Monday November 28, 2011

Howdy all….late update for Monday November 28, 2011

Had a great day…long but fun.

Why does the passport office advertise express service if it is not available? Due to the fact that Bex y Max are not flying out in 3 days…and due to the fact it is Max’s first passport, the earliest we can get his passport is December 12. Yikes…they are flying on the 14th…cutting it kinda close.

Good thing we went down on Monday. Well actually Bex y Max went while I was at TD talking mutual funds and investing with Lucia…a great help. She is good at what she does and as she was out fotocopying my drivers license…the branch manager even came in to say hola and see if there was anything she could assist with. I said “global economy” and she said she would try.

Lucia said there was a cold going around the branch..wash my hands before touching Max. I mention the cold to her manager and she tells me she hasn’t had a cold or the flu…in 24 years!! Wow.

Hit the gym and Bexico y Max took a walk. They met me in the gym and we showed off Max to a few more of his MANY admirers!!

Came home and spent some time polishing the headlight lens…wow does this stuff work!!!

double click here:

And then replaced the light bulbs too…and what a difference when we went out last night. Due to the time of year…it will be darker later into the morning and earlier at night…so good to have this all done before I hit the road.

So Max the gas man has been struggling and we are trying everything we have read and been told by friends, the internet and our midwives. Poor guy isn’t always getting the best sleep…so he fell asleep around 330pm…and we had to wake him to get him bathed and ready for our shin dig.

The good news? He slept through most of the night, even with 15 peeps chatting it up and wanting to see the lil’hombre.

As for Romer's and our shin dig?

It was great food and service and we were happy to see as many people as managed to come out. What we thought would be 2 hours max (get it…max?) turned into 3.5 hours as we were having a great time catching up with our amigos.

And to top it off…JR and the team at Romer's picked up our tab!! Mucho grassy ass amigos.

Kirsty, new mom extraordinaire, told us about her hijo having gas and she used Ovol and it worked wonders. Hello 24 hour Shoppers Drug Mart on the way home!! Seems to work for Max…less red faces from grunting. Lol

You might recall Kirsty was the one who set us onto saran wrapping the nipples. Ja ja ja

Here is Kirsty, Max y Bexico.

A big thank you for all that managed to show up as well as to those that gave us cards or a gift for Max!!

Home around 10pm and I was pooped. I hit the sack at 11pm…up at 530am for relief duty as Max just couldn’t get back to sleep after his 4am feeding.

That, mis amigos, was our Monday. Come back son to read about our exciting Tuesday.


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