Friday November 25, 2011

Some updates from Thursday….

Craziest part of the day? Bexico y Max went to Sears downtown trying to get the $$ back for the crappy passport fotos and at first they were going to deny her. With some added pressure, the cashier caved in and then in front of Bex, called the North Vancouver Sears and gave the foto lady there a piece of her mind!! Why? For the crappy foto and for making her give a refund on the shoddy work done in North Van. Bizarre!!

Toughest part of the day? No, not the 100 km/hr winds and torrential downpour. But it was the passport foto!!

The foto guy tried for 15 plus minutes as Max lay on a clean towel on the floor. But max wasn’t having any part of it. Eyes closed, face looking away, hands up etc. So we took a leche break and tried again 30 minutes later.

It took another 15 minutes (and $30…the fussy baby price) but we had one shot that might work…not his best portrait!! We took it upstairs to the passport oficina and the gal there said it should work!! Phew.

So….off to MS on Saturday to get mi amigo to sign as the passport application and then on Monday the three of us will go back to the oficna and get this process started. I think for $70 we can get a one day express service!!

The rest of Thursday is a bit (heex4)of a blur, but we did get to YVR to meet the Arnolds, we did have a great dinner at Earls in Richmond (I did not even get lost) and we did manage to get them to their hotel as well.

Dinner was good and the waiter made me howl when I asked to borrow a pen and he gave me a Milestone’s pen!! I am being haunted by MS even after all these years away!! Ja ja ja

The rest of Thursday’s fotos.

Max will appreciate these a few years down the road. Here are his so cute feet. The ones with his toes curled in such a crazy manner…are from him trying to pass gas.

The red face and the crying was not fun, but seeing those little toes curl when he tried to fart…that was hilarious!!

Max and madre…burping.

Max y padre…sleeping.

First Nations art at YVR

Bexico y Max…con Timmys!!

Max inside the sling

And here is Max y abuela RJ and also with tiá Liz

Bexico y Max

Ok…1110am and the family has arrived…time for me to go to the gym!! Ja ja ja The two are not related!!

Not sure of the plan…it is a beautifully sunny day so we might take the group up Grouse Mountain. Stay tuned.


Buenos noches!! 915pm and we are back from a GREAT dinner at Kit’s Boathouse.

Mi amigo Hanif set us up with a great table while the food and service was wonderful. Mucho gracias!!

Our Friday? Full day and we are pooped…but not Max as we think he slept for most of the day. Oh oh. Ja ja ja

First things first…a big thanks to Bex’s sister in Australia, who sent Max a nice swim outfit. And today when I came out to the living room to say hola to the Arnolds, it looked like Christmas had occurred. Another big thanks to Rolly, RJ y Liz for the great haul on the loot!! Some great stuff for Max…hello roof rack!! Ja ja ja

The Arnold clan made it from Richmond to North Van and then we took them to Lonsdale where we grabbed the Seabus to downtown. I hit the gym and they headed first to Costco (hello to 4 years worth of taco spice!!! Why can I not find this in Mexico?)

I met them at Starbucks and the three of us headed back over to North Van via the Seabus, and they decided to see what Black Friday had in store for the mall.

We chilled at home…short nap for Bex and then shortly after everyone returned (and the obligatory cup of tea), we loaded up and headed to Kits.

Not sure of the plans for mañana. Looks like everyone might hit up Lonsdale Quay while Max and I hang back and then at 3pm I am headed out to meet Melon to get the passport stuff signed. Oh yeah…AND I am taking the board in to get tuned up for the big trip to Whistler!!

Dinner? Looks like it might be the tax-free Keg at Park Royal!!

10pm…back from Max’s first bath with mum!!

A few fotos from today.

Max getting some vitamin D.

And like his padre…kicking the blankets off. Too hot!!

The Rolly series. Rolly is Bexico’s padre and Max’s abuelo/grandpa.

And did Max relax in abuelo’s arms?

And from a few days ago….sleeping Max.

Hope you have un buen fin de semana...a great weekend.

Marco, Bexico y Max

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