sábado, el 13 de diciembre de 2014

If you can start the blog update with a smile...hello!!

Buenos tardes!! Lots of fotos to follow...read on.

Currently 4pm and the "social" familia is out at a fiesta, a birthday party for a 3 year old. They will be home at 530pm in time for pollo muslo sábado for Mom and Dad and a quesadilla para Max.

The día? A good bedtime...hola hola to 820pm!! A good noche and a 605am wake up.

Onto the usual morning rutinas, but the lil'man was wired today and it took a lot of my patience to keep him focused on desayunos and not hurting himself in the Palacio.

But we managed to finish breakfast, clean up and watch a video...phew. 

The plan for the morning was to have an adventura and The Boys jumped into the camioneta verde and were off to La Bocana.

We had lots of fun and Max burned off a ton of energy. Good thing we had lots of agua as it was a hot morning!!

Home a little later then planned, but Max had some leche, a libro with madre and after 10 minutos with Poppa and another 10 with madre, he was lights out!!

A good siesta and up at 115pm. Max was off to cook with Bex and then after his comida they did some casa clean up and then headed out to the fiesta.

Me? El gimnasio and I paid up my membership for the next 3 months, the last time I buy a 3 month membership. Yikes...when this one is up, I will only have 5 more weeks here before starting the drive back to BC!!

Post gym, I was off to Jessic Importaciones where I dropped $690 pesos on a load of fuegos artificiales!! Six Roman candles, a chico 12 rocket launcher, a 100 rocket launcher and for the end of the night...the 300 rocket launcher. Yahoo!!

Home for some tranquilo time and just a little clean up, and now some blog updating with a Crown close by!!

Onto the fotos!!

Oh yes, Max was thrilled to kick off the Crocs and hit the playa.

Cirque de Coco!!

Poppa, Poppa....look!!

Followed by "what kind of creature is that?".

Max thought better of using the madera on "a living thing".

And then he became reflective about what he was experiencing.

I think he was racing his shadow...who seemed to always be one step ahead of him!!

Check out this collection of facial expressions.

Pit stop.

I could have left the bag of toys at home, and just brought the $50 peso camion de carga!! The dude loves that thing!!

Poppa, what are you doing up there?

Hombres looking for fish.

Palomas looking for fish.

Max...not looking for fish.

Whacking a rock with a stick.

Oh yes, it was hot!! Poppa is happy to see the lil'man's chinos return!!

Near la bocana, the river mouth.

Hey Max, you still seem to have lots of energy...how about you catch a turkey buzzard for your Poppa?

The ol'sneak up on the bird trick.

It does not take much to set up a palapa.

Bex is working on a tarjeta de Navidad, Christmas card, and needed some fotos of Max on a white background. He was a well behaved niño (hello...pre-video), and here are those fotos.

Ok, all caught up. Some tranquilo time and then onto prep the muslo pollo para la cena.

Back at you post tina time.

Hasta pronto.

Buenos noches!! Hey, did I mention that for 15 minutos last night, I had to actually wear a short sleeve shirt? Brrrrrrr!!

Max had a great time at the fiesta and scored on some good loot from the loot bag and the piñata tambien!! Lots of niños for Max to chase!!

Home at 5pm and after some iPad time, we had a good dinner...once Max realized he was staying in his high chair until madre y padre were done eating their cena.

And once we were done, he went into a panale and then ate the rest of his dinner. Wacky!!

Clean up and then off for a familia prowl and at 7pm, tina time is under way.

Soon...leche y bedtime and hoping for another 820pm lights out...stay tuned!!

Mañana? I think Bex is headed out for another round on the paddle board and other then our regular rutinas....hola hola to NFL domingo!!

Have a great Sunday y hasta mañana.

Marco, Bexico y Max

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