miercoles, el 29 de junio de 2011

Buenos noches amigos.

Feast or famine lately…and after 30 fotos ayer, hoy you have two. Doph.

But first our day.

Great news for Bexico on the technical issue she was having. She worked hard at it and came up with a work around to get the problem solved. Who new she was a techie?

As well, she finished the Paris project, finished the Vancouver project and is currently working on the monkey animation and finishing two logos which would then complete her 4th contract. She is waiting (again) to hear from the Israeli client and has good news from her Vancouver client…he has more work for her!! Felicidades.

So her day was all about ejercicio, work and a run to Che.

My day was all about el gimnasio and Che. No walk through town as the weather changed around 1130am and it has essentially been a down pour since then. No alberca time again…and are we losing our tan? Ja ja ja

All the excitement regarding the pot hole paving has come to an abrupt end.

They completed an area 2x5 metros…and nothing else!! Ja ja ja

El gimnasio was good, not too many peeps as the rain kept them away.

Here was the clima above the montaña at 11am. Thirty minutes later…downpour.

Bolted home and spent the afternoon browsing the web and catching up. Had another credit card issue but after calling TD Bank and changing my contact number, I received a phone call from the East Coast of the USA and my order has been placed. Still waiting to see if the manual Nike.co order gets placed.

On the way to Che we stopped to check out movies. Huge line up but we only saw a bunch of animated ones and could not wait to see if they were en ingles. Proxima semana…next week!!

Off to correo de poste…no book for Bexico. In think it has been 3 months…adios libro!! We are 6 out of 7 on items mailed here.

Then popped into Elektra where both salesmen looked at us with straight faces and told us again, that the w/d on the floor has been sold for the past 3 weeks, just not picked up yet.

BS…but what can we do? Welcome to Mexico…ja ja ja. We actually have 5 months until we need the w/d…lots of time...still hoping to have it all completed before we leave in September.

Che was Che...picked up some more cheddar…they are almost out!!
La cena will be cerdo lomo and mañana looks like burritos.

Came home, Bexico went back to work and I spent the rest of the afternoon on iTunes…time for some new musica para el gimnasio!!

8pm…dinner is almost ready.

Mañana? Weather dependent…looks like a stay at home afternoon. Oh well…9 months of great weather and three a mixed bag. We’ll take it.

9pm…lluvia has started up again but more great news for Bexico…another unsolicited request for her to interview for a contract!!

That’s all folks.

Hasta luego.

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