jueves, el 4 de diciembre de 2014

One of 3 smiles from the lil'man from atop a tractor trailer in the industrial section.

Buenos noches!! Not hating...just stating...I am pooped today!! And maybe having Max tell me (30 times) that he did not want to be on the post cena prowl with his Poppa, just his Momma, might have been the capper!!

So...going to keep this brief, show you lots of fun fotos and then go try and get mi hijo to fall asleep before having to call his madre in at 845pm...like we did last night. Yikes!!

A good day over all. Kept Max out of the pool as we tried to alleviate his cough. It worked...until siesta time...of course.

Usual noche and 620am wake up...but we found madre on the couch as she had been ill for most of the night. Yikes. And it wasn't until dinner time that she looked like she had regained her energy.

I put the lil'man down for siesta, Bex grabbed a cat nap and when Max was up, I was off to el gimnasio.

Post gym it was tranquilo time until it was time to cook dinner.

The familia had their lunch and then headed out on their bicis for a tour. Home at 5pm with some non-functioning arbol de Navidad luces...doph. They worked when they were bought, but might have been broken on the bici ride.

No crisis...another $40 pesos and The Boys picked some up tonight!!

Bex needing a little break, The Boys took the pleasant prowl together, like it or not!!

And at 735pm, it is time for leche y libros and please oh please...a short bedtime!!

Onto the fotos.

Max has found some sombra while waiting for his Poppa to get his butt in gear!!

Ojo ojo...Ciao Ciao was spotted!!

Fonatur has replaced 4 tapas on calle Carrizal, new model...rectangles vs circles. Here, the inspector is back at work checking them out.

It was Fonatur tape, not a homicide!!

Looking for sombra, we headed off to the industrial section of town.

Pit stop to say hola hola to our mecanico amigo Raphael, and then on to point out a huge Corona, which en ingles means crown.

All I heard was the excited voice of mi hijo screaming out "look Poppa, look".

Oh, you really want to see Max excited?

The other 2 smiles.

I think this is why Fonatur went to concrete tapas...the metal ones were being stolen.

Off to Oxxo and it was going to only be a pit stop to buy a Coca Light, but Max being the creature of habit that he is, wanted to have a sit for galleta y agua.

Hmmmm...these look like good treats for me.


Off the cat food and onto the dog food. Oh Max!!

Max is really into looking at words and saying the letters. Today he spelled out Telmex, recognized it and said the word out loud!!

Here he is looking at some words on a display case.

Along the canal, a perfect stretch of sidewalk for us. In the sombra and long enough for Max to safely zoom zoom ahead.

And then zoom zoom back to his Poppa.

With un regalo...una hoja.

First...we test how deep the agua is.

And after finding out it is safe, we zoom zoom!!

Post siesta...how to keep the lil'man from being a crusty bear? Hola hola to some Photo Booth time!!

Oh oh...busted by madre!!

Mañana? Soriana viernes and we also need to drop off the camioneta verde to Pablo at 9am'ish.

A late update?

Rough bedtime as the lil'man did not want his Poppa...he loves and misses his Momma. Yikes. A lil'rock calmed him down and he was lights out by 825pm.

Heard coming out of Max's boca today?

"No matter what I do to you, I will always love you"....foreshadowing the bedtime?

And earlier in the day...

"So I said to myself....". Hilarious as he must have heard that coming out of his Poppa's boca.

Have a great Friday y hasta mañana.

Marco, Bexico y Max

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