Friday November 4, 2011...Max's birthday

Howdy from post-c section room #1!! It is 420pm on Friday November 4, 2011 and NO…we did not have a c-section (as of yet).

Niño is going to be early and there is “no room in the Inn” so this is the room they put us in.

The story? Came home from Melon’s and did what we do. Around 4am the contractions started and were anywhere from 15 to 30 minutes apart.

So I slept (lol) and all morning and into early afternoon Bexico did her breathing and stretching etc. Changes were happening so made a few calls to the midwives and after some consulting, the decision was to come in for an assessment.

We brought our bags because who knows if we were headed home or not…parked at 230pm, checked in at 245pm, moved the truck at 3pm due to parking restrictions that start at 3pm and by 315pm we found out Bexico was already 6cm dilated!!!

The Arnold tradition of having their niños early continues!!

So it is now 5pm, the mid wife and our nurse are setting up the room and in between contractions, I am typing away.

Mis padres were headed over today anyway, wanting to be prepared, and they called around 2pm to tell us they were headed to the ferries. At 330pm I called and let them know the status and now we are all excited!!

Wow…what a night!!! It is now 930am on Saturday November 5 and we are the PROUD parents of our 8lb 4oz hijo (son), Max Pieter. He was born at 920pm last night and here is the story.

I last typed at 5pm and from then until 8pm, it was all about a drug free, 100% natural labour. Bexico did great…no swearing and perfect breathing. I didn’t even get to try the gas!! Ja ja ja

8pm adios to the water and we knew we were in the last stage. And then the excitement started. Lil’Bubba’s heart rate was dropping every time Bexico pushed, and then it would come back up slowly and slightly lower.

She tried some different positions and then the decision was made for the “consult”. The nurse and midwife call in the troops and within 1 minute, 4 more peeps arrived and start checking both Bex and niño out.

Different heart monitor (more accurate…but screwed into the head…doph) showed the same issue. The team was GREAT!! They told us what they were doing each step and asked for permission on things that were not critical.

After 15 minutes of observing, the Chief OB made the call that niño was not coming out on his own and was in some mild distress. Essentially he was holding his breath every time Bexico pushed.

Options? Forceps or emergency c-section. Off we were bundled to OR and as they prepped Bexico, I waited in scrubs and then sent off a few texts to mis padres who were in the waiting room.

I was gowned up and then sat next to Bexico’s head in the OR. The crazy meds she gave her made her hands and arms shake like she was freezing cold, but she was a-ok.

She too commented that everyone had been great to her and talking her through the complete procedures. No chance for forceps (phew) as niño decided to hibernate for a while longer and was making his way back up. So….c-section.

The team of 10-12 peeps told us we were about to have our niño…in 5 minutes!! All that hard work was not for waste as the 6 hours of natural birth was great for niño to learn how to breathe on his own etc.

Over the night, shifts came and went and everyone we met commented on how great Bexico did, and what a team her and I were. There were comments that peeps who were done for the day, were disappointed that they would miss the event!!

Quick interruption….10am and Bexico has been able to breastfeed (ya ya ya…too much information) and believe it or not….Max is in his hospital bassinette…FAST asleep!!

Back to last night.

So the OR team does there deal and we hear some crying and we are told we have a big boy with light red’ish brown hair.

Niño is given to the paediatrician right away. I had stressed to everyone that it was very important to us that niño has naked baby time…chest to chest on madre asap and that can be difficult after a c-section, but they made it happen after 1 minute.

Niño was given a clean bill of health...he is perfect...with touch of SNL Conehead due to all the attempts in getting out!!

We stayed with niño on Bexico’s chest for 15 minutes while they finished up her c-section and the little rascal said thank you to the OR team by pooping not once…but twice!! Ja ja ja

And what was the 911? Pretty serious to have the cord wrapped around the neck not once, but twice. We feel good that our Doc in Huatulco can catch these things, but it sure felt nice to have the team at St Paul's do their thing.

So Bexico had done EVERYTHING right for 9 months, the labour was perfect from 4am until 9pm and then a small hic-cup (phew) from 9-935pm and here we are.

Update….this kid likes to sneeze!! Just had 3 in a row and those were number 50, 51 and 52!!

We had some names picked but settled (very easily), on Max Pieter and then Bexico went to recovery for at least an hour and a half, and niño and I paraded down the hall for our naked baby time.

We passed the waiting room and surprised mis padres with my arrival and Max rolling down under the heater.

We all headed to our room and the 4 of us waited for Bexico who arrived around midnight or so. Mis padres stayed for a short time and headed back to their hotel. Us? Hello diaper duty and then our first night (early morning) of lack of sleep patrol!!

I had 3 hours in the fold out chair while Bexico dozed on and off with niño. Then it has been awake time with some cat naps for Bexico, some eats for Max and now the two of them are doing their best at catching some zzzzz’s. Thrilled that Max is a-ok by himself…positive news for the future?

Ya, ya…new padre. That sleep alone thing lasted 25 minutes but once on Bexico’s chest, they both fell asleep….fingers crossed.

What’s on today’s menu? Yummy Eggo waffles…lol.

Sleep, eat and poop my friends…sleep, eat and poop.

Tons of congrats emails…thank you all.

Might have a few visitors today and we might be headed home Sunday evening or Monday morning.

Off to try and get some zzzz’s myself. Not sure if there will be a blog update today…if not, talk to you all soon!!

Marco, Bexico y Max

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