jueves, el 11 de diciembre de 2014

Oh yes...una sonrisa!! ¿Por que? Hola hola to a flat tire!!

Buenos tardes and it is only 14 días until Navidad!! Yahoo!! This is the first year that Max has an understanding of what is happening in 2 weeks, but he is playing it cool'ish.

He loves the arbol de Navidad and the luces tambien, but hasn't quite figured out Santa and the deer will be dropping off some regalos. Oh, that will come...especially after mañana when we buy some galletas for the jolly one and his sidekicks!!

Ok, onto the día. A great bedtime, but let's skip the noche....yikes. Waaaaaay too many wake ups and the 530am Smoochie Monster tried to smooth it over.

The wackiest part of the noche? Max had a bad dream at 1030pm, he was really upset. And as I was soothing him, the alarm clock powered off and started flashing 12:00.

You might have read about our ghost amigo...we think he is back.

Once we were awake, ok, once I was awake, we were onto our normal morning rutinas and that included the desayunos in the Palacio and then out and about for our bici tour.

The only issue on the tour? Max is frightened of barking perros. Huh? This started with Bex a few days ago and today was the first day I experienced it. We drove past a casa with perros in the fenced in yard and previously Max and I would talk about why dogs bark, and today he went hysterical.

I pulled him off his bici and into my arms and we walked away. It took 5 minutos of distraction but finally all was well. Poor kid...who likes barking perros?

Max's tos is slowly getting better, so we decided to have a long over due swim in the CP alberca and all Max and I can say is "brrrrrrr"....or maybe "shrinkage"!! Ja ja ja

A 24,0 grado noche meant a cold pool, so we spent 15 minutos in it and then got out to warm up the lil'man.

Upstairs for leche y libros and then at 1125am sharp it was time for siesta. Lights out in 20 minutos and due to the crappy sleep Bubba had, I too got in on the siesta action.

Awake at 1245pm and into Poppa's arms at 1246pm and we were asleep again at 1247pm...score!!

So much for 115pm wake up...hola hola to 130pm!!

Max was off to cook with his madre and I was off to el gimnasio. I pit stopped into Coppel and Che on the way home, looking for some juguetes de Navidad for Max. Gotta say...not much in this small town.

You want quality, not much selection and what they carry is expensive. You want el cheapo, both quality and price, go to the tiendas de importaciones.

I did find some more Hotwheel carros, and something that looks like THIS. Gonna touch base with the co-pilot and if she agrees, I will race back mañana...because they only have one...of course!!

On the way home I spotted mi familia so I did a quick turn and park, and they caught up to me on madre's bici.

Max's first question..."what are you doing in THIS truck Poppa?". I love the conversations we are having and yes, the 100's of questions we get daily.

They were off to Tic Toc and will be back by 530pm for Bubba Burger jueves.

I came home for a quick clean up as most of it was already done for me...gracias!!

Some blogging, some tranquilo time and now...onto the fotos!!

Well hello darlings.

I love el sol on my face.

Ahhhhhhh...blinded by el sol. Oh yes, Señor Dramatico!!

Spotted in the CP jungla.

Bici wash to rid it of yesterday's playa Mojon dirt, and off we went.

Pit stop in the zocalo to climb "my tree" as Max calls it.

Señor Tonto, silly, under a ledge.

Sussing out the rampa.

Running it through his mind.

And then doing it!!

Flat tire smile #2.

And snarl #1. Yikes.

Ok, back at you post tina time.

Hasta pronto.

Buenos noches!! Another noche in diciembre and another noche of very loud fuegos artificiales going off...right at Max's bed time. Doph!!

As for the rest of the día...Max had fun at Tic Toc...hola hola to his amigo Raul!! Home for some leche and then pretty much straight into la cena.

A full plateful, some yogurt, a video, clean up and then The Boys went out for a post cena prowl. The zocalo was full of peeps as there was a high school putting on a show.

Young men and women in traditional Mexican peasant outfits, doing a dance. Max LOVED watching, loved dancing and was very good at applauding when need be!!

As we headed home, the nightly Virgen de Guadalupe defile, parade, was going by...hola hola to some loud fireworks!!

Home for tina time, play time, business time and now it is bedtime. Buen suerte!!

Mañana? Soriana viernes!!

Hasta mañana.

Marco, Bexico y Max

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