martes, el 30 de diciembre de 2014

Buenos tardes and let's start off with a Maxo Waxo 2 pack of fotos.

More success from the 3rd floor landing fotos!!

All good here in Huatulco. Not much new...the bed time experiment knocked 10 minutos off bed time from the night before. Ugh.

A good noche but due to a 10pm pee break, the lil'man was up at 6am ready to go again.

Bubba had the best sleep in maybe 3 years, 1 month and 25 days!! I was up at 730am'ish and took over Max watch so madre could go out for her paddle.

Usual rutinas for The Boys and then we were out the door. A quick prowl to SCA for huevos and to see if they had any salsa moreno, gravy. No gravy, scored on the eggs.

Back to the camioneta verde and we were off to Fonatur and then Che. Wow...I will say it again...this town is hopping. We have not seen it this busy before!!

And Che was no different. Happy to get in and out and we managed to grab everything on our list. With our cart full, we found a caja ready for us, and a packer (niña) who knows Max, so that was where we went.

Max went goofy and fell on his bum...into a puddle. Later, I asked him why he was being so tonto, silly, and his answer was "to make the girls laugh". Oh mi coqueto!!

Home to unload, change gear and go down for a familia swim in the CP alberca. Due to some unwanted rough play with his madre, Bex was gone after two "I am sorry" from her hijo. Too late mi chico amigo.

The Boys played a while longer and then were upstairs for the 4th leche bottle of the día!!

Siesta time followed libros, and Poppa jumped in on some of that action. I was awake at 130pm and Bex came in to wake up her lil'man.

They were off to cooking, eating comida and some casa cleaning, and are now out with Max's amigo, Kyler. The families are off to the iguanario at the Copalita and will be home at 530pm para la cena.

My afternoon included a walk to el gimnasio, a good work out and then home to say adios to mi familia. Some casa clean up, finish watching Global News from the past 2 noches and now I type away.

Our día so far...onto the fotos.

The rest of the 3rd floor landing fotos.

Due to the type of día we had, those are all the fotos from today. But...we have some from ayer!!

Somewhere close by, there is a lil'nino.

And here he is, with his madre, throwing flores into the arbol.

Madre, do you see that one?

The one waaaaaaay up there?

Thanks madre!!

Uno, dos, tres...

And on a día when I am light on fotos...time to check out what Bex has been up to with the crappy Sony DSC W730.

At Tik Tok, Max is ready to mix up a batch of margaritas.

And from another day, a trip to the zocalo to chase burbujas, bubbles with an amiga.

And then grab a choque from an amigo we have known for probably just under 3 years.

And from another day...the Max in the sand series. With his camion favorito of course.

Excuse are on my playa.

Madre...need a little help here!!

Artistic Bex at work.

And we move onto un otra día. Note Max's wet trampolina time!!

These might be Max's first selfies!!

And creative Max taking a foto of him and his madre's shadow.

And his madre tambien.

Phew...lots of fotos. These are from ayer, with Max's amigo at his casa in Cosmos. Madre always does a great packing job and here is a display of both Max's and Kyler's juguetes.

A near drowning...Kyler is trying to give Max an underwater abrazo, hug, pulling him under the water. Everyone survived, with some wide open ojos when he came up for aire. Yikes.

But he bounced right back!!

Some time with his madre.

And then the bromance started. This is the same niño who once (a long time ago) pushed Max hard enough to shock him and make him cry. He did apologize and now The Boys seem to be best amigos.

Time to go, time for an abrazo.

Not only did they trade toys for the noche, I am told Kyler had a cry when Max left....triste that his best amigo was leaving.

Ok, you are all caught up...and the familia has returned from very adventurous afternoon!! Lots of fun and stories I am told.

So, let me go cook la cena and see if I can get some fotos downloaded and then uploaded.

Back at you post tina time.

Hasta pronto.

Buenos noches!!

Tina time is up, Max has grabbed his leche out of the fridge and he is about to be panaled up and then it will be off to libros and bed time.

The familia had a great time this afternoon...and here are the fotos.

Dos amigos....not including Kylers sleep buddy Fraidy Cat Conejo.

And then they were off and running.

And running.

It was NOT a competition, but it was evident one niño felt waaaay more comfortable with the iguanas. Guess who?

Flea ridden cachorros are always a treat for niños!!

Onto tres amigos.

Max...into the chicks!!

Now that was a ton of fotos for una día? Sí?

The familia was back at 5pm, Max sporting a few new scrapes from another fall. Oh Max.

But he was muy feliz and then sat down to watch a few new episodes of Word World.

Onto la cena and he cleared another plateful. Low on verdura and we are going to work on that!! We also work on the fact that he no longer sits to eat his dinner...he says he has business and then comes into the "feed station" and then scurries off to his "private area" which happens to be 3 feet away.


Onto clean up of the casa and his butt, and then we were out the door to check on the fair. Tight on time, so we took the bici and essentially chased Max there.

They were kinda open, so Bex paid the $20 pesos and Max was off for a ride in a firetruck...and what a huge sonrisa, smile!!

Only time for one ride, and he understood that, so we will come back later this week after having an early cena and getting to the rides temprano as well.

Keeping the rutinas is key, so in bed by 730pm'ish (other then NYE) is key for us.

Zoom zoom home and that has been a very full day.

Have a safe NYE y hasta mañana.

Marco, Bexico y Max

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