Wednesday November 23, 2011

Buenos noches mis amigos. Happy Wednesday to all of you.

8pm and the house is quiet as Max and Bexico are taking their naps. Max had a full day and needed a little swaddling to keep him calm. But it worked and he is in la la land.

Our day?

What had two arteries and one vein?

Ugh…this is where Max’s umbilical stump was this morning…until it decided to stick to his bath blanket. We knew it would happen some time…but still a little dramatic for our taste!! Ja ja ja

Moving on….the plan was to go to Sears downtown and get Max’s foto taken for the passport. But…when I called them, their computer was broken and could we come after 2pm. Nope…we are on a deadline so we went to Sears in a mall in North Van and that was another experience.

It was nice that so many people wanted to see Max as we walked through the store, but I CANNOT believe the lady at the photo shop does NOT know what is accepted and what isn’t accepted in a passport foto for newborns. And does Sears provide them with any training material? Nope. And was the foto ready in 15 minutes as we were told? Nope.

And when I went to the passport office to confirm whether the foto would be accepted, was it? Nope. The problem…you are not allowed to see Bex’s hands holding Max’s head up. Duh!!!

So mañana we are headed to another foto shop and this guy confirmed he will take the foto of Max from above…with Max laying on the floor. Good news? The shop is in the same building as the passport office so we will take the finished product upstairs and confirm it is acceptable. And then while I go to the gym, Bex and Max will go to the Sears downtown and get our $$ back!!

And yes…I have already written a letter to Sears. Peeps do not get better if they do not get the feedback.

I had a great workout and printed off a few more fotos to be included with our Christmas cards.

Pit stop at Stupid Store…stocking up on some goods so we can be gracious hosts for RJ, Rolly y Liz.
They land mañana at 6pm and we will meet them at the airport so they can meet their new grandson and then we will grab some dinner before calling it a night. I am sure they will be pooped as they will be 3 hours ahead of Van time.

Misc items done today…called Amex to find out why my new chip enabled card is causing me soooo many headaches. Their answer? The chip is soooo new that the machines out there are not up to snuff. Should all be fixed by 2015 I was told. Huh?

But the BC Government has it right…the only place the chip works is at the BC Liquor Store!!

Touched base with Erik at Romer’s…next Monday it looks like there are possibly 20 peeps popping in to say hola and meet Max. Fun shin dig.

New tire update…Mike at Nissan has passed me on to their tire guy and Richard MAY have found a tire for me!! Will find out mañana and if they are the correct size and the type I want, I will buy them, get the alignment done and save some time when driving through Oregon. Tough to find summer’ish tires in late November!!

Bexico finished a project and heard back from the client, who loved her work. This could lead to some steady work once we are back home. Good news!!

More fotos?

This is one of Max’s relaxation poses.

He is staring at a painting that hangs above the couch. I guess niños at this age can only really see contrasts…and it mesmerizes him.

Who can resist fotos of a sleeping Max?

And while I was out, madre Bexico took to the camera and grabbed these shots.

Busy few weeks coming up. I am headed out on December 8…two weeks mañana. Time has sure flown. Wow.

830pm…dinner is on and the Canucks are leading Colorado 2-0!!

Misc news…good to hear that Senor Ricardo has made it safe and sound in Huatulco, after almost a full month on the road. Two of them drove their motorbikes from Portland all the way to Huatulco with some great pit stops. Looking forward to the fotos!!

Last foto of the day.

Max and my new forearm tat…the eagle is the “hecho en Mexico” (made in Mexico). Ja ja ja

Have a great Thursday all. Have a safe flight RJ, Rolly y Liz.

Marco, Bexico y Max

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