miercoles, el 11 de enero de 2012

Hola mis amigos. A short entry today…that happens if you don’t wake up (con hijo) until 930am and then find your self taking a siesta from noon until 130pm and then spending time watching Senor Max until you head out at 4pm!!

Why the nap? Ol'man Van was pooped. Being up at 630am to take over Max duty seemed to poop me out. Disappointed in not going to el gimnasio, but very happy to report that day#1 of Max having some daytime naps and then getting to bed earlier in the evening, seems to be working. Great job madre Bexico!!

I guess the theory is if he naps during the day, he will be more tranquilo at night and it will be easier for him to fall asleep at 7pm vs 9pm. Fingers crossed!! And yes…Bex and I managed to eat la cena together!! Ja ja ja
So Bexico was the Che and Modelorama senorita today!! And also Pemex? Nice for her to get out and drive around and run the errands.

Great score on the 24 beer…$220 pesos? That is only 70 cents a beer!! And the gasolina? $670 pesos for 65 litros works out to be about 78 cents/litro. Claro on some reasons why we live here?

We have seen a dip in the Cdn dollar…it went from 13.31 pesos/$$ to 13.12/$$. Not sure why the 1.4% decline….but it is still a steal!!

Misc news…

Sorry to hear that the head company that owns Twinkies, Hostess, has declared bankruptcy.

How about my 4pm meeting with Roman? Good omen? Yesterday as we were packing up to head home, we saw a conejo on our lot!! Casa de Dos Conjeos…2012 is your year!!!

Anyway, great meeting with Roman. It is all about clarica…the ability to understand the system here in Mexico.

So…first things first is to find out about the FZ. We have a $10,000 peso quote and I have approved that pending confirmation that the hombre is proven legit.

After we know how much, if any, of our property is in the FZ, we can decide how to proceed.

Next steps would be to get the environmental permit, the FZ lease if need be, as well as changing the land use to residential.

So my question to Roman was, if we had a set of plans ready to go today, how long would it take to break ground. His answer was 6 months mas o menos.

We spent more time talking costs and ways to reduce build costs, including incentives for reducing costs and completing a project on time.

There is the build cost for the building, then the “finishes” such as cabinets etc. On top of that we add the WTP…water treatment plant, water storage and power…solar and a back up generator. And of course…the alberca!!

We will need a retaining wall of some sort and we discussed several options for that as well.

Over all, a great meeting and I have stressed to Roman that 2012 is the year of Mojon and I expect lots of assistance in making it all come together. Stay tuned!!

8pm…and I have managed to score Global BC…not sure how as the sat receiver still shows a red dot meaning it does NOT have a signal.

I don’t pretend to understand it, but earlier today I managed to say hola to Carlos, the installer, and he tells me he has read the install manual on line, and is ready to assist again. What a guy…and his prices gave Roman a heart attack!! Uh…$250 pesos vs $2500…duh!!

So I need to figure out how to get the second line into the condo and Carlos is aware of the 2nd satellite and we find that and we are all set!! And then we move it all to Mojon!! Ja ja ja

Quiet day for fotos.

Here are 3 “smiles” from Max.

And our Corona bar…La Palapa de Panchon.

I found no translation for Panchon and previously Daniel told me that some of the names are just that, names chosen by the owners.

Ok…you are caught up.

Our mañana? Back to our routine…el gimnasio and see what else happens. There is a problem with the pool again, no yellow tape but it was sucio and low on water. We cannot wait for Mojon!!

Probably head there on viernes and then we have our NFL fin de semana!!


Marco, Bexico y Max

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