Thursday November 10, 2011

Every day is different!!!

I had the 530am jolt out of bed…I felt I had slept too long and needed to relieve my partner.

Max has been fussier after eating and Bexico too had the same issue during the early morning. We fed him and tagged off. He slept on and off and then it was back to eating time. The lil’guy is hungry!!

1030am….why am I bogging now? Because I was headed out with a long list of to-dos…and the truck won’t start. Argh. Better here then Boonies Mexico. So as I wait for the tow truck…hoping it is a battery issue only…I type out a few lines.

Good news? Both Bexico and her much older partner (me) have been cleared for life insurance…we are rated “standard” even though we are living in the scary (booooooo) country of Mexico!! Good news.

Melon has postponed his visit until mañana…he has a night alone with Stacey and those are rare he says.

Our super friendly m-w should be here in 20 minutes or so. Thought I was going to miss her…lucky us!!

Ok…will let you know how the day turns out.

Hasta luego!!

Hola!! 7pm and here we go…at least for a short time.

Good news on the camioneta. It did cost $50 to get it jumped, but when I took it to mi amigo at Nissan, it was only the battery, not the alternator or other parts. It had been on my to-do list to get a new battery before hitting the road…I was just a few days late!!

Just off the phone with the Donald Trump of the Vanderleedens. Congrats to mi hermano…just bought a house ON the water in Gibsons. Friggin Bruno Gerussi!!

So while I was at the garage, Bexico dealt with the mid wife visit and learned a few burping techniques. This could come in handy as it might be why Max has been fussy. More good news? At 6 days old, Max should be gaining back 30 grams of weight a day and since his last visit on Monday, he has gained 70 grams a day!! Football player!! He is robust and very healthy!! His cold is practically gone too. Phew.

After Nissan I headed to Staples to fotocopy some stuff…including my passport so Bexico has this when she flies with the consent letter y Max.

Had a so-so workout…pooped mis amigos…pooped. Oh well, still good to get out and about…work out the ol’bones.

Dropped off thank you cards at the mid wives office and the hospital and actually managed to see one of the nurses that had helped us during our stay. She remembered us and loved the fotos of Max.

Then it was off to Stupid Store. Loaded up on a few more easy to cook dinners for the next few days. And? Picked up a DVD to go with one I bought ayer. Now we have BOTH Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer and Frosty the Snowman. The originals…no re-makes with Jim Carrey!! Had to buy them…think we will find them in Huatulco? Ja ja ja

Just back from our dinner break. It is 845pm and we have tucked Bexico in for another zzzz and I came back to the couch to see one well fed Max just lying there wide eyed and staring at the ceiling.

850pm and the little man is now awake…wish me luck!!

Ok…5 minutes of boo hoo, followed by 30 minutes of lap time and he is out again!!  

Spent the afternoon catching up and seeing the rest of my family. And while Bexico and Max were sleeping, I actually managed to have an iChat with mis padres…showing them lil’Max asleep in my lap. Ahhh technology!!

A day of Remembrance tomorrow…no gym. Hope the rain holds off and we can get the 3 of us out of the condo again. And tomorrow night we get a visit from Melon. Long drive to meet Max…mucho appreciated.


These two were taken by madre Bex.

Great photographer...and subject!!

In this next foto, look at the reflection in Max’s eyes. This is a blurry one taken by me as I was trying to calm Max down, and he was starring into the dimmed lights above the dining table.

This is one of our calming techniques….not sure why it works.

Two more.

And look at these clompers!!

Going to be a swimmer with fins like those!!

Mañana don’t forget to have your moment of Remembrance.


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