Tuesday November 22, 2011

Happy martes to all. A great day…crazy rain and howling wind…but a great day.

Max slept 1am-6am and at 730am when he let out a wail, it was funny to see everyone was already up and in Max mode.

I was headed out at 930am, but it was great to cook breakfast for mis padres and then just relax for awhile while madre took care of the gas man….Max!! Ja ja ja

I guess after I left they all chatted for a while and then hit the road for the 3pm ferry back to The Rock, also known as Vancouver Island. They are coming back to visit day while I am up at Whistler, but it dawned on all of us that this might have been the last time I see them in person before I head back to Mexico.

So they might come over one day early, or stay one day later, and if not…there is always the iChat.

5pm and Bexico has hit the hay for some zzzz as she spent the day with wide eyed Max….maybe the 5 hours straight of sleep wasn’t the best thing for him? Ja ja ja

Max? He is here on the couch with me…the man of many noises. Between hiccups, his Darth Vader breathing (on occasion) and rippies like someone else in the family (hello Bono), he is a one man band!!

OMG…oh my god for those out of the loop…he is trying to sleep through his hiccups!! Go giver Max. Taken only seconds ago…asleep and now without the hiccups!!

My day? Off to London Drugs to get some fotos printed for RJ and a few for our Christmas cards…and I found out they do NOT take passport fotos of newborns. Huh? Good thing I asked. They suggested Sears and Bexico has confirmed Sears will do it…phew.

And are we ready to go to the passport office?

Well I picked this up today and after a foto and a Declaration from a Guarantor…we are ready to hit the oficina!! Phew….Max can come home with Bex…would have been awkward leaving him behind. KIDDING!!

In between el gimnasio and the post office? Hello Mirella and her tattoo studio. It is still under bandages, but stay tuned. She also touched up the very first tat I had done, one she did for me in probably 1991 or so…and it looks good as new.

Funny story? I am sitting in the tat chair with my glasses off when I see an IDENTICAL truck like ours drive down the street. I asked Mirella to pause and ran out to see if it was ours being stolen. No glasses to see the plate, so I ran to where I parked ours...and phew. Made the heart jump.

And that mis amigos, was our day. Dinner in a few hours and mañana it will be off to el gimnasio, Sears and at 1pm I am hoping to have a visit from Sr Lower. Why hoping? He works for BC Hydro and after last night’s storm, which knocked the power out for 75,000 peeps, he might be working.

6pm UPDATE...no visit from Stuart due to the storms. We will try again!!

No more fotos today…more mañana!!

UPDATE...here are a few fotos mi padre took before I left for the day.

We call this one the "Max pose"

And this is our family

Have a great miercoles.


Marco, Bexico y Max

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