martes, el 10 de enero de 2012

Buenos noches all.

9pm and sitting here in Huatulco watching Meet Joe Black via the satellite.

Quite a long day…lots of fotos too.

We have a new Max plan in the works because this guy will not nap…and how much brain development happens during his sleep? Tons. Why do you think I like the odd siesta? Ja ja ja

New plan? In bed for 7pm!! Old plan was for him to be in bed for 9pm…but he just isn’t getting the naps and sleep he needs to. Maybe that is why he has the late night gas issues and weighs the same as a 6 year old!!

Hoy, he was soooo pooped that he cut short a FT with mis padres and let all of Huatulco know he was tired. Madre Bexico to the rescue and 30 minutes later, he was lights out. We are going to let our beachy smelling hijo go without his bath time tonite…we may not get him back to zzzz!!

Our day was simple…Max time, el gimnasio, Mojon and then back to Max time.

First batch of fotos are from the early morning series. We slept together from 530am-8am and it was a tnt session. I then gave him some eats and he seemed to be ok. Plopped him in the conejito and took these fotos.

NOTE...these fotos are primarily for the abuelos y abuelas...your patience is appreciated. But really..with a niño so cute, do you need patience?

Here are the fotos from my walk to and from el gimnasio.

Here is Carlos's car...the hombre who found my satellite signal for $250 pesos!!

From Imperial Pollo across the street. Funny how they have the same amount of numbers in their phone number, but they break them up differently then we so in Canada or the US.

A turismo bus with the Virgen on front.

The one and only cloud in the sky.

When you see a truck like this parked near the parque, and peeps hanging around outside (waiting for jobs), you know it is a WFSITBOTT!!

Here are 3 vendors having just stocked up on their hielo. I know WFSITBOTT!! Rugs and hand fans. These were parked next to an tienda de abarrote...the hombre was probably inside getting a Coca Cola!!

And meanwhile his amigos waited for him across the street.

Quick session at the gym, and headed back so we could go to Mojon.

When I came home, Niño Whisperer Bexico had managed to get Max down for a few minutes.

Here is sleeping Max…and then face of an awakening Max.

So we loaded Max up and hit the road.

The other day mi padre mentioned a story he had read online, about the archaeological parque here in Huatulco. We drive by it every time we go to Mojon, and here is a picture of the entrance.

No, we have not been there yet, but have heard good things about it. Stay tuned.

All those dots bobbing in the water are surfers. Great olas today, thus no one was in school!! Ja ja ja

Misc Mojon fotos.

As we were leaving Mojon, I saw a teenager walking up towards the highway and probably headed to Copalita. I was going to stop and ask if he wanted to hang on to the outside of the truck, and save the 2km walk.

Clarica…we have running boards and a roof rack…peeps hang onto that as the truck is full.

But before I can stop…the dumb a** throws his chip bag on the ground…basura…garbage.

I stop and have a brief dialogue with him and he looks sheepish as I pick up his garbage and tell him that is not right to throw it away in such a manner.

I then offer him a ride to the highway and he accepts.

Moments later we come upon a 60 year old hombre and offer him the ride as well. We are one collectivo!! We drive the 2kms with two hombres hanging on to the outside of the truck!!

When we get to the highway, there is NO way I am driving them to Copalita on the outside of the truck, so I stop, let them off and have a reminder with the teenager about littering.

He took it well and I hope it, along with the ride, has an impact on him.

No stopping by the militar, and off we went back to our condo.

Bexico took care of Max while I alberca’d it, washing off the arena from Mojon before doing a few laps. Then we swapped off and that is when Max came to life!!

And now, you have our complete day!!

Bexico is currently up in her oficina, fielding offers to interview for various projects, I am about to download 60 fotos into the blog, and Max is zzzzz!!

Mañana? Hope to catch up on some to-do’s!!

Last foto...

Tough guy Max!!


Marco, Bexico y Max

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