lunes, el 8 de diciembre de 2014

A two pack from Max y Bex's trip to The Cluuuub!!

Buenos tardes!! Currently 330pm and Bubba has taken another day off from el gimnasio. A rough noche, more on that later, and I was feeling poorly this morning, so I am hoping today is the last day of feeling enfermo. Por favor!!

As for the rest of the familia...we are all tired. 

Due to his tos, Max had a rough bedtime and had to be rocked to sleep. And after a few hours he was awake and hacking away. Bex was out with her amiga and all I could do is hold Max upright, with his head on my shoulder, and rock him back to sleep.

His coughing seemed to disappear once he fell asleep, so that was the goal...sleep.

By 1130pm I had not had any sleep yet and I was on the bed with Max in my arms, both of us pretty much sitting straight up.

Bex returned and took over Max watch and the two of them were up several times during the noche and up for good around 6am.

Due to the coughing coming from The Palacio, I too was soon up and took over Max watch while Bex grabbed some more shut eye.

Usual rutina for The Boys...we actually climbed back onto the bed and had some video time while Poppa too caught a cat nap.

Into The Palacio for the rest of the morning, and even though he feels like crap and is coughing like crazy, there was no complaining, just the comment "I do not feel well". 

A good desayunos and then out the door we went....hola hola to a bici tour.

Off to see madre who was hanging out with her group of gallinas, all the mothers feeling tired because all of their niños are sick as well. Doph.

Then it as off to see Pablo...we dropped off the truck on Friday morning and since Friday 1pm they have done nothing to it....and I am supposed to pick it up at 6pm?

Any who...6pm is dinner time for us, so I told him we would be back mañana a la mañana...tomorrow morning.

Max was losing steam and on our way to SCA he had his meltdown. He was not listening to me and that meant I needed him off his bici and then the tears flowed.

I think the quote was "I like banging and running into people"....oh the logic of a 3 year old.

Into SCA and they are not used to seeing him blubber like this...lots of wide eyed peeps. We grabbed our huevos and headed home, Max walking his bici.

He promptly trips, #145 for the month, and more tears. I now have the camera, the mochilla, the bici, the huevos, the casco and the Coca Light (hello!!) and I ask Max to be careful and just watch where he walks.

We get home and madre helps out, but it took a long hug and a sit in Poppa's lap before Max finally calmed down. He was hysterical.

Leche, meds and off to bed. Bex managed to get him to fall asleep, but he was awake 15 minutos later and The Niño Whisperer went in and worked his magic.

The Boys had a great siesta, in each other's arms and propped up on the pillows.

The sleep did Max well, from an energy point of view, and he made some soup with Bex before sitting down to eat his comida and watch some Curious George. 

Enfermo? Sí. ˙Hambre? Yo that!! Lots of soup and bagel!!

Some play time and then the familia headed out...not sure if it is to Tic Toc or some tranquilo time at playa Chahue. I do know they are stopping in at the clinica next to Dr Simi to have someone check out Max's throat and listen to his chest.

We are not worried about the regular colds niños get, but this cough is possibly the worst one he has ever had and it is in his lungs and now the nose boogers have arrived. We just want to make sure we are doing everything we can to get him healthy again.

And why the clinica? Bex has called Doc Vicky twice but we have not heard back. At least with this visit, we can see if they agree with what we have been doing so far...liquidos, rest, and some jarabe.

With the familia out...I have some clean up time, some blog time and then some tranquilo time!!

Onto the fotos!!

Having rolled up on the gang, it appears to be a stare down.

Naaaah...typical situation where peeps are so intrigued when they see the lil'güero.

Señor Muy Curio.

Has spotted a perro.

The tos has sapped Max of his umph.

But he had enough left in him to kick the flat tires!!

Someone has spotted something else that seems to be exciting.

Look Poppa!!

Nothing runs like a Deere!!

Max has a John Deere 4x4 juguete and he recognizes the marca.

Ahhhhh....John Deere.

Busy scoping out the goings on in Pablo's taller, shop.

Agua pit stop.

All was tranquilo until a Señora made a comment about the güero...and then she was given the evil ojo!!

Lots of pit stops. A low energy día for Max is probably a high energy día for most niños.

From the crappy Sony DSC madre like Max!!

Full sprint off the slide.

Well hola hola mi amiga.

Max "Jacques Cousteau" Van gearing up.


Maybe, probably, the only niño wearing gafas while going down the slide.

Making amigos is not an issue for Max.

Time for a break.

A lil'margarita.

Huh? Self serve? Where is that darn mesero?

I like that limonada.

I really really like that limonada.

Bar tricks to impress the ladies.

Seems to have worked.

Post alberca...some playa time.

Good batch of fotos eh?

Off for some tranquilo time.

Back at you post tina time.

Hasta pronto.

Buenos noches!! The familia returned from Tic Toc at 445pm and had struck out twice at the clinica. Coming and going to the Palacio, there was no doctora. Huh?

So once they were home, Bex called Dr Carillo and was given a 730pm cita...too late for us. How about now, ahorra? Bex asked twice and was told sí off The Boys went.

Bex was headed to buy some fruta y verdura and The Boys would zoom zoom to Doc Carillo's with Max on his bici.

But when we got cita ahorra...only at 730pm. What the F? So The Boys went to another clinica next to another Dr Simi...and we were served by the doctora who is usually at the original clinica where today there was no doctora. Claro?

Any who...we were right in and at $30 pesos vs $500...score. Max is soooo well behaved in doctor's oficinas...phew. He has a cold and another infected throat. Back onto another set of meds.

We stopped off at Farmapronto and after $460 pesos, we were loaded up.

Home for la cena and after some issues about the lil'man being "wired" during la cena, he did some business and calmed down. He even ate all of his cena!!

No prowl for the pooped padres...hola hola to the Hangover video!!

We have spaced out the meds so his lil'belly will be able to handle them, and we are hoping for a better noche!!

Currently 7pm and tina time is already under way!! Yahoo!! word from Telmex yet. Looks like I will have to call or make my way back to the oficina. Nice....not!!

Mañ call #1 with a recruiter who will keep his ojos open for some career opportunities for yours truly. Stay tuned!!

Ok, have a great martes y hasta mañana.

Marco, Bexico y Max

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