playera. Change that and might as well see if he wants a pee break....ahhhhhh...NO he does not. Yikes. New panale, a rock and then manos for 20 minutos as he stared at the green light on the a/c. Two lights when it is in cool mode.

Manos at 430am...430am? And guess who was up for good at 540am? Pretty much the two of us...oh Max.

We lay there, me thinking why oh why and Max thinking leche o leche. I told Max it was waaaaay too early for videos and we would set the alarma...and we had a full on meltdown...tears and the blubbering of "I do not like that alarma".

Whoa...lil'man this is what happens when you wake up at 540am. Ok ok regular alarma...we will use the one on the iPad.

Leche and then 10 minutos later I am woken up by "I am done" and then at 630am the iPad goes of and it is video time. More hooting and hollering at World Word...Max screams out the word they are trying to build...."CAKE!!!"...."TOAD!!!"...."DUCK!!!" etc.

I am up before my alarma I dreaming this come to mind...until I hear the alarma go off and Max calling out "Poppa, alarm going off".

I set up the palacio and Max tosses the iPad down...a quick discussion about tossing iPads, and then some tranquilo time which within 2 minutos is disrupted by Max dumping out a bin of toys on the tile floor vs on the blue mats. Waaaaaaay loud for us and our downstairs neighbor and Max knows better.

Another discussion and all I get is "I like to toss things out"...about 5 times. Add lack of listening to the día and off we go for a 2 minuto time out.

I sit on the banco looking at the goings on in the World and when the 2 minutos is up, Max sits next to me and has completely forgotten about the time out. I get no less then 30 questions about all the pictures he sees as I look at websites...I answer all of them as well as I can.

Onto desayunos and we are rocking...phew!! A huge helping of fruta, Max feeding himself and then we skip onto Gerber and yogurt as we wait for my "boxed"  leche (yech) get ice cold...the only way I can drink this stuff.

Out comes the leche from the freezer, we have our fry pan set up to cook Max another huevo frito...and it is only 840am...waaaay ahead of schedule.

Pour the leche, give Max a pasa from the bowl, we have a few spoonfuls and then....up comes Max's breakfast...all over the piso de cocina, kitchen floor...and then as I move him backwards into the bodega...a lil'more.

And then he fills up a bowl I gave him and now his eyes are the size of sauces and our kitchen looks like a vomit battlefield.

Only one thing to do...wake up madre!! Never an easy task, but she figured out I needed help and she  took over Max duty...into the shower he goes.

And me? Who knew that over time, I would be able to eat a bowl of Raisin Bran while cleaning up puke? Twenty paper towels as camouflage, wipe it up, mop it up, dry it up, clean out mop and do it again.

Max y madre had their tranquilo time as I got back on track and then off The Boys went. A short bici ride before heading to Soriana and we pit stopped for a muffin so Max could have something in his belly.

Another SCA pit stop...hola hola to some huevos...and then back to the camioneta verde. Off to Pemex to get some gasolina...and their Amex system was down. My Visa does not work there...good thing I had my Mexican Scotia Bank debit card. Sigh.

Off to Fonatur to drop off recycling and as I open the passenger door to get the bag full o'plasticos, my camera falls out and onto the road. Nice.

It seems to be ok...but my nerves are fraying.

Off to Soriana and we welcome the a/c and manage to grab our list of items...Max running up and down every aisle. I did enjoy Max spotting items he recognized and our cart ended up with a few of them, even though they were not needed. Hola hola to more atun y molida res.

A little behind schedule, but we get home for leche y libros and by the time noon came, I had put away the groceries, grabbed a case of leche out of the camioneta and had my shower...p-u Poppa.

I scooped up the lil'man at media día and 10 minutos later madre came in to close the show with Max slurring "I cannot fall asleep with my Dad". And 10 minutos later he was lights out.

Me? Exhausted today. No computer time...I headed into Max's room and was lights out tambien!! He woke up at 115pm or so, looked at me and then rolled into my nook and went right back to sleep. Score.

The Boys woke up around 130pm or so...we will have to see how that plays out for tonight's bed time. Is it too early to say a prayer?

I decided today would be the perfect day not to go to el gimnasio and after my comida I ran a few errands and returned home to find the familia eating their comida like grown ups. At a table in the living room and Max feeding himself some cereal y leche from a bowl.

A short time later they were off for a prowl and while gone it was casa clean up time for Bubba. All done by 3pm...score.

The familia has returned for some leche and a quick turn to the CP alberca. It is a cloudy day here, some nube obscuras are rolling in and I wonder if we will get more lluvia esta noche.

Cloudy but by no means is it cool out.

The 75% humido, also known as "shirt sticking to body" hot, is driving the 29,0 to feel like 41,0. Phew...a dip in the pool is a great thing!!

Me? A fan blasting away and when I get up to go check the bodega and the clothes that are in the dryer...I break into a sweat. Funny...but not really.

So, with an hour before I start cooking up the lomo chuletas de cerdo, here are the fotos from today.

Pre-yak...Max ate almost all of his yogurt via the spoon, and then decided he would finish up the last bit by trying to drink it from the plastic container. I knew this foto was coming!!

Almost out the CP gates.

But smiley Max needs to say adios to Marcelino.

Knowing there had been rain last night, Max sees if he can cool himself down.

By shaking the hojas and having the agua sprinkle down on himself. Oh Max!!

Too far ahead of his Poppa, Max makes a beeline back.

Never seen before...the gate to the panificadora closed. Here, Max has decided to pry the gates open...all in the search of a rollo canela o some panque.

Hmmm...a new initiative in the zocalo. I am all into recycling but wonder what basura organica will look and smell like in 45,0 grado heat. to cut some papas for la cena. Back at you after tina time.

Buenos tardes!! And at 6pm the lluvia bici ride...doph!!

But Bex y Max had a fun pool time and came back in time for Max to be in charge of cooking the gravy!!

Great cerdo and Max ate a huge plateful and before our yogurt y mora azul dessert, we had a super FT con Oma y Opa. I have not seen max that amable y talkative with his O y O in a long time. Score!!

Finished dessert and the decision was for The Boys to gear up and go for a post cean prowl in the light lluvia. Max was getting geared up by his madre, he started mentioning his legs were sore. This has happened to him a few times and we know it can be painful for him.

We managed to make it outside and checked on the gatos when he said they really hurt. I asked him if he wanted to go back upstairs or go for a carry on my shoulders, and he said shoulders and off we went.

We made it to the gate but his legs hurt soooo much, we returned to get some help from Doctor Mom. First off was some niñõ Tylenol and then a masage in the tina that included 2 packages of epsom salts.

Ten minutes after returning home, Max is in waaaay better spirits and tina tima is about to end...onto leche, libros and then bed time. Hoping the meds do wonders for the lil'man and he has a good sleep...please oh please!!

And that mis amigos, was our día.

Mañana...fin de semana already? No plans...other then some Nascar and NFL. Max had one birthday party postponed until next week, so he only has one on his busy social calender for this weekend.


How about those City of Toronto mayoral politics? Rob Ford out...Doug Ford in. Hilarious.

Hasta mañana!!

Marco, Bexico y Max

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