domingo, el 21 de diciembre de 2014

Pit stop outside the oficina de dentista.

Buenos tardes. And where did this día go? Currently 220pm and Bex is taking care of Max and his biz and will shortly be out the door, headed to playa Chahue. Hola hola to some NFL domingo for Poppa!!

A fairly tranquilo domingo so far...but I still have my tos and Bex has a chest cold. The only healthy one is the lil'man.

Bex took Max watch last night and had the 545am pee break, but then Max had to go again at 7am.

When Max finally said it was time to go, he was being carried bare butt into the baño and did not quite make it. Hello golden shower on madre!!

I had just woken up and walked into this fun and promptly took over Max watch as Bex showered up,  regular water this time, and then hit the sack for some more zzzzz's.

Usual rutinas for The Boys and today was another huevos revueltos kinda día. After breakfast, clean up and the letters O, P and Q, The Boys were headed out for a bici tour.

Pit stop to pick up the tarjetas de Navidad, and this time they printed them horizontal, cutting off some of the arbols. These peeps are whacked.

Then off to grab some fruta para mañana and drop off a few tarjetas tambien. And possibly a few minutos after we left, Bex popped in to buy some fruta as well, and was pleasantly surprised to see Max's card hung by the cash register.

We headed home for a dip in the CP alberca and Bex joined us for a few minutos before heading up. We followed shortly and then we were on to leche y libros and a great siesta for the lil'man.

Asleep by 1150am and I stirred him at 130pm and between 130pm and 145pm, he lazed in bed, closing his eyes for a short cat less then 5 times!!

He woke up in a good mood...phew...and then was off to cook a huevo with his madre before the tow of them sat in the Palacio and ate their comida.

And then for the next 45 minutos Max pretty much jumped, ran and skipped around the casa. The lil'dude is wired!! Bex...buen suerte this afternoon!!

Ok, onto the fotos.

A pre-tour climb.

A quickie pose.

Someone is headed to a fiesta.

Big crowds at the iglesia. The señora in the wheel chair is Antonio's madre and we gave her a card. She wanted to give Max an abrazo but the chair scared him off.

Poses outside the iglesia.

Señor Max scoping out the goings on in the iglesia. He really enjoys the musica...but is the only one that dances to it.

Hola hola to Polly.

And her nariz, nose.

Cough, cough, hack, hack. Welcome to my afternoon.

Back at you post tina time.

Hasta pronto.

Buenos noches!!

Another warm night here in Huatulco. This is from last night...

I can tell you it wasn't 25,0 grados...more like 30,0. But the 89% humido feels bang on. diciembre? I thought this was our month of taking a serious break from the humido....doph.

Oh...30,0 grados with 89% humidity "feels like" 45, 7pm!!!

Anywho...I hear Bex giving Max the "no water in the boca" chat for the 763rd time. Oh Max.

The familia had a good time out and about and were home in time for some tranquilo time before we got into leftovers domingo. Muy raro that we have left overs, but it was time to clean out the fridge. Adios to the salmon, the quesadillas and the chuletas de cerdo!!

Mañana? Hola hola to some chorizo y pollo in a spicy tomato sauce!! That will be a 2 day meal and then on Christmas Eve, post playa Mojon, we have a 6pm reservation at Cafe Juanita for a familia dinner out. Score!!

Post cena tonight, we had a familia prowl and saw a ton of peeps in town. The next 2 weeks will be busy around here!!

Tina time and in a few minutos we will be off to bedtime and tonight with no drilling come from our neighbor, we will shave at least 20 minutos off the bedtime we had last night.

The NFL games I watched today were so-so...looking forward to the Hawks game tonight.

All caught up...have a great noche y hasta mañana.

Marco, Bexico y Max

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