domingo, el 3 de julio de 2011

Howdy all.

On a personal note…I was never that eager “last night before the new school year” kid. Me? I dreaded going back to school. Not enough $$ (or time) to spend on the ol'leather couch figuring out why. Ja ja ja

Why the insight? Intensivo clase de español starts in the morning. I LOVE being able to travel and speak foreign languages…I just struggle with the rules. No ah-ha there…ja ja ja.

Oh well…not hating (maybe a little?), just stating. Para las proximos dos semanas (for the next two weeks), we have clase lunes, miercoles y viernes from 9-12pm and on martes y jueves, it is only 9-11am as we meet from 1-2pm at a restaurante to eat la comida y practico conversación. The primero 30 minutos is en español with a local residente, and then we speak ingles for the last 30…helping the local with their ingles.

So off to bed early and up temprano as well.

Our day? Lazy domingo for me. Web browsing, some tv, some alberca time and a quick walk for cebollo y pan. Oh…did I mention siesta? I must have been tired from last nights Nascar.

Internet feed de anoche turned crappy so I went to watch the last half of the race at Pucks. Place was empty and the bartender did not understand the race…but I had a good catch up with one of the owners, Randy.

Great ending to the race, but I agree with Junior…the need for two car drafting is not my favorite.

The one foto for the day is 9 years old.

Yours truly (with the beer guy) at the Daytona 400 (same race as anoche) back in 2002. Svenner, thanks again for the tickets…and Melon…you are welcome for the c.w.!! ja ja ja

Bexico was busy as usual…she did seem to enjoy the hash I made for desayunos and the chili para la cena!!

And when not in the pool, she was hard at work on the many projects she has on the go. I love the monkey animation and cannot wait to share it with you all once it is completed.

So mañana it will be ejercicio despues de clase. Haven’t been to Mojon for a while…must have some good weather first. Today was cloudy in the am (after a night of rain) and then we had some sunny breaks this afternoon when we hit the alberca.

To all our American amigos...have a great 4th of July!!

Hasta mañana amigos.

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