lunes, el 16 de enero de 2012

Buenos noches all!!! 615pm and Max is getting a hose down after a day where he managed to dirty 2 bed covers AND a shirt and pair of his padres shorts!!

My own fault as I knew he was priming for a 9.9 tremor and I did not have a blanket under him. Oh well.

So bath time, he gets a massage (oh madre!!) and then spends 30 minutes plus being woooowed to sleep and Bexico has been great at that.

9pm and we managed to get the Global BC signal and 6pm news….brrrr is all I can say. Snow and temperatures dropping while we are at 30 degrees inside and out!! Lo siento my chilly amigos!!

La cena was great and now we chill for a while before gearing up for another day!!

As for the rest of the day, max was up at 5am…clockwork I tell you…and had a rough 530am-8am. Madre took over and I hit the hay until 10am. I have NO issue being up from 5am-8am…it just sucks that the rest of my day starts at 10am!!

Puttered around the condo and hit the road at noon for el gimnasio. There I had a good workout and reconnected with the young hombre whom I had assisted on sábado.

I did my workout and spent some time showing him exercises and even talked diet with him. He is a bean pole so it wasn’t about less tortillas y queso, but more proteins!! As I left, I asked his name and I swear it is Ulysses…but will confirm mañana.

Fotos from the walk.

There are several mobile businesses that you will always know are close by. The gas truck has a recording that sounds like a cow and then a recorded message. The camion de basura has an hombre that clangs on the metal.

This hombre, the sharpener, has a specific whistle that he blows.

An abuela y nieta.

A madre and her dos niños under the sombrilla, on the way home from escuela.

Just some street shots from my usual walk to el gimnasio.

The clima.

And the mailman...cartero? He is delivering to a casa where the local Mary Kay make up rep lives. car parked out front!!

Paleta hombre.

And a chorty.

Ah yes…the Corona bar.

Atoron…”of explained” is all I could find on line.

Headed home through town and ended up chatting with Daniel and his esposa for quite a while. It was agreed that we will all go for dinner this viernes and I confirmed that it was out treat. Here that is called “yo invito”…I invite…thus I will pay.

Daniel’s wife is timido due to the fact she speaks no ingles, but I assured her we will do our best with español and Daniel is great at translating.

Bex and I are grateful for all the help Daniel has provided, and a nice dinner for him and his family is our way of saying gracias.

Came home and Bexico managed some alberca time before I threw on Max’s cammo gafas de sol, given to us by mi amigo Melon, and took him downstairs for a fashion show!! The peeps that matter, loved the look!! Foto next time.

It was warmer so he managed to stay in longer…we still keep him out of the sun and that is one reason he gets chilly.

We all came upstairs and due to Max needing some madre time, I was off to Che sólo. No big scores there…unless you call Polish sausage a score.

Seems to be a Coke shortage, the shelves were bare!! But I managed to find a secret display and scored on some DC before heading home.

Misc emails…

Had an hola from Cabo…Melon and his familia are there and he was lamenting about how bad, and expensive, the internet service was!! Ja ja ja

Email and video chat with mis padres. Padre has already picked up the clutch fan…AND been to DHL to confirm the deets!! What a padre!! Hope to have the fan in the next 2 weeks!!

Received the shower door quote from Roman…and $110 US has been approved by the landlords, so we are good to go. Probably will be installed in a week or so.

LBJ...I owe you an email...mañana...maybe!!

Misc tid bit….

We were at Mojon a few days ago and as we were leaving, we saw the same elderly hombre walking the 2km back to the highway. We offered him a “hang on” and he grabbed our roof rack, jumped on our side bars and we drove him to the highway. His name…Pedro. Good to meet some more locals.

Bexico asked me where the 49’er in San Francisco 49’ers came from. I did not know….but now we all do.

From Wikipedia:

The name "49ers" comes from the name given to the gold prospectors who arrived in Northern California around 1849 during the California Gold Rush

Ok…you are caught up. Wait!!! Max fotos?

Sometime between 8am-10am, I was napping and madre got an exhausted Max to nap as well. Whatever it takes, including moving his change table onto the couch!!

And sometime between 10am and media día, Max was mesmerized by the mobile in his lil'conejito.

Our mañana? El gimnasio and then Mojon!!

Stay warm and dry mis amigos del Norte!!

Bubba, Bexico y Max

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