miercoles, el 18 de enero de 2012

755pm here in Huatulco and after many attempts, I have connected with Global BC!! Hello 6pm aka 8pm news!!

And how was our day? Awoke to no internet (3rd time), but it was back in a few hours.

As for the rest of the day? It can be summed up as mas o menos…plus and minus. I will be honest and share with you that I was VERY sad for a short time. Seeing mi hijo in sooo much discomfort (we think due to his vacuna), that it brought tears to my eyes.

Positive news? We attempted everything we know to try and comfort him. And after exhausting all our efforts, we decided that it was time for the Infants Tylenol. All approved by our midwives and RJ, we gave him the minimum dose and within minutes he was lights out.

Now that freaked me out for a minute….wow did it work fast. But we have been keeping an extra attentive eye on him and the fact that he was exhausted from a crappy night of sleep, we feel fine that he was asleep so fast. Phew…rough day for all 3 of us!!!

We know he will be FINE…but what a new feeling….we have never felt so helpless in taking care of our lil’hombre. Ahhhh parenthood.

So why the crappy sleep last night? Same old, same old…sore tummy that started at 4am and kept up until 8am.

I had the 6-8am shift and here are some fotos of Max in the currently preferred tummy soothing position….semi-upright. You can tell by the look on his face, he is not thrilled.

Everyone we talk to says that as long as he poops, he is ok and that this colico should be gone in the next few weeks. Here’s hoping!!

So due to the fact that everyone had poor sleep, we delayed our trip to IMSS and Max’s vacuna. Instead of leaving at 830am, hello 1130am!! Ja ja ja

And before we left, Max grabbed a cat nap.

That is Max's sock monkey Pudge, not to be confused with Bono the Mono

Here are the IMSS trip fotos....a 15 minute walk down Blvd Chahue.

As we were loading Max into the stroller...we saw Camo Cat

Again with testing the 5 point harness?

So how was our IMSS experience? The hardest part is that we don’t know the system. We went to IMSS and the same door we were at last time, and instead of one person waiting, we see 20 plus peeps and there is no receptionist or info desk.

So we waited patiently and then went to ask what looked like a receptionist at another door. She told us to wait until our door opened, and then give the nurse our cartilla…Max’s health passport.

So Bex did that and an hour later, it was our turn. But in between we were the centre of attention. Ok, maybe not us, but at least Max was!! Ja ja ja

Peeps love to see him…are amazed at seeing a white baby in person…and then loving his hair color and eyes. We had a chat with one senora and she reached out to hold Max, and for the first time ever, I passed him over. He was a-ok and I think the Mexican lady appreciated it, as did all the people watching.

And how about the time “behind” the door?

Well first off, this is the state of Max when his name was called.

After answering some questions, and getting some friendly help by the nurse’s assistant (she seemed to understand our Spanglish), one quick jab in Max’s meaty (ja ja ja) thigh, the shot was in and he was AWAKE!! One minute of crying and then he was asleep again. What a trooper!!

So how was he for the rest of the day? No real naps in the afternoon, and he did have some alberca time with me…and then it all started at around 5pm. He just could not be consoled. Happy to report that he fell asleep around 6pm and is sound asleep…and breathing normally!! Phew.

Here is the movie star headed out to pool time with his padre.

Thanks to Melon for the ultra cool gafas del sol.

More vacuna? I did not know that Mexico gives shots for Coronaitis? It is optional at his next appointment of 4 months, where he will get 4 more shots and then be caught up to both BC and Mexican standards.

Misc tidbits from the day.

This ARTICLE from the Vancouver Sun.

It does not make the murder ok, but all you kids…drugs are bad news.

And what is this we saw on Global News? A gangster shot dead in a downtown restaurant?

The unconfirmed first words of español spoken when I was a niño? Chili con carne…and I had some para la cena.

At the gym, Jhaneht (?) asked for my help when this elderly hombre came in and only spoke ingles. He was looking for the whey powder that Galdino sometimes has for sale.

Jhanehtayuda, the ol’hombre just walked out. Ja ja ja

I then pointed to the big rolls of TP that are stored in the display case (I don’t know why) and said to Jhanhet that the hombre was actually looking for papal hyjenico and she laughed.

Misc fotos from two countries.

Snow in Victoria BC….foto courtesy mi padre.

And from Cabo San Lucas…Melon and his boys on the playa. Where is el sol?

I am sure they are NOT missing work nor the bad weather up Norte.

As for the rest of our shortened day, I had a quick workout and then came home. Bexico spent her day with Max and at 845pm, has retired upstairs to her oficina where she will drum up some more clients and projects!!

Here are the fotos from my walk around town.

Stu? Is that you?

Elder thinks this will be finished by lunes. Dreamer!!

But true to Mexican fashion, he is not complaining about losing 99% of his business.

This family is setting up some fresh veggies to sell. I also see the "ropes" of garlic.

This translates into "the boots with legs"....huh?

Dos senoritas and their sombrilla.

The hangman?

I wonder how you say checkmate in español? One of these hombres works at the parts counter in the background.

Another one? This hombre even has window tint for sale in his right hand. In his left (izquierda) mano? Windshield wipers and steering wheel covers.

Mañana? Depending on how Max is doing, we are off to Mojon. That and our usual routine.

Roman? He popped by today and grabbed 50% of the shower door bill as a down payment and is hoping to have two FZ job quotes by tomorrow. Remember, it is Mexico and mañana does not mean tomorrow, but any day after today!! Ja ja ja


Marco, Bexico y Max

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