lunes, el 27 de junio de 2011

Buenos tardes amigo.

530pm and I have spent the afternoon browsing the noticia (news) websites while it was pouring rain outside. The rain has now stopped and while I await my ensalada, it is a perfect time to start the update.

Here is what the montaña looked like today.

It started out overcast but the skies let loose while I was in the gym. A wet walk home, but the ol’zip lock bag kept the camera dry.

Lluvia means no walk through town, nor alberca time. Good thing Bexico has lots of work…5 clients on the go!! She did pick up the 5th client today, a twist on a drawing of some characters that she created for the same client. Due on miercoles…this guy is always on a short timeline.

And then she was given rave reviews for the “interview” she completed for another client. She had to send in some samples as well as answer some questions regarding ability to complete required work for the client. She sailed through it and will hear back soon!!

Bexico still has the dream of working at Pixar, and is currently getting more work experience by living here and completing many different types of projects, vs the sit in a studio doing the same type of work day in and day out. We will see where it all leads…Bexico working on Toy Story 5?

Heading out and asked Silverio if he was watching today’s partido (match). He did not know what I was talking about and now I know why. It is Woman’s World Cup…I guess there is less interest?

Hector said the rain would hold off until late afternoon…I said una de la tarde (1pm). Guess who was right!! Ja ja ja

I had a great time at the gym…but poor Rosa. She has her arm in a sling and it is extremely swollen and tender. She is going to a doctor, is on medicine, but I cannot understand if she actually knows what is wrong with it.

Lunes at el gimnasio also mean updating her about my weekend. She laughed at the fact I was spending so much time browsing online for ropa para niños.

Running home, stopped to give Daniel one of Bexico’s remaining All Bran bars. He thanked me as it was pouring rain, and then went back to work. Ugh.

No foto because of the lluvia, but for the first time ever, I saw a private company (working for Fonatur) actually filling potholes with asphalt!!

Not many, but here are the rest of today’s limited amount of fotos.

The view looking down Carrizal.

Those are Condo Pacifico on the left and if you walked 5 minutes down Carrizal, you would come to the zocalo y centro of La Crucecita.

Here are the same Policia Municipal.

With the shotgun always at the ready.

Fonatur bus.

And look at these two fotos and see what a little lluvia will do for the flora.

I asked Rosa about these hombres.

They are tradesmen who are available for day labour. Rosa says they are very skilled, fast and economico!!

The wheelbarrow pushing dulce (sweets) hombre.

Not sure what he did during the downpour.

And who knew?

Here in Huatulco, a perro walker.

615pm…ensaladas are finished and this entry is almost too.

Esta noche…la cena en una hora…hamurguesa lunes!! Might watch a DVD or get deeply immersed in the español review I have been postponing.

Mañana? No special plans. Pronóstico del tiempo (weather forecast) is for a wet week, so we play our Mojon plans by ojo (eye) and what we see when we wake up.

830pm...time for more pie. The results? Outstanding pie!! How do you say pie in español? Google says "pastel"...Rosa say pie is pie!! Ja ja ja.

Hasta luego.

Marco y Bexico

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