domingo, el 22 de enero de 2012

No foto…but picture this.

4pm and the TV has the NFL game on (in HD) and sitting next to me on the couch is madre who has just fed Max. Max is cooing like crazy…because lil’hombre loves leche y NFL!! Life is good for all of us!!

So how was la cena de anoche? Bueno!! Not only did Max sleep through all of it, but the food was VERY good (Krystal) and after touching base with Daniel today, he tells me his esposa enjoyed herself and enjoyed talking with Bex.

So overall, a huge success. We started the dinner with a 3 line speech in español, thanking Daniel for his help with the most important person in our life, Senor Max.

And we ended the dinner with postre and by picking up the tab…yo invito means I invite and I pay!!

We came home at 11pm and Max was moved into the cama and continued to sleep!!

As for the rest of the night…Max was up at various hours for eats, and then up for good around 8am. Madre took over and Bubba grabbed a few more hours…much needed and much appreciated. Gracias Bexico!!

Here are the early morning fotos of Max y Pudge.

Max is now able to grab onto things, like the rattle. He is also talking up a storm and sometimes seems to recognize his nombre….name. Very exciting!!

It is domingo, so no el gimnsaio. Madre hit the oficina and Max and I went out for a walk.

I cannot tell you how many peeps stopped to comment on the gafas and on how hermoso Max is!!

We started at the panificidora to see if they had any rollos de canela…cinnamon buns (rolls). But alas, they had not been baked. But do not fear…Bexico went out later and grabbed the last two!!! Ja ja ja

We strolled over to say hola to Daniel y Vicky and touch base about our dinner from last night. Daniel enjoyed himself too…and really like the camarones de coco!!

Off to Santa Cruz abarrotes and picked up some chocolate M&Ms (oh Plu). Also grabbed mas Mil Isla dressing and some hamburger buns for la cena. Hello…hamburguesa domingo!!!

We came home and Max was zzzzz in the sling and managed to grab another 45 minutes of sleep!! He was tired and the heat also pooped him out.

As he was sleeping, Hector from the complex, came up and gave us some of the platanos that were grown on the grounds. Now those are fresh bananas!!

Some spare time…madre in the oficna, Max sleeping and the game not on for 45 minutes…hello alberca time!! And there was no one there!! Score.

Upstairs for the 2pm kick off and when I turn on the TV, what show is the TV tuned to? The Marilyn Denis show from TO and who is one of the guests? My trainer from TO, Brent Bishop, showing some stay fit tips!! Small world!!

Click HERE to read more about Brent.

So Max and I sat on the couch and tuned into the game, and then while catching up on email, I saw an email from Melon telling me to call him.

So plugged in the MJ and caught up with mi amigo. All is good with him…he and his familia all enjoyed Cabo and now is back to work. Leaky roof at the restaurant and a new boss…welcome home!! Ja ja ja

Great to catch up with mi amigo…hope he manages to find the time to get to Baker or the secret runs on Whistler!!

445pm…23-20 for NE with 10 minutes left….the next game starts at 530pm!!

Proxima semana? Next week? I am sure Mojon is in the works, hope to have some results from Roman, and I will head to Inmigracion to see what we need to do to get an FM3 for Max.

Misc fotos.

There are at least 4 condos for sale here at Condos Pacifico...3 by the same owner. Three of them are loft units, but based on the fotos online, the staircase is in the living room…making the living room seem tiny.

They are listed at $130k US…and are now advertised as reduced. Waaaay too much $$ if you ask me.  We are going to focus our $$ on Mojon. Stay tuned.

630pm update.

Max is washed and being fed. He is fussy as he did not take any more naps. The niño hates to nap.

Burgers probably at 730pm.

NE won the game…horseshoe in their butt. Who misses a 23 yard field goal, to tie the game, with 13 seconds left? Uh Baltimore!!

The other game is tied 7-7 and you are up to date.

Last foto of the day?

Earlier today…Max getting burped!!


Marco, Bexico y Max

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