Tuesday November 8, 2011

Hello everyone.

Today was to be Max's due date but like most Arnold niños, he was early!!

A great day…but we are pooped!! Not hating…by ANY means…just stating.

I now know why TS has gone to the gym so much. His goal was to be able to carry his daughter until she didn’t want to be carried anymore. Three days in and my lower back is killing me!! Ja ja ja

It was a stay home day…except for the walk I had to the store to buy Miss Bexico some Vicks Vaporub for her poor cold. We were going to take Max and all go, but the guy has been eating up a storm and also had some nasal congestion of his own.

Two phone calls to the midwives today. Vicks ok for Bex and Max? Max’s congestion…use the bulb to clear it out? Come December it will be hello Dr Carillo y el internet!!

Other then that...Max has been eating up a storm and was a bit (hee x4) fussy today. Instead of going straight to sleep after eating, he was wide awake and just wanted to be held. Of course...of course we accommodated his request. Hello!! Have you seen how cute he is?

Misc info.

The gripe water has worked well on Max’s hiccups!!

Both Bexico and I have been blasted by Max’s fire hose. Must remember the pee-pee teepees!!

A GREAT ah-ha from Kirsty (thanks amiga). After applying the lanolin…saran wrap the boobs!! Bexico has been saved by saran wrap!!

Managed 7 hours of zzzz last night. Thrilled!!

Snip snip next week.

Ear test follow up next week.

I think we have a home appointment with the m-w mañana.

Added Max’s name to the airline ticket back to Mexico. He is no longer listed as Miss Baby Vanderleeden!!

My great grandfather van der Leeden (Dutch spelling) has 3 kids. One of the kids was my Opa (grandfather). My Opa’s brother was Kees who in turn had 3 kids. One of those kids is Han. Han has 5 kids, one being Kevin who lives in Springfield Massachuetts. Kevin has 2 kids and one is Max…might be 19 years old now.

So…what is the relationship between the 2 Max Vanderleedens? Correct answer wins a prize.

Here is a great clip from the USA Today:

Authorities say a surprise search at an Acapulco prison has netted two peacocks, 100 fighting cocks, 19 prostitutes and two sacks filled with marijuana.
Police in the Mexican resort city also found dozens of televisions, several bottles of alcohol and knives.
Guerrero state spokesman Arturo Martinez says federal and state police searched the prison before dawn Monday.
Martinez didn’t say how the women, birds and the other banned objects got into the prison. He referred to the peacocks as “pets.”
The story does not mention if this is where the hit and run Canadian is staying. But if it is…he could have done much worse!!

Don't forget mañana is Mira's 6th birthday!!  Feliz Cumpleaños!!

Great news!! Mi hermana is confirmed to visit with her daughter. The whole family will be together for a great dinner and to see Max!!
RJ finally got to see her newest grandchild via a Skype!! They will be visiting at the end of the month.

Ok…the photos!!

This one is EXTRA special as the blanket belongs to Nicole!!

Some foot prints.

The background is the quilt from abuela/oma. I like the heel on the right foot. It shows the blood from his blood test. Nice.

Can you say "cutest onsie in Huatulco"?

Some fotos from my walk to the store.

Snow on Grouse Mountain. Heck...I hear Cypress Bowl opened today?

It is mucho frío here.

Ocho grados.

Oh Canada…

And last but not least….King of the rippies.

Have a great Wednesday.

Marco, Bexico y Max

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