martes, el 31 de enero de 2012

Hola everyone!!

Well, we had a change of plans today. Por que? Porque Max tiene una infección in his ojo. Huh? Eye infection. Doph.

He awoke with some stuff verde…green stuff and it was evident it was infected. Funny (but not ha ha) that we cancelled last night’s cita with the pediatra, only to awake with the need to see a doctor!!

We know the pediatra only has night time cita, so we called our OB, who also deals with any issues niños might have. But he doesn’t deal with the items covered in a regular 2 or 4 month checkup. Huh? Oh well.

First appointment available was 7pm. That wouldn’t do, so we called the doctor at home!! He is a great guy and very accommodating. 1130am he says…we know that means 1215pm and that it did.

We were at the oficina for 1130am and the nurse who takes temperatures when you check in, LOVED Max. She had to take him to weigh him (7550 gramos…16 lbs and 10 oz) and seemed like she didn’t want to let him go!! As witnessed by these fotos!!

And then Max gave us the "uh enough" look. Ja ja ja

Then Dr Carillo’s wife came and told us all about their 3 week vacation in Florida as well as commenting how big and hermoso Max is!! Hello!!

1215pm…right on expected time, we were in the oficina and after 45 minutes, other then an eye infection, Max had a clean bill of health. Dr C loves kids and was happy to see a big 3 month old niño, one that can hold his head up as well as almost move one foot in front of the other (while being held up).

Medicina? Maxitrol gotas…drops…every 4 hours for day 1 and then every 6 hours for the next 6 days. Hoping to see some improvement mañana, as even though Max does not look in discomfort, his sad eye makes us feel sad for him.

Tried to get the gotas at Similar…same products, cheaper prices is their catch phrase…but they did not carry the product. So off to Farma Pronto and $275 pesos later…ta-da.

We were all finished up and home for 1pm, too late for our Mojon run, so I was off to el gimnasio and Bexico hung out with Senor Max.

Here are the other fotos from the excursion to el doctor.

Max aka Gilligan, headed out into the monsoon?

Naaaah...sol protection!!

At the oficina...but not too thrilled.

Right on schedule for his 1130am nap

Bubba y Max...con snow mitts so he does not scratch his ojo

Max’s early day wasn’t that early. He went to bed last night at 730pm and had a feeding and some tnt (toss n’turn) but wasn’t awake until almost 8am!! He must have been tired from fighting with this infection!!

Here are Max y madre before the day started.

We hung out for a while and he managed to grab a cat-nap before the doctor, a quick one at the doctors, and then another later in the afternoon!! Madre Bexico has done a GREAT job getting him geared up for these naps. He now expects them and almost like clock work is lights out!!

El gimnasio? Low energy day…quick workout and was headed home when I saw Tony from Nissan. He of the 4 months of worker’s comp and then took 2 weeks vacation. I knew something was “up” and sure enough…Tony took his vacation and is quitting Nissan to work with his padre.

Good for him as he will make more $$ that way.

He will be at Nissan for a few more days and later this week (maybe jueves), I will take the camioneta in for the clutch fan cambio…change.

8pm update…no Global today (maybe mañana if Carlos/Charlie fixes us up) so we are into CTV. Bex went down for a few 8pm laps in the alberca and is back, about to head to her oficina.

La cena was quick and easy…some ensalads and pechuga de pollo. Oh…and throw in some garlic toast!! The best part of la cena? Cracked open one of the Kraft (yes Kraft) 1000 Island dressings I brought down from Nogales Arizona. Yummy!!! Ja ja ja

Back to the day…

Came home after el gimnasio and other then a quick dip in the pool, it was relax time with Max.

Here are the rest of the fotos of the day.

Una brisa fuerte...a strong breeze taking the pollo smoke across town

What are these 4 hombres up to?

They were pulling new MegaCable (TV) cable. Honest...I walked 2 blocks and the cable they were pulling was moving overhead. New term for manual labour.


Idiot. I thought the camioneta was out of gas due to the gas cap being open. But...the idiot parked in the middle of the road to take his laundry in. Uh...dangerous?

Far from a record. Only 3 peeps on this moto.

Not sure what tomorrow brings….stay tuned.

But the Canucks game starts in 35 minutes!!


Marco, Bexico y Max

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